THE SAUDIS HAVE GREEN-LIGHTED AN ATTACK BY ISRAEL AGAINST IRAN - AND ALL THE GULF STATES WOULD WELCOME IT.In a little noticed interview with the Daily Beast (presumably little noticed because serious people don't read the Daily Beast), Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Contrary to Brezinski's half-hearted disclaimer that no one wishes for such an outcome, there are plenty on the left who would delight in a pitched battle between the United States and Israel.DB: How aggressive can Obama be in insisting to the Israelis that a military strike might be in America’s worst interest?
Brzezinski: We are not exactly impotent little babies. They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?
DB: What if they fly over anyway?
Brzezinski: Well, we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse.
Pakistani police raided a local security firm that helps protect the U.S. Embassy on Saturday, seizing dozens of allegedly unlicensed weapons at a time when unusually intense media scrutiny of America's use of private contractors has deepened anti-U.S. sentiment.
Two employees of the Inter-Risk company were arrested during the raids in Islamabad, police official Rana Akram said. Reporters were shown the seized weapons -- 61 assault rifles and nine pistols. Akram said police were seeking the firm's owner.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Rick Snelsire said the U.S. contract with Inter-Risk to provide security at the embassy and consulates took effect this year. It is believed to be the first U.S. contract for the firm, said Snelsire, who did not have a figure for its amount.
''Our understanding is they obtained licenses with whatever they brought into the country to meet the contractual needs,'' he said. ''We told the government that we had a contract with Inter-Risk.''
"I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made," Pelosi said. Some of the people hearing the message "are not as balanced as the person making the statement might assume," she said. "Our country is great because people can say what they think and they believe," she added. "But I also think that they have to take responsibility for any incitement that they may cause."
The furor began when Carter was asked in Indianapolis to explain his recent statement that there was "nothing wrong with ethnic purity being maintained" in neighborhoods. Carter replied that he wholeheartedly supports open-housing laws that make it a crime to refuse to sell or rent a house or apartment on the grounds of race, color or creed. But he opposes Government programs "to inject black families into a white neighborhood just to create some sort of integration." Said he: "I have nothing against a community that is made up of people who are Polish, or who are Czechoslovakians, or who are French Canadians or who are blacks trying to maintain the ethnic purity of their neighborhoods. This is a natural inclination."
The State Department said the conclusions of a UN commission headed by South African Justice Richard Goldstone were unfair to Israel and did not fully deal with the role in the conflict of the militant Palestinian group Hamas. It said the United States objected to a recommendation that Israeli actions be referred to the International Criminal Court.
"Although the report addresses all sides of the conflict, its overwhelming focus is on the actions of Israel," spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters.
While the report makes overly sweeping conclusions of fact and law with respect to Israel, its conclusions regarding Hamas' deplorable conduct and its failure to comply with international humanitarian law during the conflict are more general and tentative, he said.
... purple America, the independents who voted for Democrats in the 2006 midterm election by an 18-point margin, that makes the biggest difference right now. Most House Democrats live in blue America and show little awareness that their party has a problem. However, the Democrats' majority is built on a layer of 54 seats that the party picked up in 2006 and 2008 that are largely in purple -- or even red -- America.
Democrats ought to keep in mind that 84 of their current House members represent districts won by President Bush in 2004 or John McCain in 2008.
A whopping 48 of those Democrats -- eight more than the size of their party's majority -- are from districts that voted for both Bush and McCain.
... That America is very different from the Democratic base in blue America, and it sees many major issues very differently.
The 17-point advantage that Democrats enjoyed in the January Gallup Poll (when "leaners" were included) shrank to 5 points in August.
Their edge on the generic congressional ballot test has vanished, according to most national polls.
For three years, Democrats enjoyed high single-digit or low double-digit leads on this question -- a very good indicator of which direction (and how hard) the political winds are blowing as a congressional election nears.
What we are seeing is an electorate growing just as disgusted with the Democratic majority as it did with the Republican one in 2006.
