Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Friday, May 30, 2008
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 4 comments
Labels: Forças Armadas, NORGE, NRP ÁLVARES CABRAL, Torre de Belém
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 4 comments
Labels: Forças Armadas, NORGE, NRP ÁLVARES CABRAL, River Tagus, Torre de Belém
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
«NRP ÁLVARES CABRAL» and «NORGE» at River Tagus, on 27th May, 2008
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 7 comments
Labels: NORGE, NRP ÁLVARES CABRAL, River Tagus, Torre de Belém
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Some official photos
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 3 comments
Labels: Cais da Princesa, Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, NORGE, Torre de Belém
About the photos on the Slideshow above
«King Harald V and Queen Sonia of Norway commenced a State Visit to Portugal by invitation of the President of the Republic and Mrs. Cavaco Silva. The Norwegian monarchs came ashore from the Royal Yacht “Norge" in the Princess Dock, alongside the Tower of Belém, where the King of Norway received military honours. Afterwards, at the Jerónimos Monastery, King Harald laid a wreath of flowers by the tomb of Luís de Camões, followed by a visit to the cloisters of the Monastery. Later, at the Palace of Belém, the two couples met for a few moments before the meeting between the President of the Republic and the King of Norway, after which both Heads of State held a press conference. The two couples lunched together at the Palace Residence.»
«Os Reis Harald V e Sónia da Noruega, iniciaram hoje a visita de Estado a Portugal, a convite do Presidente da República e da Dr.ª Maria Cavaco Silva. Os monarcas noruegueses desembarcaram do Iate Real "Norge" no Cais da Princesa, junto à Torre de Belém, onde o Rei recebeu honras militares. Depois, no Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, o Rei Harald depôs uma coroa de flores no túmulo de Luís de Camões, tendo o casal visitado os claustros do Mosteiro.Mais tarde, no Palácio de Belém, os dois casais estiveram reunidos, antes do início do encontro entre o Presidente da República e o Rei da Noruega, após os que os dois Chefes de Estado prestaram declarações aos órgãos de informação. Os dois casais almoçaram, a sós, na residência do Palácio.»
Fonte (Text and Photographs on the Slideshow copyright of): [Presidência da República]
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 0 comments
Labels: Cais da Princesa, Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, NORGE, Torre de Belém
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 7 comments
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 3 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
A caminho do «NORGE»: Pormenores * Details
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 10 comments
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 1 comments
Labels: Aventuras da Sailor Girl, Cascais, Jodie Foster ao Poder, Mar Português, NORGE, Só servimos para pagar impostos
Welcome to the King and Queen of Norway
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 5 comments
Labels: Cascais, NORGE, Rádio Atlântico Azul
Reis da Noruega iniciam hoje visita de Estado a Portugal
Na Quinta-feira visitam o Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto, após o que são recebidos na Câmara Municipal da cidade onde o Presidente da autarquia, Rui Rio, e o soberano discursam. Um encontro com a imprensa e um passeio no barco «Douro Azul», com almoço a bordo, encerram a visita de Estado dos monarcas a Portugal.
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 4 comments
Labels: Cascais, DOURO AZUL, IPATIMUP, NORGE, River Douro
Sunday, May 25, 2008
A Royal Decree of 1947 stipulates that the ship shall be manned, operated and maintained by the Norwegian armed forcesDuring the summer season the ship has a crew of 54, comprising 18 officers and 36 privates. During the winter the crew is reduced to a minimum of approximately 20. The crew’s main tasks consist of watch duty and maintenance. In February each year a group of new recruits reports for duty to begin theoretical and practical training for the coming season.
The same image, some hours after the former...
All photos by Sailor Girl, taken this afternoon and tonight at our beautiful Cascais Bay. For awsome photos of the Royal Yacht of Norway, please visit [Ships & The Sea]!...
Posted by Raquel Sabino Pereira 3 comments
Labels: Cascais, NORGE, Royal Yachts