Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Thursday, November 23, 2017


A day to GIVE THANKS!!
A day to remember our freedoms! 
A day to have mercy on those not as fortunate!
To all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Turkey Day!!

Wishing all of my blogland friends a safe and filling Thanksgiving!!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Time is one of those things were if something bad is happening you cannot get to a good place fast enough and time seems to drag.
Time also goes so fast when things are going well or you are having fun.
Time seems to be an allusive thing for me.
One minute you have your time mapped out and in an instant of a blink you do not know where the time went!
Any one ever feel this way?
I remember as a kid not being able to wait to go swimming in the 7th grade as part of the gym requirement.
Wishing it would come faster--being in 5th grade and all.
I remember saying this to my dad who replied, "Don't wish your life away."
Being in the art business I have to think ahead so at this time I am painting Halloween and Thanksgiving.
I am trying to enjoy the heat of the summer and the chaos summer brings,
but that allusive time keeps speeding by!
I am hoping your time is not getting away from you as fast as it is for me!
Enjoy your day,

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Turkey Day!!

I want to wish all my blog-land friends a Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone enjoys time with family, time to eat, and time to reflect on all the great things in your life.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Giving Thanks!

I am still having 15% off on everything in my shop to include Thanksgiving items too!
This is for everything in the shop but excludes shipping. 
Type in CIJ2013 to redeem your coupon at check out.
It will be Pioneer Day here in Utah tomorrow and I have to give Thanks to my ancestors who left the United Kingdom and Europe to come to the USA. 
In reading some of the stories of the Pioneers I would not have made it through all the hardships they endured. 
This makes me Grateful and Thankful for AIR CONDITIONING, a refrigerator--even if the ice machine is not working at present, a soft bed....I think you get the picture! 
Not only should I be Thankful at Thanksgiving time but every day in between.  
My life is good even if some times I think will I survive "this"!? 
Here is hoping that I will be able to find Thanksgiving in my heart every day!!
I am Thankful to all of my good friends and family who support me locally and on the web.
Enjoy your day!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all of you a very safe and "stuffing" Thanksgiving!!
Enjoy your day!

Monday, November 12, 2012


This year I only did two local Holiday Craft shows and I am exhausted.
One year I did nine...shocking my husband did not leave me that year! 
 Quite a tolerant man to say the least.
It went well but it snowed pretty much the whole time.
When we went to pick it up on Saturday night we were driving I-15 and on the way up we saw seven accidents.  We drove thought rain, sleet, snow, white out conditions, sunshine(!), fog, then there was all the black ice. 
 True white knuckle driving. 
Since it was the first snow of the year it is like learning to drive all over again.  So needless to say the drive time was longer then the set up or the take down!
Made it home safe and the temp had dropped to the low 20's.  Just CRAZY weather!
We must have had the SNOW ANGEL watching over us!!
So I am back on line on Etsy and ready to only have to drive if need be.
Which will probably be for a diet Pepsi!!
This will be a busy next couple of weeks.  My daughter turns 16-so she needed a party.
Then my son turns 13 on Thanksgiving day.  My niece will be getting married on Saturday and moving out of state.  So we will be partying pretty heavily in these next two weeks.
Then it will be time to watch for SANTA!!
Enjoy your day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today is the day we Give Thanks here in the USA.  I am wishing everyone a safe, happy, and fabulous day!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I want to wish all my blogland friends a Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone enjoys time with family, time to eat, and time to reflect on all the great things in your life.