The mounting ethics problems of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., combined with ongoing allegations about House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John Murtha, D-Pa., and others on his panel threaten to make matters still worse for their party.
After marrying, Mr. Kristol followed his wife to Chicago, where she was doing graduate work and where he had what he called “my first real experience of America.”
Drafted into the Army with a number of Midwesterners who were street-tough and often anti-Semitic, he found himself shedding his youthful radical optimism.
“I can’t build socialism with these people,” he concluded.
“They’ll probably take it over and make a racket out of it.”
In 1952, at the height of the McCarthy era, he wrote what he called the most controversial article of his career: “ ‘Civil Liberties,’ 1952 — A Study in Confusion.” It criticized many of those defending civil liberties against the government inquisitors, saying they failed to understand the conspiratorial danger of Communism.
Though he called Senator McCarthy a “vulgar demagogue,” the article was remembered for a few lines:
“For there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: he, like them, is unequivocably anti-Communist. About the spokesmen for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing. And with some justification.”
Seven former CIA directors asked President Barack Obama on Friday to quash a criminal probe of harsh interrogations of terror suspects during the Bush administration.''If criminal investigations closed by career prosecutors during one administration can so easily be reopened at the direction of political appointees in the next, declinations of prosecution will be rendered meaningless,'' wrote the former directors.
... The seven former CIA directors included Michael Hayden, Porter Goss and George Tenet, who served under Bush; John Deutch and James Woolsey, who worked for President Bill Clinton; William Webster, who served under President George H.W. Bush; and James Schlesinger, who ran the agency under President Richard Nixon. Tenet also served under Clinton.
They urged Obama to reverse Holder's Aug. 24 decision to reopen the investigation of interrogations following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
A terror plot that came to light this week following raids in New York may have been targeting a major transportation center, sources close to the investigation told CNN on Thursday.ME LAST WEEK - THE DAY OF THE RAID:
There was planning and preparation for an attack, presumably in the New York area, where there would be a large number of people and where security screening is lax such as a large railroad or subway station, essentially where there is no airport-style screening, the sources said.
This is right near a major LIRR artery....
I'd bet they were gonna hit the LIRR a major commuter RR and that other cells are planning to whack other mass transit targets...
By Bob Dienstbach
Guest Blogger
In 1991, Acorn took over the House Banking Committee room for two days to protest efforts to scale back the CRA [Note: Obama, by the way, represented ACORN in the Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 1994 suit against redlining]. When banks don’t lend to pimps and prostitutes, Obama calls it red-lining. Most significant of all, ACORN was the driving force behind a 1995 regulatory revision pushed through by the Clinton Administration that greatly expanded the and laid the groundwork for the CRA/Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac-borne financial crisis we now confront [Note: Again, Obama was the attorney representing ACORN in this effort]. With this new authority, ACORN used its ACORN Housing subsidiary to promote subprime loans more aggressively and, as we now know, even to pimps and prostitutes.
Ironically, an enthusiastic Fannie Mae Foundation report singled out one paragon of nondiscriminatory lending, which worked with community activists and followed “the most flexible underwriting criteria permitted.” That lender’s $1 billion commitment to low-income loans in 1992 had grown to $80 billion by 1999 and $600 billion by early 2003.
Remember, it was Obama’s Chicago neighbor, the Rainbow Coalition run by Jesse Jackson, that forced private lenders to make risky loans. The lender that Fannie Mae was speaking of was Countrywide, which specialized in subprime lending and had a working relationship with ACORN, who was represented by Obama. When Congress voted to defund ACORN this week, Jesse Jackson Jr. voted against the majority opinion (i.e., to allow ACORN to continue to receive your tax dollars).
The Congressional Budget Office, whose analyses exposed ObamaCare as a deficit-busting boondoggle, has now reviewed the cap-and-trade bill passed by the House over two months ago. The analysis confirms that cap-and-trade will seriously hamper the American economy and create joblessness by the millions over the next 40 years:The climate change bill approved by the U.S. House of Representatives would reduce the gross domestic product of the United States by as much as 3.5 percent in 2050, the Congressional Budget Office estimates.
