Showing posts with label NBC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NBC. Show all posts

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Who is Fair and Balanced?

Surprise, surprise, surprise!
John McCain supporters who believe they haven't gotten a fair shake from the media during the Republican's candidacy against Barack Obama have a new study to point to. Comments made by sources, voters, reporters and anchors that aired on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts over the past two months reflected positively on Obama in 65 percent of cases, compared to 31 percent of cases with regards to McCain, according to the Center for Media and Public Affairs.

ABC's "World News" had more balance than NBC's "Nightly News" or the "CBS Evening News," the group said.

Who would have ever guessed it? Just like one of those studies that determines rich people will be hurt less by a bad economy, we have a new study on the media that reveals the obvious.

Meanwhile, the first half of Fox News Channel's "Special Report" with Brit Hume showed more balance than any of the network broadcasters, although it was dominated by negative evaluations of both campaigns. The center didn't evaluate programs on CNN or MSNBC.

"For whatever reason, the media are portraying Barack Obama as a better choice for president than John McCain," said Robert Lichter, a George Mason University professor and head of the center. "If you watch the evening news, you'd think you should vote for Obama."

Aha! Fox is the fair and balanced network!

ABC recorded 57 percent favorable comments toward the Democrats, and 42 percent positive for the Republicans. NBC had 56 percent positive for the Democrats, 16 percent for the Republicans. CBS had 73 percent positive (Obama), versus 31 percent (McCain).

Hume's telecast had 39 percent favorable comments for McCain and 28 percent positive for the Democratic ticket.

It was the second study in two weeks to remark upon negative coverage for the McCain-Palin ticket. The Project for Excellence in Journalism concluded last week that McCain's coverage has been overwhelmingly negative since the conventions ended, while Obama's has been more mixed.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Alphabet Lies

Why did Charlie Gibson kick off the national news last night with a story that included this phrase when you can see in the next post down that the most credible polls, the daily trackers, show the race to be down in the 2 to 5 point range?
"And while Barack Obama continues to hold double digit leads in most national polls..."
This blatant media deception pisses me off. On the Real Clear Politics collection of polls, the older 6 show Barack leading by an average of 8.33. The 7 current ones (dated yesterday) show an Obama lead of 5.14. Why the lies?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Power Play

Media bias has gotten so bad that now they're complaining about it within the biased media.

The liberal news channel MSNBC is taking Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews off as anchors of live political events in the wake of growing criticism of both commentators during the network's coverage of the conventions.

White House correspondent David Gregory will anchor the presidential race's remaining events such as the debates.

NBC News people, including veteran newsanchor Tom Brokaw have felt that MSNBC's overt liberalism is damaging to NBC's credibility as a member of the liberally biased mainstream media.

Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Gonna Be Joe

All indications are that Barack has selected Joe Biden to be his running mate. Andrea Mitchell said on Today this morning that things are busy at Biden's Delaware home where family is gathering, a scene not reproduced at the homes of others rumored to be under consideration.
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell reports that one of Biden’s sons was flown in a private plane from Maine to the Senator’s home in Delaware on Wednesday. Biden is “gathering the clan,” she said.
It could be a cover-up for a Game Changer announcement, but who could that be other than Hillary? Only the reverse, I suppose - someone so unknown that the media coverage is huge just to introduce the guy - someone like Texas Congressman Chet Edwards, who Nancy Pelosi was rumored to be pushing last month.

Reporters say it's business as usual for Hillary - no signs that she's narrowed the gulf with Barack and being considered for the second slot.
Here's what they hope Biden will fix - The New York Times/CBS News poll asks voters "Do you think the candidate is prepared for the job." 68% said yes to John McCain, yet only 44% said yes to Barack. More people, 49%, said no, Barack's not ready.
Biden's selection reveals that the Obama campaign now correctly views his candidacy as flawed - the other potential VP's would have been electoral college plays - attempts to swing specific states over to Barack. Biden is a generalized pick, one who shores up the candidate's weaknesses, but doesn't deliver any specific, electoral map, benefit.
80% of voters think McCain would be, at least, somewhat likely to be an effective Commander in Chief. Only 58% say the same about Barack.
Biden will protect Barack from accusations that he lacks experience - Biden has too much - and he would add international credibility, which Barack failed to solidify with his world tour.

He also offers protection against a game changer choice from McCain, such as
Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wright Poll Numbers

Readers of this blog have been hearing for some time that this election is not about John McCain - the race is Barack's to win or lose. That's due to the fact that the fundamentals of the election year so favor a Democrat. People want change - the question is, does Barack represent the change they want. Change can be scary.

Americans are also spending more time fixated on what an Obama administration would look like—a majority, 51%, said they focus more on what kind of president the Democratic senator from Illinois would be compared with 27% who said they focused on what kind of president McCain would be.
If the campaign is about Barack, why isn't he doing better? People want change - the question is, does Barack represent the change they want. Change can be scary. A new poll from NBC/Wall Street Journal clarifies the fear that Barack may not live up to his slogan - Change You Can Believe In.
...the Arizona Republican senator has an 11-percentage-point advantage over Obama when voters were asked which candidate’s background and set of values they identify with more—58% said that candidate was McCain, while 47% said Obama. In contrast, 34% said McCain does not represent their values, while 43% said Obama does not.
Who do voters feel comfortable with?
McCain also came out ahead, 46%-41%, when voters were asked who would be the “safer choice” for president.

These humps for Barack are Jerermiah Wright humps. They'll become more problematic in the fall when the Obamafia becomes better known.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Barack's Support Continues to Slip

There are more negative signs for Barack in the latest numbers.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows Barack Obama attracting 42% of the vote while John McCain earns 41%.
The one point lead for Barack is an improvement - it was tied yesterday. But,
That’s the lowest level of support measured for Obama since he clinched the Democratic Presidential nomination on June 3. Obama’s support peaked at 48% with data released on June 8, 9, and 10. During that same time frame, McCain’s support has remained steady in the 40% to 42% range (he’s had just one day a point below that range and two days a point above it).

Is this all Barack will be able to muster - a glass ceiling?

When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 46% and McCain 45%. With leaners, Obama reached 50% support in mid-June and was at 48% or 49% every day from June 13 until July 10. Since then, he has reached the 48% level just once while polling consistently at 46% or 47% (see recent daily results). Tracking Polls are released at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time each day.

So, Barack's downward trend continues - his campaign remains essentially stalled since Reverend Wright first appeared in mid-March. I continue to believe that the media is failing to see, or report, a huge structural problem for Barack. It just may be that he can't do any better than this - that he is unacceptable to most Americans. His drops have taken place while McCain has remained flat, with a campaign that has yet to find its footing. What happens when it does?

Despite the illusion created in the media, voters like McCain better. This holds true amongst what we're told is the key battleground group, independent voters.

McCain is viewed favorably by 57% of voters, Obama by 53%. McCain is currently supported by 86% of Republicans and holds a modest--four percentage point—lead among unaffiliated voters. Obama earns the vote from 77% of Democrats (see other recent demographic highlights).