Texas Approves a $4.93 Billion Wind-Power Project
Texas regulators have approved a $4.93 billion wind-power transmission project, providing a major lift to the development of wind energy in the state.
The planned web of transmission lines will carry electricity from remote western parts of the state to major population centers like Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio. The lines can handle 18,500 megawatts of power, enough for 3.7 million homes on a hot day when air-conditioners are running.
The project will ease a bottleneck that has become a major obstacle to development of the wind-rich Texas Panhandle and other areas suitable for wind generation.Texas is already the largest producer of wind power, with 5,300 installed megawatts — more than double the installed capacity of California, the next closest state. And Texas is fast expanding its capacity.
In a surprise appearance at Netroots Nation — which apparently was the worst-kept secret in Austin, Texas — former Vice President Al Gore followed up a speech by Nancy Pelosi by laying out a narrative on climate change and the energy crisis that seems ready-made for the Obama campaign to download.UN-BE-FREAKIN-LIEVABLE!
“If you look at the seriousness of the climate crisis, you see how it ties to the economic crisis and the national security threat that we face,” he said. “200 billion dollars are being sent overseas just from oil.”
“The idea that we can drill our way out of this is just so absurd,” he said, comparing the push for offshore oil drilling — which has gained popularity and put environmentalists on the defense — to dealing with a hangover by having another drink.
“The defenders of the status quo are the ones who have dug us into this hole,” he said, commenting that Americans have been “so often fooled into finding a remedy for a problem" that has nothing to do with the problem at hand — pointing to the invasion of Iraq when America was attacked by terrorists in Afghanistan as an example.
People are saying that Senator Obama’s recent changes of position have made him a flip-flopper. He’s not! Flip-floppers only hold one position at a time. Senator Obama is different: he holds two positions at the same time. Both ways on banning handguns. Both ways on public campaign financing. And now, both ways on withdrawing from Iraq. He’s ‘Both Ways Barack.’ Worse than a flip-flopper!CLICK FOR VIDEO.
a senior Iranian diplomat at the Geneva talks said: "Of course we will not discuss the freeze-for-freeze topic in the next meeting with Solana. First we would like to discuss the common points and if an agreement is reached then we can discuss our differences."THAT'S IT.
"The freeze-for-freeze issue cannot be accepted because this (enrichment) is our right and we will never abandon our nuclear right," he added.
If Barack Obama would have had his way Iraq would be lost to Al-Qaeda and Iran and the Middle East would be in complete turmoil. As Peter Wehner put it:RTWT."Obama, was not only wrong about the surge; he was spectacularly wrong.Instead, the War in Iraq is won and the US surge troops are returning home in victory.
So, what is the media supposed to do with their favorite son who shrugged at genocide in Iraq?
They're going to play it off like Obama was right...
Reuters today announced that PM Maliki backs Obama troop exit plan.
Likely Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is in "excellent health," according to a summary of Obama medical records released on Thursday.
The 276-word summary was written by Dr. David L. Scheiner, the Chicago doctor who has been Obama's personal physician since March, 1987. Obama has not had a check-up in more than a year. Scheiner described Obama as "lean and muscular with no excess body fat." Obama is still using Nicorette gum to stay off cigarettes--he has quit smoking several times, his doctor notes.
*Triglycerides of 44(normal under 150), cholesterol 173 (normal under 200), HDL 68 (normal over 40), and LDL 96 (normal under 130). Chem 24, urinalysis and CBC were normal, PSA was 0.6, very good. An EKG was normal.
The Obama campaign decided to release this summary of Obama's health status at this time to contrast with the long medical history of GOP presumptive nominee Sen. John McCain (R-Az.).
The McCain campaign last week allowed a select group of reporters to study McCain's more complex medical history, complicated because of his skin cancer and injuries suffered while serving in the military and as a prisoner of war in Viet Nam.
"Obama's first visit to Afghanistan..."THAT SAYS IT ALL FOLKS.
AGW; Iraq is lost; 45 million American have no health insurance; nations with socialized/nationalized healthcare have better care than the USA; the rich aren't taxed enough; the world is running out of oil; Bush is Hitleresque, (but FDR - who actually interned US citizens - is a demi-god); Iraq was better off under Saddam; Gitmo and Abu Ghraib were gulags where innocent people were deliberately tortured as a matter of policy; water-boarding is torture; Europe hates us; border security is racist; profiling is racist; Republicans are racist; affirmative action is NOT racist; maintaining and expanding preeminent US military strength is threatening and destabilizing; off-shore drilling pollutes coasts - or risks it; the UN has greater moral authority than the USA; jihad is not a global threat; free trade hurts workers and reduces employment rates - AND SO ON.Every single one of the items on that list is false.