The Democratic-controlled House passed landmark legislation in June aimed at slashing industrial pollution that is blamed for global warming.
“Reducing the risk of climate change would come at some cost to the economy,” the CBO said in a reported posted on its website on Thursday.
UN Human Rights Council Calls Israel War Criminals, Ejects Honduran Representative at Chavez' Request...Obama Responds by Rejoining Council....Another brilliant move by Obama....
(NRO)- The United Nations Human Rights Council, a putrid perversion of every high ideal upon which it was founded, has issued a report calling the Israelis war criminals.
The HRC has also, in obedience to the wishes of Chavez and Castro, ejected the representative from Honduras. In the very week it has committed these outrages, the Obama administration has announced that the United States, which quit the organization in 2006, will rejoin. Brilliant.
One of the first points the pastor makes is that he and his wife, Beverly, are clearly determined from the very beginning to prove they not only housed 17-year-old Christian convert for two weeks, but helped her flee her Columbus, Ohio home, all because they truly believe her life is in danger.Both are to be praised for their show of kindness, though I doubt the reporters for the Orlando Sentinel and St. Petersburg Times will be among those who do. Let me also note that, if an ex-Muslim asked a Judaist here for help, they too would and should do their best to provide shelter.
"She said, 'Would you please pray for me that I do not deny Jesus' name in the face of death?' Those were her exact words to me," said Beverly describing the night she received an online message from Bary asking to talk on the phone.
Through a mutual friend, Beverly tells FOX 35, the two had chatted a few times online about Bay's conversion from Islam to Christianity and her fears. Beverly had told her that she was praying for her.
Beverly messaged the teen her phone number, and said when Bary called her in a panic.
"Now, I'm replaying the conversation over and over in my mind.... and I said 'Oh my goodness, this girl is asking that she not deny Jesus' name in case she gets killed."
Beverly said the next morning, another online friend asked if she and her husband would allow the girl to flee to their home in Orlando.
"I said, 'We definitely will help her. We're ministers, that's what we do, we help people,'" said Blake. "But I also said, 'I don't know. I have to talk to a lawyer. She's a minor. She's in Ohio.' So I called a lawyer. He said, 'if she comes down of own free will...if she's fleeing for her life.'"
"Would you return someone to a place where they believed they would be killed?" asked Beverly. "We talked to Muslims, ex-Muslims that became Christians, six organizations of persecuted Christians ... everyone told me within 24 to 48 hours this girl would be killed."
The distorted and one-sided content in the United Nations report on Operation Cast Lead proves that Israel had been right not to cooperate with the fact-finding mission led by South African Judge Richard Goldstone, IDF Judge-Advocate General Brig.-Gen. Avichai Mandelblit told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.According to this blog entry by INN's David Wilder:
"From an initial review of the report it is clear that it is biased, astonishingly extreme, lacks any basis in reality and is a sharp deviation from the mandate given to the mission," Mandelblit told the Post in an exclusive Rosh Hashana interview that will appear in Friday's newspaper.
"The baseless claim in the report that Cast Lead was planned and launched to intentionally harm the civilian population in the Gaza Strip and to punish it, effectively illustrates the radical distortion and one-sided character of the report and proves, in my opinion, that the decision not to cooperate with the mission was the right one," he said.
The IDF, Mandelblit said, was currently reviewing over 100 complaints that it had received regarding IDF activity during the operation - some of them from human rights groups - and he had already ordered the Military Police to launch 24 criminal investigations.
In the extensive interview, Mandelblit spoke of a new "legal front" that the IDF was facing and warned of attempts by numerous NGOs - and possibly European countries which support them - to deter Israel from launching future military operations by threatening its officers with legal action.
"There is definitely a strategic decision that was made by different organizations and even above them to attack Israel on the legal front," he said.
