Monday, June 24, 2013

Wow, Summer is half over!

Hi everyone, it has been awhile, I don't know where time is going.  Since hubby retired we have been getting a lot of projects done- we got the house painted ....
 Hubby and kitty sit on the porch waiting for me everyday when I come home from work
 I have been working on a lot of holiday and fall items, shows will be here before you know it, these are some tree toppers made on paper mache cones.
 lots of little raggedies
 Arnie took a pottery class, as some of you know, he loves those ugly face jugs.  He is making a piggy bank
 His is the one with tusks, they still have to be fired and glazed
 Worked on some felt items this weekend, I love working with woolfelt and making pennyrugs
We are definitely in the middle of summer, temps in the high 90's, humitures -- in the 100's.  It is nice for drying dolls, you can put them outside in the sun and they are dry in 5 minutes or less.  I just keep my fingers crossed no dog comes in the yard and takes off with one.

Hoping everyone is enjoying their summer and you have a great weeik!


  1. we are having a hot summer also. the mr.'s pottery pigs are cute, as are your new creations. rain is forecast for us, and hope we do get it to help cool things off a bit.

  2. Yes, indeed the year is flying by and it is a scorcher.

    You have an awesome blog. :)

  3. Hi,

    Well, I love the fall and holidays so summer can't be over soon enough. Love all your works of art.

    Very artistic piggy bank, truly one of a kind.


  4. Hi girl! yes, the Summer is going way too quickly! Looks like you are keeping plenty busy. I haven't even started making Fall items yet....just too busy outside!
    Love the pigs!
    Have a great week.

  5. I have started to get ready for a November show too. Seems odd to sew snowmen when it is in the 80's! Love your creations as always - LOVE this drying weather! Your husband has a cool hobby! Have a creative week ~*~Lisa

  6. It's been steamy hot this week but I'm glad we're getting a few showers. I love your sweet dollies! Happy summer my friend!

  7. I am excited to have found your lovely blog. I found you through a comment that you left on a friend's blog and had to come visit and see what you stitched. Your dolls are delightful. I am very new at doll making. I made one back in the spring for my granddaughter's birthday, and now I've got to get one started for my other granddaughter; her birthday is a month away :) I'm going to try my hand at a topsy turvey.
    I am your newest follower and I would love to invite you over to visit and follow me back. I have met so many lovely and creative friends through blogging.
    Your newest blogging sister, Connie :)

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