In the 1960s, California Gov. Edmund Gerald "Pat" Brown laid the foundation for building modern, suburban California with massive new highway projects and one of the most significant public water projects in history. The resulting infrastructure gave us broad, low-density developments with room for millions of Californians to have a home with a backyard and two cars in the driveway.YEAH: MOONBEAM JERRY BROWN.
Those were the good old days. Today, Pat Brown's son Jerry is waging war on the very communities his father helped make possible. Why? Global warming.
... Brown is not above using coercion to create the demographic patterns he wants. In recent months, he has threatened to file suit against municipalities that shun high-density housing in favor of building new suburban singe-family homes, on the grounds that they will pollute the environment.
He is also backing controversial legislation -- Senate bill 375 -- moving through the state legislature that would restrict state highway funds to communities that refuse to adopt "smart growth" development plans.
"We have to get the people from the suburbs to start coming back" to the cities, Mr. Brown told planning experts in March.
In a huge document released last Friday, the EPA lays out the thousands of carbon controls with which they'd like to shackle the whole economy.WE MUST STOP THE MADNESS!
Central planning is too artful a term for the EPA's nanomanagement.
Thankfully none of it has the force of law -- yet. However, the Bush Administration has done a public service by opening this window on new-wave green thinking like Mr. Gore's, and previewing what Democrats have in mind for next year.
The mess began in 2007, when the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Mass. v. EPA that greenhouse gases are "air pollutants" under current environmental laws, despite the fact that the laws were written decades before the climate-change panic. The EPA was ordered to regulate if it decides that carbon emissions are a danger to the public. The 588-page "advance notice of proposed rulemaking" lays out how the EPA would like it to work in practice.
After a mild June, southern Australia is in the middle of an extreme cold spell, with snow falling in parts of Victoria and New South Wales while high temperatures have been well below normal across much of the southern portion of the country.AGW = BS.
The main Sunni Muslim bloc in Iraq has rejoined the Shia-led government, in a significant lift for Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.
The return of six ministers from the Accordance Front to the cabinet was approved by lawmakers.
The Sunni bloc withdrew almost a year ago following a row over power-sharing.
A spokesman for the Accordance Front said its return was a significant step forward for political reform in the predominantly Shia country.
THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN IS INCOMPETENT.'Lightworker' Candidate To Speak Before Angelic Column
Campaign Spot reader Tim tells me Berliner Morgenpost is reporting that the Obama campaign and Berlin city authorities have agreed on the location for his speech next week, the Great Star (Grosser Stern), where seven streets intersect. It lies in the middle of the big park in the center of Berlin, the Tiergarten. It is a totally non-descript place except for one thing.
The Victory Column (Siegessaeule) is there and Sen. Obama will speak directly in front of it.
The Victory Column is a tower over 700 feet high and is a monument to Prussia's victories in wars against Denmark, Austria and France in the 19th century
... Sen. Obama will certainly get his cheering crowd and will most likely appear "Presidential" on TV news. I don't think, though, that he will help himself much with other European countries by appearing in front of what they regard with justification as a monument to Prussian militarism (which also cost American lives).
This will likely be something long remembered negatively throughout Europe.
I suppose that Sen. Obama will next choose to speak at the Yasukuni shrine when he goes to Japan.
Recombinomics Commentary 00:30
July 18, 2008
The MOH report also says that 24% of the 116 cases "occurred in 10 clusters of blood-related family members."
But the report offers no opinion on how many cases of person-to-person transmission occurred. As reported previously, person-to-person transmission was considered likely in a widely publicized cluster of eight cases (seven confirmed, one probable) in Sumatra in May 2006.
WHO reports on the Indonesian cases so far this year show only one family case cluster, involving a 38-year-old woman from West Jakarta, who fell ill in late January, and her 15-year-old daughter, who got sick in early February.
Three genes may play a strong role in determining why some young men raised in rough neighborhoods or deprived families become violent criminals, while others do not, U.S. researchers reported on Monday. One gene called MAOA that played an especially strong role has been shown in other studies to affect antisocial behavior -- and it was disturbingly common, the team at the University of North Carolina reported.
People with a particular variation of the MAOA gene called 2R were very prone to criminal and delinquent behavior, said sociology professor Guang Guo, who led the study. "I don't want to say it is a crime gene, but 1 percent of people have it and scored very high in violence and delinquency," Guo said in a telephone interview.
His team, which studied only boys, used data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a U.S. nationally representative sample of about 20,000 adolescents in grades 7 to 12. The young men in the study are interviewed in person regularly, and some give blood samples.
