Thursday, October 6, 2016

First Ultrasound.

Hi Little Baby!

We have waited for today for so long. I was so nervous last night, I couldn't sleep. I listened to a few hymns to keep me calm and was eventually able to fall asleep. (Be Still, My Soul, Nearer my God to Thee, Abide with Me etc...)

This morning before going to the doctor, Bryan and I said a little prayer together. We prayed for strength and peace and even though I was nervous, I think I had help because I definitely could have been worse ha.


We got to see you today!!! I was so so so nervous. My heart rate was high and the nurse was so sweet to me because she knew I was anxious.

After taking my vitals and stuff, I got Bryan and went into the room. I've been in these rooms so many times and I have had so many emotions in those offices. Today was especially intense though, very similar to the first time we went to the fertility center.

The doctor came in, I had never met him before, but he was super nice. He didn't talk a lot before doing the ultrasound, I think he knew how anxious we were.

He found the baby right away and pointed out the little flicker of your heartbeat and I immediately started crying. Your sweet dad was sitting next to me and grabbed my hand. I had been feeling super good the last day or two so I was nervous something had gone wrong, but there you were. The doctor was sweet and gave us a minute to just sit and watch. Then he started walking us through everything and where everything was. It's funny because I've spent so much time trying to get pregnant and learning everything I can, I was pretty impressed with how much I already knew. He said everything was looking perfect.

Then, he zoomed in your heartbeat and let us listen, I lost it again. It was the sweetest sound I've ever heard. He said you sounded perfect and right where you should be. Everything was in the normal range, size, heart rate, yolk sac, everything. I was so so grateful.

He printed out a bunch of pictures for us and then talked to us a little. He told us that as far as he could tell, we were a perfectly normal pregnant couple. Hearing that made me so incredibly happy. He also told us that at this point, he wanted to hand us off to a regular OB/GYN and said he was "graduating" us from the fertility center! I still can't believe it.

He left and I got dressed and Bryan and I hugged in the room and just had a moment to be happy together. Then we took a bunch of pictures of the three of us and already, they are my favorite pictures I've ever taken.

We got our final paperwork and instructions for our transition to our regular doctor and we were able to leave.

I know there may still be a long road ahead, but seeing that little heartbeat gave me so much courage to move forward and be excited about whatever may be coming our way. It's been such a long roller coaster of a journey and I know we are so lucky to have things working out this way.

Thank you for being so strong for me today, hearing your heartbeat was all I needed. I hope you know how much your dad and I love you. We have waited for you for SO long and we couldn't be more excited to share our lives together!

After leaving the doctor, I drove Bryan to work and before he got out, we said a prayer of thanks that everything went so well. I just feel so humbled and blessed right now. I'm so lucky to have Bryan as my partner and father to my kids. I'm so glad we get to be happy together and go through these things with each other. I don't know what I would do without him.

After dropping Bryan off, I called my OB/GYN and made my next appointment. We will get to see you again in a few weeks!

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