Showing posts with label Arte. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arte. Show all posts

Saturday, March 19, 2011


«O CREOULA a navegar»
(Aquarela de NCS, retatando o CREOULA a chegar à Deserta. Março de 2011.)

A beautiful and unique watercolour of Portuguese Tall Ship CREOULA (manned by Portuguese Navy), by one of his biggest lovers, offered to me yesterday. I have started looking for a suitable frame, will post it as soon as found! Am I a lucky sailor ou what?!...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

As rosinhas são minhas!!...

(Photo by Sailor Girl of her new acquisition!!!)

Termina amanhã a exposição de pintura «Eu pinto a Luz» de Maria José de Bragança. Não resisti à beleza destas rosinhas lindas que agora são minhas e por pouco não resisti à fantástica Baía de Cascais «by night», cheia de luzes reflectidas na Baía... Talvez para uma próxima?... A Maria José capta - com uma sensibilidade que nunca vi - a água, o céu, o mar, o luar... Não percam. Termina amanhã, na Junta de Freguesia de Carcavelos, perto do combóio e mesmo ao lado do mercado, no centro de Carcavelos. Tem estacionamento. Mais informações AQUI.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Echoes from the Race # 01 * Ecos da Regata

ADENDA: para mais fotografias e registos de Luís Miguel Correia (que gentilmente tirou as imagens no presente post), acedam aos links abaixo indicados: * For more photos please visit [SHIPS & THE SEA] and do read the following posts:
Dear Friends, I am stil recovering both phisical and emotionally from yesterday's event. This was one the final moments of the Party: a great surprise made to me when the Tagus Navy offered the painting on the above photo... A beautiful masterpiece by Master DINA (on the next photo, with me). As soon as possible I will post (many) more photos and information about the Race. There was NO wind at all and so I guess everybody won!!!
Queridos Amigos, ainda estou em recuperação (física e emocional) da Festa de ontem... (ou seja estou toda partida!!!). Este foi um dos momentos finais da Festa: uma grande surpresa que me foi feita quando a Marinha do Tejo me ofereceu o quadro nas fotografias de hoje... Uma obra lindíssima da Mestre DINA (na segunda fotografia), entregue pelas mãos do nosso querido Amigo Caetano Silveira - cuja presença foi para mim também uma grande surpresa. Assim que possível disponibilizarei mais fotografias e informações relativamente à Regata. Não houve vento e por isso creio que todos foram vencedores!!! Depois agradecerei mais convenientemente aos amigos que vieram de longe, de Aveiro, de Alhandra, de Cascais, de Coimbra e alguns de Berlim e do espaço (cibernáutico)!!! Peço desculpa se não consegui estar mais tempo com todos, mas já serviu para matar saudades!!... P.S.: Repararam na flor de Santa Teresinha nas minhas mãos? Bom Fim-de-Semana!!!...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

«By the Book»

(Instalacão de Teresa Palma Rodrigues com alguns dos seus livros)
Teresa Palma Rodrigues and Rodrigo Bettencourt da Câmara are two of the twelve Portuguese artists and friends participating in the Project «By the Book», which may be viewed in Lisbon until May 3rd (Sunday). For more information, click HERE and follow the links made on the names of the artists.
Teresa Palma Rodrigues e Rodrigo Bettencourt da Câmara são dois dos doze amigos e artistas Portugueses a participar no Projecto «By the Book», que integra «... obras que têm em comum o interesse pelo livro e também por outras questões a ele inerentes: o livro como documento, relíquia, objecto de lazer ou veículo de transmissão de conhecimento, como suporte de escrita nas suas mais variadas morfologias, a sua construção (os fólios, as páginas, as impressões gráficas), os lugares da sua circulação e a leitura, as bibliotecas e as livrarias. Adoptaram meios técnicos distintos que vão desde a manipulação directa do livro impresso e publicado ao vídeo ou à fotografia, passando pelo pintura e pelo desenho».
Vão ocupar o espaço da Fábrica Braço de Prata até 3 de Maio (Domingo). A não perder!... Mais informações AQUI.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Yesterday's Artist of the Day

Painting by José Projecto (copyright protected).
It reminds me of the Wildlife that may be seen at River Tagus, between Lisbon and Moita.
Atlântico Azul is ever so PROUD to inform that Master José Projecto, a Portuguese Artist from Alentejo (Portugal), was yesterday's «Artist of the Day» at [Nature Artists]!!!... You MUST visit his gallery of masterpieces at his homepage [HERE].
O post de hoje refere-se ao reconhecimento internacional de mais um grande artista Português demasiado desconhecido na sua terra. Podem aceder à Galeria do Mestre José Projecto [AQUI].

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Merci, Jean-Claude Petit.

