Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2012

So how is your summer going....

Apparently the first day of summer was yesterday and what was I doing...
Because my living room is under construction (we have to put in new windows, siding and now apparently a new wall)

I am now destined for yard work.
The kids and I have been weeding the flower beds, the garden, doing the mowing, watering the yard, and harvesting peas, beets and lettuce.
Did I say I was not made for yard work.  I love the look of a beautiful yard but my "black thumb" tends to kill off anything of beautiful.  Why does it not work on weeds!?!
My husband is more of the "yard man" but he is a bit busy.
So if we are not working on the house or in the yard I am taking my daughter out on the road.
She is learning to drive...did you notice the passenger in the car-that is me with my white hair!!
She is doing fairly well for a small kid driving a big mini-van and Ford Truck.
Then this is also the summer for working on Merit Badges.  My son has about 8 in the works at present.  Some of these take up to 3-4 months to complete so we are trying to be organized and stay on top of these to get them done.
He earned 9 at the last Court of Honor.  I am happy to see he is excited about Scouting!
Both of us are learning allot through the requirements for the Merit Badges.
I guess you are never to old to learn as I am still trying to reach the top of my ever growing learning curve!
I hope you all are enjoying your summer!

Friday, June 1, 2012

School is out today!?!

YIPEE for the kids!

But I am not sure how I feel!?! 
 I do enjoy the bit of no schedule but that can really throw me off.
Both my kids have a "bucket list" of things to do.
My daughter has places to go, movies to see, learning to drive, flower gardens to build-better her then me, etc.
My son has Merit Badges to earn, creations with Lego's to build, WWII books and Civil War books to read.  The list goes on and on!
Then there are the camps, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons and me sitting in the car.  I will be reading books and probably wishing they were back in school by the end of next week.
I will try to Enjoy and hopefully we can get lots done on their bucket lists!
Do I need wishes of good luck?