Meanwhile Wednesday, Prof. Asa Kasher, the author of the IDF's code of ethics, told the Post that the harsh and extreme criticism in the report was partially motivated by anti-Semitic views of Israel.
"Part of this criticism is an instinctive reaction that people have for Israel without really thinking," said Kasher, a professor of professional ethics at Tel Aviv University, academic adviser for the National Defense College and an Israel Prize laureate.
"Politics also play a significant role here, since this report was commissioned by the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva that unfairly deals mostly with Israel. These are anti-Israel politics that contain a level of anti-Semitism in them," he added.
Despite his sharp criticism of the Goldstone fact-finding mission, Kasher said that Israel needed to take the report seriously and prepare for the possibility that the charges will be brought before the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
"The mission was established by the UN and therefore we cannot ignore it," he said.
Kasher called the content of the report "unacceptable" and extremely "hostile" towards Israel. "While the report is critical of Hamas it is far more extreme with its criticism of Israel," he said.
One example, he said, was how the report opened with a detailed description of the Israeli blockade on Gaza.
"It is as if this is how it all started," he said. "They did not bother to ask why there was a siege which was done out of self-defense because of things Hamas was planning at sea, above ground and underground."
As the author of the IDF Code of Ethics, Kasher said he was not concerned with a possible moral breakdown in the military as portrayed in the Goldstone fact-finding report - and countless other NGO reports that have been published since Operation Cast Lead.
"I do not see in any of the reports a reason to change the values or ethics of the IDF or the military's doctrine, which places an emphasis on the value of life," he said.
"I also have no doubt that the claims of deliberate and disproportional killing are baseless. If they weren't, and IDF troops shot deliberately at innocent Palestinians, then there there should have been thousands of dead Palestinians. If the IDF killed freely then the dead should be half women and half men like the population in Gaza. The fact is that the IDF did not do this."
Goldstone reportedly slept during accounts of rocket attacks on Sderot, in south Israel. So related Sderot resident and media expert Noam Bedein on Israel radio this morning. However such accounts are totally irrelevant. When it comes to Jews, only one truth is viable. Jews may be attacked in any manner as the attacker deems fit; however, Jews may not dare to defend themselves, be it preemptive, during or post attack. Why? Because that's why Jews exist; for the world to blame for all problems, and later to take their frustrations out on them.An alleged politician like Goldstone who deliberately turns a deaf ear and blind eye at the real victims should not even be welcomed into Israel, or any other country/society with common sense.
Sources close to the case tell me that, amidst the furor over Chevron’s release of video tapes that appear to implicate Ecuadoran government officials — including President Rafael Correa and Juan Nunez, the judge who was hearing the case but has since recused himself — in a $3 million bribery scheme, Pesantez held a press conference Sept. 4 in his Quito office.
During that press conference, Pesantez said a number of amazing things, one of which stands out: he stated that 90 percent of the $27 billion award pending against Chevron would go to the government of Ecuador. To understand exactly what he said, read the transcript of the prosecutor general’s press conference. It's available in English and Spanish here.
To read previous BMW posts that mention Chevron and the ADC lawsuit, click here.
By Andrew Osborne in Moscow
Friday September 18 2009
VLADIMIR Putin will allow himself one of his trademark thin-lipped smiles this morning. Washington's decision to scrap plans for a missile defence shield in Eastern Europe is a strategic victory for the Kremlin.
Mr Putin had repeatedly said no to the US initiative, arguing it had unacceptable implications for Russia's security.
Widely trailed but highly significant, President Barack Obama's decision hands the Kremlin a coup that will boost Mr Putin's influence at home and abroad.
Obama's gambit threatens to open Nato rift with east EuropeBLOOMBERG:
By James Bliitz in London, Charles Cllover in Moscow and,Jan Cienski in Warsaw
Published: September 18 2009 03:00 | Last updated: September 18 2009 03:00
Barack Obama's decision to abandon US plans to site a missile defence shield in Europe may go some way to improving relations between America and Russia. But the risk to yesterday's move is that it will further undermine the uneasy relationship between Washington and the nations of central and eastern Europe.
