Today marks the anniversary of one of the most devastating natural disasters in United States history, the landfall of Hurricane Katrina.

As of 5 a.m. EDT, Gustav was a strong tropical storm with maximum sustained winds of 65 mph. The AccuWeather.com Hurricane Centerreports the storm will strengthen into a hurricane today as it departs the mountainous island of Jamaica.
On the other hand, life isn't about the hardships that come your way, it's about how you react. McCain's campaign has shown itself to be pretty adept at responding to events, and I suspect they're planning right now how to maximize the opportunity that a hurricane convention presents.
Drudge has an undeveloped headline suggesting that the " GOP may delay start of convention because of Hurricane Gustav." How do they do that?
The fact remains, however, that three years after Katrina, this is a cruel reminder of W's disinterest, and government incompetence, surrounding that event.