This post concerns the news I just had about the loss of a Friend, Jean-Claude Petit, a French Artist residing in Alentejo, Portugal, who I had the privilege to meet aboard «CREOULA» at the Ship's 70th Birthday Party (10th May 2007). Since then we shared our passion about «CREOULA» (and also about biplanes). His Family maintains his blogs and thus his Memory. These are some of his masterpieces.
Soube há instantes, através de um Amigo comum, do falecimento do Mestre [Jean-Claude Petit] que tive o privilégio de conhecer a bordo do «CREOULA», no dia 10 de Maio de 2007, por ocasião da Comemoração do 70.º Aniversário do Navio. A última vez que trocámos mensagens foi em 8 de Setembro de 2008 e de imediato coloquei a «Lilly la Brumeuse» no Atlântico Azul (no post Mercie, Jean-Claude Petit!), que reproduzo de novo.
O meu preferido de Jean-Claude Petit, «La Vieille Dame», que coloquei no post de 29 de Agosto de 2007, ["Vieille Dame", de Jean-Claude Petit].
Que o Jean-Claude neste momento nos esteja a acenar do Céu, com aquele sorriso magnífico com que foi fotografado a bordo do «CREOULA» e que guardamos nos nossos corações.

Friday, December 12, 2008


«June Sailors Delight»
(Image downloaded from the internet)
A contribution to [Sky Watch Friday], a wonderful place to find awsome sky photos from all over the World!... Its guardian angels are [Klaus], [Sandy], [Ivar], [Wren], [Fishing Guy] and [Louise].

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'd rather be Sailing....

Floating Away», by [Marcus Krackowizer])
The very first poem written by me, at School. I was seven years-old and dedicated it to my Father:
«I'd rather be sailing,
I'd rather be at Sea,
Just our boat,
You and me...»
The teacher simply loved it!!! We sometimes used a flag saying «Snoopy for Prime-Minister» and we laughed a lot about it! I wonder where it went...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

«Sailing Home», by Paul Andry

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Maritime Lisbon

(Photo by Sailor Girl)
«I used to rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word. Now in the morning I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own... I used to roll the dice, feel the fear in my enemies eyes, listen as the crowd would sing: "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" One minute I held the key, next the walls were closed on me. And I discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand. I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, Roman Cavalry choirs are singing. Be my mirror my sword and shield, my missionaries in a foreign field. For some reason I can not explain once you know there was never, never an honest word, that was when I ruled the world. It was the wicked and wild wind blew down the doors to let me in. Shattered windows and the sound of drums, people could not believe what I'd become. Revolutionaries wait for my head on a silver plate, just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, Roman Cavalry choirs are singing, be my mirror, my sword and shield, my missionaries in a foreign field. For some reason I can not explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name, never an honest word, and that was when I ruled the world...»
«Viva la Vida», by Coldplay, now playing at Rádio Atlântico Azul. The name of the song is also the name of the album and was inspired in a painting by Frida Kahlo. Inspirado numa obra de Frida Kahlo.

Frida Kahlo, «Viva la vida». 1954. Oil on masonite. 59 x 50.7 cm. Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Invitation * Convite

The director of the Portuguese National Library invites us to the presentation of «Portrait d'Un Homme d'État», by Andrée Mansuy-Diniz da Silva, which will take place in Lisbon, on the 24th June, at 6 p.m. on the above referenced address. Click on the invitation to better view it.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Dedicated to my CDPB Friends from the United States!!!

(Photo by Sailor Girl, who shouldn't have used the flash...)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

In this picture, from right to left: Mr. Amândio, the former Chairman of Centro Náutico Moitense; the Captain of Lisbon Port; Sailor Girl, with a flag of this blog ("Yes, my blog has a flag! What about yours?!" LoooooL); the former C.E.O. and former President of Associação Naval Sarilhense; and the Pretendant to the Portuguese Crown (a very special Friend of the People who sail in the Tagus River) on a ceremony on 1st December 2006.
This was a very special day to all Sailors of the Tagus Fleet. After a long day with ceremonies throughout the country, His Royal Highness Duarte Pio de Bragança still managed to travel to Moita, where this ceremony took place, and honour everybody with his presence, having been in charge to give the prizes to sailors who participated on the Royal Race of the Tagus.
And now, I take the opportunity to post a few amazing pictures of some of my favourite maritime paintings!! I am affraid to post them at another page, as I guess that at City Daily Photoblog we should make only one reference per day to our city... And, when posting several articles, this blog keeps appearing several times with different pictures, some of them nothing having to do with Lisbon. If you know how to manage this problem, please advise me!...
Ship Portrait of the Danish Brig "Dorothea af Ebeltoft, Captn. A. Carlsen" 1865, the vessel is showing off Christiansoe (near Bornholm), signed inscribed with title along the bottom and dated, Oil on canvas, 45 x 65 cm, possession of a Private Collector in Northern Germany. In several of his pictures Reimers used light colors and depicted the vessel in a sunshine situation. Click on the image to see a larger illustration. Photo Copyright is with the Fine Art Emporium.