Medvedev Welcomes Obama’s ‘Responsible’ Missile Shield Decision
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev welcomed the “responsible” decision of Barack Obama to drop a plan to deploy a missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, which Russia saw as threatening its security.
Obama yesterday said he was scrapping the proposal, championed by his predecessor George W. Bush in the face of Russian opposition, in favor of a more flexible system better able to protect against threats to the U.S. and its European allies, primarily from Iran.
Medvedev said conditions are “good” for Russian-U.S. cooperation on assessing the risks of missile proliferation, and that the two leaders will discuss the issue of “strategic stability,” including missile defense, in New York on Sept. 23 at the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly.
“We value the U.S. president’s responsible approach to implementing our agreements,” Medvedev said in an e-mailed statement late yesterday. “I’m ready to continue the dialogue.”
The Wall Street Journal urges the U.S. Justice Department to undertake a criminal investigation of Acorn. This column echoes that call, although we wonder if the Obama administration is compromised here. The president, who as a candidate touted his background as a "community organizer," has extensive ties to Acorn. In February 2008, the Acorn Political Action Committee endorsed Obama over Hillary Clinton, and Obama's campaign Web site, Organizing for America, boasted of the candidate's support for the group:
When Obama met with ACORN leaders in November, he reminded them of his history with ACORN and his beginnings in Illinois as a Project Vote organizer, a nonprofit focused on voter rights and education. Senator Obama said, "I come out of a grassroots organizing background. That's what I did for three and half years before I went to law school. That's the reason I moved to Chicago was to organize. So this is something that I know personally, the work you do, the importance of it. I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work."And in August 2008, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported that the Obama campaign paid more than $800,000 to an Acorn "offshoot" for "get out the vote" projects.
Obama worked for Acorn and Acorn worked for Obama. That doesn't mean the president is implicated in any wrongdoing, but it suggests at least that the worse things get for Acorn, the more embarrassing it is for him. If the Justice Department fails to prosecute, it invariably would raise suspicions of political favoritism. This column does not care for special prosecutors, but the case for appointing one would seem to be stronger here than usual.
Broadly speaking, 9/11 produced two instinctive responses in the thinking population, which then became political positions that have continued to diverge and harden with the years.
The realists instantly understood that the trade tower attacks were the tipping point of an already metastasizing jihad against the West, a jihad that had now to be resisted on all fronts: the physical jihad by combat, and the soft jihad – the push for Islamization of the West through suppression of “offensive” speech and a gradual imposition of shariah law –by words and civic actions.
A more populous and culturally influential group, our liberal dreamers — mainstream media, intelligentsia, liberal Christian and Jewish clergy and most Western politicians — were too besotted by utopian multicultural ideals to grasp the nettle of Islamism as a phenomenon beyond rational means of containment.
The realists understood that the survival of Western civilization was at stake. The dreamers understood that the success of the ideal of tolerance was at stake. The realists understood that the West was the victim of 9/11. The multiculturalists understood that Muslims were the victims (or soon would be) of our racist society’s Islamophobia.
Hard evidence validating realists’ fears continues to mount across the West, while no evidence has materialized to justify the dreamers’ fears.
... One assiduously realistic witness to the truth about Islamism is Bruce Bawer, Oslo-based author of the newly-published book, Surrender: Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom. He spoke in Ottawa Monday; he’ll be speaking tonight in Montreal, and tomorrow in Quebec City. (See http://www.pointdebasculecanada.ca for details.) Bawer is a gay activist who abandoned what he considered a homophobic U. S. in 1998 to breathe progressive Europe’s more “tolerant” air. Instead what he found there was an Islam based homophobia far more menacing than anything he’d experienced in Christian America.
