Showing posts with label sunflowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunflowers. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

January Flurries!

I have been busy PAINTING!
Custom Orders!  
And Painting Hearts 
Primitive Hearts
And More Hearts.
Right around the corner is Valentine's Day!

This wonderful creation was painted by a fabulous painter, Jenn, who had this great idea!
I LOVE how this looks!
She did a great job--four season toads!!
Thanks for sharing Jenn.
Wishing you all a warm day today.
Sad when 29 degrees feels warm.
Enjoy your day,

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Recap of June!!

  June was a crazy busy month here in our little piece of the world.
We stripped the shingles off the house and shored up all the "soft" spots.
This equaled five trips to the dump and one to the metal recycling plant. 
We got all the water proofing down on the roof just in time for a HUGE rain storm to hit! A down pour like this in a few minutes scares us desert dwellers.
We survived but many houses around us had flooding in their basements.
Let the shingle laying begin!
What a huge project.
In between all this my daughter graduated from High School. 
As you can see from all the cords around her neck she earned many awards.  She makes us proud.
With any project around here, there is always a Sunday you have to get on the roof with your Sunday best on to fix something on the roof....glad he did not do a header off the roof.  It was worth going to church after this!!

So in between all this madness there were birthdays, my niece's wedding, Father's Day, Scout Camp, out of town get the idea.  The list is long.
Yes, even had a couple of custom orders to do.
This is just one of them and I love how this turned out!!
Now do I dare hope that July might be any slower and a bit more relaxing?
I don't think so by looking at my calendar!
Hope you all are enjoying your summer at a slower pace!

Friday, June 29, 2012


I was the lucky winner of these wonderful sunflowers from Vicky of Vicky's Art Blog giveaway!
They are fabulous and so well made.  I love sunflowers and these will fit in great for this summer season and decorating.
She also sent a sweet little bottle of lotion and for us here in the desert we go through quite a bit of lotion!
Thank you so much Vicky!
Please visit her here!!
I was finally able to finish these sunflowers in the mist of our remodeling job.  It was good to have a theraputic moment during all this choas.  It just is not summer without sunflowers around. 
When we were driving through Kansas once I remember seeing fields of sunflowers and just thinking how wondeful and bright they were.  Since then I have loved these beautiful flowers.
Now back to the remodeling...Enjoy your day!