Ship Portrait of the German Steamer "Anton von Kiel - Capt. E. Aereboe" at sea off Hong Kong 1890 - the steamer is shown in the Chinese Sea with two junks in the background - Oil on canvas on original stretcher, 53 by 77 cm, with frame 65 x 88 cm - signed "Heinrich Reimers", dated 1890 and inscribed with title as shown above - cleaned, smaller areas with retouch only, in good condition, in the original frame - Private Collection Portugal. Reimers was a Captain and Pilot himself and worked in Kiel as a ship portrait artist. The steamer "Anton" was owned by the shipping company "Sartori & Berger" in Kiel and was obviously used for coastal trade in Far East. This is a light color painting with a romantic touch in the sky and an interesting background. It represents a typical and well done ship portrait by this known artist. Click on the image to see larger illustrations.

Ship Portrait of a Royal Yacht Club Sailing Yawl at sea ca. 1895 - the large sailing yacht is shown under full sail at moderate sea - Oil on board, 55 by 82 cm - signed lower left "T.G. Purvis" and inscribed "Cardiff". Purvis was a busy ship portrait artist, working in Cardiff, London and Bristol. He portrayed some of the largest sailing vessels which ever crossed the Oceans. Portraits of Yachts by him - such as this one - are rare. Most of his paintings were executed between 1890 and the Great War (1914). This painting shows a realistic sea and a detailed handling of the large Yacht, which flies the burgee of a Royal Yacht Club (British or Irish) on the main mast.

(Text and Photos Copyright of [FineArtEmporium])

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Energia das Ondas

("Against the Elements" by Ernest Moseling, Oil on canvas. This painting depicts the first non-stop airplane crossing of the Atlantic on June 14-15, 1919)
Foi hoje publicado o [Decreto-Lei n.º 5/2008] que, no uso da autorização legislativa concedida pela Lei n.º 57/2007, de 31 de Agosto, estabelece o regime jurídico de acesso e exercício da actividade de produção de electricidade a partir da energia das ondas.

Friday, January 4, 2008


(Photo by Sailor Girl of two wonderful Birthday Cakes made by Sarah in Lisbon)
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Stampe», de Jean-Claude Petit, artiste peintre, auteur)

Encore une histoire belge en bois et toile, ICI-MÊME!...

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(Photo by Sailor Girl of one of Lisbon Bridges over the Tagus)


Go check them at the bottom of the right column!...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Beautiful ships sailing in the blue

Britannia and Other Yachts, Racing in the Solent, 1912
This view shows his majesty’s yacht Britannia, owned by King George V, racing with other yachts off Cowes around 1912. In the background steams the RMS Olympic, while further in the distance looms the royal yacht Victoria and Albert. Designed by G.L. Watson, the Britannia was built in 1893 at Henderson’s yard on the Clyde. She immediately proved herself a success, becoming a champion yacht in her first year. King Edward VII and his son George V regularly enjoyed sailing the Britannia. King George V requested that, after his death, the Britannia be scuttled rather than scrapped.
in [James A. Flood Maritime Art, Inc]

Queen Mary 1936 Sea Trials, Arran Mile
This painting shows the brand new RMS Queen Mary, shortly after her release from the King George V Graving Dock, running her speed trials off the coast of the Island of Arran.
in [James A. Flood Maritime Art, Inc.]

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Arte do Atlântico Azul

Alguns exemplares de obras de arte do Pai da Amiga [SWT]. O primeiro está à venda e chama-se «O descanso». O próximo chama-se «Como um só» e é um dos meus preferidos. Foi feito em meia hora!...

O Pai da [SWT] era pintor. O Avô materno era escultor e é o autor de uma águia em pedra à entrada do Clube Naval de Cascais evocativa da viagem gloriosa de Gago Coutinho e Sacadura Cabral. A SWT e o irmão dizem que não sabem fazer um risco... Pois. Realmente é mesmo bom navegar em «bohues» interessantes!...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Afinal não é o «Zézito», nem o «Passa Cabos»...

Depois confundi-o com o esmerado «PASSA CABOS»...

Friday, September 7, 2007

Result of the Quiz - Resultado do Passatempo

Reprodução completa da obra do Mestre
A resposta premiada foi a do Senhor Dom Júlio, da Corte na Aldeia. Apesar de Luís Miguel Correia ter sido o visitante n.º 41.140, respondeu uns segundos mais tarde... Mas receberá prémio idêntico!... Parabéns aos vencedores e Parabéns ao Autor desta obra, o Grande Mestre Fernando Lemos Gomes! E Viva o Atlântico Azul!