His eyes now opened to the effects of an increasingly Islamified Europe, Bawer became the poster boy for the proverbial liberal mugged by multicultural reality. The epiphany resulted in his first book, While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within, a withering critique of Europe’s pusillanimous submission, in the name of multiculturalism, to virulent misogyny, anti-Semitism and homophobia.
Today Bawer is recognized as one of the most persuasive members of a small but courageous band of politically incorrect brothers and sisters: brilliant writers like Bat Ye’or (Eurabia), Andrew Bostum (The Legacy of Jihad), Melanie Phillips (Londonistan), Claire Berlinski (Menace in Europe) and Canadians Mark Steyn (America Alone) and David Solway (The Big Lie), to name but a few. These Cassandras have difficulty finding uncowed publishers willing to back them. They risk libel suits and even physical harm, but they soldier on in the name of truth and Western survival.
There is hope that some influential dreamers are waking up from their eight-year nap. None of the books mentioned above was reviewed by The New York Times, including Bawer’s first book. But his new book, Surrender, was given a positive review this summer. The review began with these words: “There is no more important issue facing the West than Islamism … and there is no more necessary precondition to countering that threat than understanding it … But before we do any of that, we have to agree that the threat exists.”
The review ends: “Surrender is, at times, hard going … [because] Bawer is unquestionably correct, and that fact is quite simply terrifying.”
ROUND UP OF OTHERS NOTICING THE ISSUE HERE.The most populous district in America right now, according to the latest Census data, is Nevada’s 3rd District, where 960,000 people are represented in the House by just one member. All of Montana’s 958,000 people likewise have just one vote in the House. By contrast, 523,000 in Wyoming get the same voting power, as do the 527,000 in one of Rhode Island’s two districts and the 531,000 in the other.
That 400,000-person disparity between top and bottom has generated a federal court challenge that is set to be filed Thursday in Mississippi, charging that the system effectively disenfranchises people in certain states. The lawsuit asks the courts to order the House to fix the problem by increasing its size from 435 seats to at least 932, or perhaps as many as 1,761. That way, the plaintiffs argue, every state can have districts that are close to parity.
... The issue traces back to the founding of the country. The Constitution stipulated that every 10 years, the House should be reapportioned so that each state had at lease one representative and that no Congressional district contained fewer than 30,000 people. But it was left to Congress to decide how many total House seats there should be.The original House had 65 representatives, one for every 33,000 people. As the country’s population grew over the next century, so did the size of the House, until it reached 435 in 1911, when each member at that time representing an average of 212,000 people.
But Congress refused to reapportion after the 1920 Census, as a wave of immigration threatened to shift voting power from the South and Midwest to the urban Northeast. Eventually, Congress voted to keep the House at 435 seats regardless of rising population. Except for a brief period when it enlarged to 437 because Alaska and Hawaii had joined the union with one seat each, the House has remained at 435 ever since.
... To mount the legal challenge that is being filed on Thursday, Mr. Scharpen recruited Michael P. Farris, a prominent conservative constitutional lawyer and chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association. Together they recruited plaintiffs in five states that were relatively underrepresented after the 2000 Census — Mississippi, Montana, South Dakota, Delaware and Utah — and named as defendants the census director, the commerce secretary and clerk of the House.Mr. Scharpen and Mr. Farris noted that some foreign parliaments are significantly larger than the United States House of Representatives — the House of Commons in Britain and the Bundestag in Germany each have more than 600 seats with each member serving a much smaller population. If there were more representatives serving smaller districts, they argued, each would not have to raise as much campaign money and could be more attentive to fewer constituents.
“It’ll be better government,” Mr. Farris said. “The proportional size of our government is not consistent with other western democracies.”
BOTTOM-LNE: The number of representatives was capped -BY STATUTE - in 1929; therefore, it can be undone by statute.Sunday, October 07, 2007
I have a simple idea which would improve both the responsiveness and representativeness of the federal government, and it would NOT require a single solitary change to the Constitution!
I would INCREASE the number of Representatives in the House to 600.
