Showing posts with label Media Matters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media Matters. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


According to this article in the April 16, 2008 edition of the Washington Post,
...[T]he challenge facing our [newspaper publishing] industry is not that readers have lost faith in their newspapers, but that newspapers have lost faith in their readers.
Wrong. Thinking readers have lost faith in the mainstream media, which function in some kind of weird alternate universe.

Newspaper publishers are missing the point. They don't have a clue as to how many of their former, dedicated readers have caught on that newpapers are not publishing certain stories, in a bow to political correctness.

Savvy news hounds have turned to the Internet because, so far, we have more political incorrectness and news accuracy in this venue. I barely read the daily paper anymore, and I know a lot of other people who are doing the same.

Capitalism is a wonderful system, but what's happening to newspapers today is not all about lost profits.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am one of those people who once you win me over, I'm pretty loyal. Ann Coulter won my loyalty a long time ago and while I may disagree with her from time to time I'm not as willing as others to turn on her.

When I thought about the title for this post I was pretty sure I had used the title before, sure enough I had. I wrote the first post with this title back in March of this year when conservatives were again throwing Coulter under the bus for her comments about Edwards. What amazed me at the time is how willingly so many conservatives believed the Drive By Media's spin on what she had said without knowing the context.

I see the same thing happening now. Many conservatives are throwing her under the bus and even calling her anti-semitic. There is a wonderful post by Newsbusters explaining the controversy, I encourage all of you to check it out.

What doesn't surprise me is that Media Matters is at the heart of demonizing Coulter. In a matter of weeks they have spun a controversy for Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and now not surprisingly, Ann Coulter.

I get that she is a little too brash for many and some conservatives don't care for her. In one of Patrick's posts he had this to say:
Her tendency to clown around and make outrageous statements is what makes her so amusing but sometimes she's like an embarrassing drunk trashy relative at a posh wedding.
I don't necessarily completely disagree with that statement.

Yet, my point would be that as conservatives lets not be so willing to take the Media Matters' talking points and run with them without knowing the whole context. Lets wait and hear the particular conservative's side of the story.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


This is unbelievable!! Once again Media Matters takes something Rush says completely out of context and then the rumor is spread and people are denouncing something that wasn't even said on the floor of Congress.

Meanwhile, as Reliapundit pointed out, John Edwards really said something that should be denounced and the Drive By Media and Congress are silent. This double standard is getting ridiculous.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Juan Williams Slams CNN and MSNBC for Their O'Reilly Smear!

After three years of tax-exempt operation, Media Matters’ credibility as a media watchdog is questionable. Its leader, Brock, is a self-proclaimed liar who strong-armed sources that didn’t agree with him. While writing his mea culpa, “Blinded by the Right,” Brock was hospitalized in a mental facility where he spent time in a “quiet room” and “had delusions, he thought people were trying to kill him,” according to the Drudge Report.

Media Matters stars, including Brock, Eric Alterman and Ryan Chiachiere, are hypocrites who have used the very sexist, bigoted and racist language for which they crucify others, including Imus. They appear to care more about taking out the kneecaps of conservatives than pursuing truth or accuracy in the media. After all, Media Matters certainly allows bigoted posts on their web site -- as long as they are directed toward conservatives.--Catherine Moy from Human Events

I'm sure many of you have heard the controversy with Media Matters and Bill O'Reilly of late. I am not always a fan of O'Reilly's but about 75% of the time he is right on the money. This recent controversy is just the latest attempt by Media Matters to smear a conservative.

They make their living by attacking conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and numerous others. What they do is take their words out of context in order to smear them. This latest incident is from a radio show where he was talking with African American liberal, Juan Williams about racism and he was condemning it. Media Matters took what he said out of context and are trying to make him out to be a racist. Al Sharpton even went on the air last night and defended O'Reilly and agreed that the attack was baseless.

The even bigger problem is that CNN and others took Media Matters' story and ran with it without checking into it and finding out the truth.

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points on this:
Part 1
Part 2

Others on this story:
Outside the Beltway
Johnny Dollar's Place
National Review Online

Others on Media Matters:
Human Events