Obama and Biden reoeatedly bragged in 2012 about how they had bequeathed a stable Iraq.
Since then - and due to Obama's appeasement of Putin, retreats from Afghanistan and Iraq, his weak handling of Benghazi, his favoring the Muslim Brotherhood over Mubarak and Sisis, his appeasement of Iran, his disappearing red-line in Syria, his appeasement of Fatah and Hamas and his ill-treatment of Isreal - ISIS has effectively gotten a stranglehold on a fractured Iraq.
Bush handed Obama a stable Iraq; Obama's actions and inactions BROKE IT.
SO: Obama owns it.
If Obama had a shred decency or an ounce of patriotism, then he'd resign.
But perhaps Obama isn't upset with the results.
Maybe a caliphate and a world with both Putin and Iran ascendant is what Obama always wanted.
It certainly is what the extreme left has long wanted.
And it jibes perfectly with the anti-American policies advocated by Obama's oldest long-time friends: Khalidi, Ayers, Dohrn, Frank Marshall, Father Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan, Vernon Jarrett, The New Party, The Working Families Party, ACORN, and the list goes on...
If Obama isn't a double agent working for Putin, and the caliphate then he might as well be!