I would assign the new seats by using the US DECENNIAL CENSUS figures - exactly the purpose for which the Census was designed and put into the Constitution by the Framers.
These new seats would not be attached to an incumbent of any party and would therefore be open seats more readily contested fairly - (since incumbents have great electoral advantages and are returned to office so frequently).
Having more Representatives would make each district smaller and reduce the committee responsibilities of each representative and thereby allow her/him to do more constituent work - BE MORE RESPONSIVE.The number of representatives was capped -BY STATUTE - in 1929:The Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 capped the Membership at that level, creating a procedure for reapportioning state delegations in the House under “the then existing number of Representatives” (see Act of June 18, 1929, ch. 28, 46 Stat 21).It can be undone by statute. A simple majority vote by each body of Congress and a signature by the POTUS.
A body with 600 members is much more manageable now than a body with 420 in 1929. Many representative bodies in the USA and around the world have 600 members and function fine.This change would also have the added benefit of making the electoral college more representative and more accurately reflect the wishes of the people.
Friday, December 02, 2005
POLIBLOGGER posted on an article by FRUITS AND VOTES. F&V suggested we expand the House of Representatives and make it more representative and responsive and districts more equal in population size by using "THE WYOMING RULE": Under the ‘Wyoming Rule,’ the standard Representative-to-population ratio would be that of the smallest entitled unit–i.e. currently Wyoming. (Poliblogger rans the numbers.) I AGREE: we need MORE Reps. But maybe not that many. Here're my thoughts:(1) The US CENSUS was specifically designed to allow for the ORDERLY EXPANSION of the House so that districts would be equal in size, and the number of districts would expand as the population expanded.I DARE A BRAVE CONGRESSMAN TO INTRODUCE THIS. It should get BI-PARTISAN SUPPORT, becasue open seats are VERY COMPETITIVE, and the GOP is VERY COMPETITIVE in the CITIES AND COUNTIES which have had the most growth.
(2) The problem is that since 1920, the number of districts has been frozen at 435. This was done by an ACT OF CONGRESS; it can be undone by an ACT OF CONGRESS, too. It doesn’t require a constitutional amendment.
(3) Since 1920, every decennial census has led MERELY TO RE-APPORTIONMENT: changes/shifts of Reps withing the 435. Some states get more Representatives other states get theirs reduced. Sometimes a state which has grown in population may have their number or Reps reduced because all states must have at least one Rep.
(4) The total number of Reps in the House could be and should be expanded - if not by the "Wyoming Plan" how about just increasing the number od reps in the House to a NICE ROUND NUMBER: 500 - by adding an additional 65 seats. (I think that 500 has a nice ring to it - especially for a nation of 50 states!) These could be/would be apportioned by population. Every ten years we dicide the population by 500 and distribute the seats accordingly.
(5) Average district size would be each smaller - and more representative, AS THE FOUNDERS ORIGINALLY PLANNED. More Reps would mean fewer committee assignments for each Rep and more constituent time. (Also, the advent and pervasiveness of hi-tech communications makes the management of a larger House less encumbering than in 1920, or since 1920. In fact, MANY national and state legislatures all over the world have many more mebers than we do and are larger than a mere 435. If they can mange it, then so can we.)
(6) As these 65 NEW SEATS would ALL BE OPEN SEATS, they’d be VERY competitive races at a time when most seats are NOT COMPETITIVE. That’s a good thing too. This would be A NEW BIRTH OF REPRESENTATION, which would NOT make government bigger, but make it MORE RESPONSIVE AND MORE REPRESENTATIVE.
ALSO: (7) This would change the ELECTORAL COLLEGE - making it even more reflective of the population.
- Posted by Reliapundit @ 5:22 PM ; Permalink; 22 Comments; Links to this post;
- Posted by Reliapundit @ 6:44 PM ; Permalink;
Afghan Blast Raises New Doubts in Europe
By ABDUL WAHEED WAFA and RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. 5:47 PM ETAfter a blast killed six Italian soldiers, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy declared that his nation needed to “bring our young men home as soon as possible.”
...“We are all convinced that it would be best for everyone, whoever they are, to quickly leave our conspicuous presence in Afghanistan,” Mr. Berlusconi said. Senior elected officials in Germany and Britain have also expressed weariness with the mission as the violence has increased and casualties mounted...
This summer's melt of Arctic sea ice has not been as profound as in the last two years, scientists said as the ice began its annual Autumn recovery.
At its smallest extent this summer, on 12 September, the ice covered 5.10 million sq km (1.97 million sq miles).
This was larger than the minima seen in the last two years, and leaves 2007's record low of 4.1 million sq km (1.6 million sq miles) intact.
But scientists note the long-term trend is still downwards.
They note that at this year's minimum, the ice covered 24% less ocean than for the 1979-2000 average.
The analysis is compiled from satellite readings at the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado.
The satellite measurements from the National Snow and Ice Center in Boulder, Colorado showed an increase in the extent of minimum sea ice this summer to two million square miles (5.1 million square km).
This is an increase of 224,000 square miles (580,000 square km) on last year and a 375,000 square miles increase (970,000 square km) on 2007 which was the lowest on record.
there was more ice this September than the record low set in 2007 — about one-third of a million square miles more. Last year ranked No. 2.
Severe travel warning issued; Israelis advised to avoid Chabad houses, crowds of Westerners.
Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Gaddafi, Castro Allowed Into US For UN General Assembly But Honduran Leader Banned (Video)Next week the Obama Administration will allow Ahmadinejad, Castro, Chavez, Gaddafi and several other international thugs into New York City to speak in front of the United Nations General Assembly. However, one country's president will not be allowed into the United States.
It amounts to one of the biggest national security reversals by the new administration, one that will aggravate Czech and Polish allies and possibly please Russia, which has adamantly objected to the Bush system.
... “Today, shortly after midnight, American President Barack Obamacontacted me by telephone to inform me that his administration is pulling out of plans to build a radar for the anti-missile defense system on the territory of the Czech Republic,” Mr. Fischer said, adding that “Polandwas informed in the same manner.”
A Polish diplomat said early Thursday that Warsaw was waiting to hear, but added that “it is clear that the administration has other priorities.”
In arranging a post-midnight call by Mr. Obama and quickly dispatching a top State Department official to Europe, the administration was scrambling to notify and assure the European allies as word of its decision was already leaking out in Washington. The Wall Street Journalreported Thursday that the administration would jettison the Bush architecture.
But it made for unfortunate timing, coming on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland at the start of World War II, a date fraught with sensitivity for Poles who viewed the Bush missile defense system as a political security blanket against Russia.
The socialistic policies of Attlee and Obama always have the same results.
The policy of appeasement always has the same results, too.
Socialism and appeasement will make the USA weaker and poorer - and this sends a clear signal to our adversaries.
Because weakness invites adventurism, there will be another intifada in Israel (their third), another in Europe - AND OUR FIRST IN THE USA.
And Putin and Iran will become more aggressive in Venezuela. [CHECK!]
And Putin will become more aggressive in Georgia and Ukraine.
And Iran will become more aggressive in Iraq. [CHECK!]
And al Qaeda will become more aggressive in Pakistan and Kashmir. [CHECK!]
And al Qaeda will attack us here again, too. {WE MAY HAVE JUST FOILED A BIG ONE - SO: CHECK!]
Obama will weaken our defenses by weakening our ability to gather intel by weakening the NSA Intercept Programs.
Obama will weaken us by ceasing deployment of Missile defense in Eastern Europe and Alaska. [EXACTO-EFFING RIGHT!]
And Obama will weaken us by cutting the defense budget. [CHECK!]
Excellent Timing on Missile-Shield Decision! [Mark Hemingway]
Aside from Thursday being the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland, here's the latest from the Associated Press:
Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb
VIENNA - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press.