Guo's team constructed a "serious delinquency scale" based on some of the questions the youngsters answered. "Nonviolent delinquency includes stealing amounts larger or smaller than $50, breaking and entering, and selling drugs," they wrote in the August issue of the American Sociological Review. "Violent delinquency includes serious physical fighting that resulted in injuries needing medical treatment, use of weapons to get something from someone, involvement in physical fighting between groups, shooting or stabbing someone, deliberately damaging property, and pulling a knife or gun on someone."
They found specific variations in three genes -- the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene, the dopamine transporter 1 (DAT1) gene and the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene -- were associated with bad behavior, but only when the boys suffered some other stress, such as family issues, low popularity and failing school.
MAOA regulates several message-carrying chemicals called neurotransmitters that are important in aggression, emotion and cognition such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.
The links were very specific. The effect of repeating a grade depended on whether a boy had a certain mutation in MAOA called a 2 repeat, they found. And a certain mutation in DRD2 seemed to set off a young man if he did not have regular meals with his family. "But if people with the same gene have a parent who has regular meals with them, then the risk is gone," Guo said. "Having a family meal is probably a proxy for parental involvement," he added. "It suggests that parenting is very important." He said vulnerable children might benefit from having surrogates of some sort if their parents are unavailable.
"These results, which are among the first that link molecular genetic variants to delinquency, significantly expand our understanding of delinquent and violent behavior, and they highlight the need to simultaneously consider their social and genetic origins," the researchers said.
Guo said it was far too early to explore whether drugs might be developed to protect a young man. He also was unsure if criminals might use a "genetic defense" in court. "In some courts (the judge might) think they maybe will commit the same crime again and again, and this would make the court less willing to let them out," he said.
Source. Another account of the study here
Reference: Guo, G.; Roettger, M.E.; & Cai, T. (2008) "The Integration of Genetic Propensities into Social-Control Models of Delinquency and Violence among Male Youths" American Sociological Review, Vol. 73, No. 4. (August), pp. 543-568.
( After a 17-year captivity to an abusive Muslim husband, a Jewish mother and her eight children were rescued Sunday from the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem's Old City. Yad L'Achim, an organization dedicated to solving problems of this type, freed Naama [not her real name] from imprisonment in her own home and almost two decades of fear, shame and violence. Seizing a window of opportunity – her husband was in prison and his brother under house arrest – her liberators wove through the narrow alleyways of the Muslim Quarter to deliver her to safety.Go read the rest of the article, because the exact way this woman went down the wrong path to begin with is really startling. But it should serve as an important lesson: whatever way you wish to lead your life, don't do it by "crossing over" into another religion/culture as bad as Islam.
"The terrorists are deliberately focusing on people who have legitimate Western European passports, who don't appear to have records as terrorists," Chertoff told lawmakers. "I have a good degree of confidence we can catch people coming in. But I have to tell you ... there's no guarantee. And they are working very hard to slip by us."THAT WOULD BE BAD. I HOPE WE ARE DOING EVERYTHING WE CAN TO PREVENT IT.
Chertoff and other intelligence officials have delivered similar warnings before, and he offered no new information about specific threats or an imminent attack.
Chertoff reiterated his concern that terrorists could sneak radiological material into the country on small boats or private aircraft. This material could be used to create an explosive device known as a "dirty bomb."
The federal government's consolidated terrorist watch list has become a central issue in the debate about how we can best secure our homeland. Unfortunately, myths about the watch list continue to grow in just about every report and retelling.Read the entire essay here.
How many times have you heard: There are a million terrorists on the consolidated watch list! Thousands of Americans get detained and inconvenienced daily because of watch-list errors!
There aren't. They don't.
...There are slightly more than 1 million records on the watch list, which correspond to approximately 400,000 individuals. The vast majority of those individuals aren't in the United States right now -- and the watch list was created to keep it that way....
Wall Street surged Thursday, extending its rally into a second session as tumbling energy prices bolstered an already upbeat mood that followed stronger-than-expected quarterly reports from big names like JPMorgan Chase and United Technologies. The Dow Jones industrial average rose nearly 150 points.THIS IS GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE EXCEPT DEMOCRATS - WHOSE ENTIRE PLATFORM SEEMS ALWAYS TO DEPEND ON BAD NEWS.
Investors got a double dose of good news after weeks of angst about the economy. Light, sweet crude fell $5.31 to settle at $129.29 a barrel after dropping more than $10 in the previous two sessions. Three components of the Dow industrials—JPMorgan Chase & Co., United Technologies Corp. and Coca-Cola Co.—issued comments that generally indicated that their businesses are holding up despite sometimes difficult economic conditions.
SOURCE.The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible."
In a posting to the APS forum, editor Jeffrey Marque explains,"There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for global warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution."
From the Chicago Sun-Times article on grants distributed by then-state-legislator Barack Obama.(Records from 1997 to 2000 weren’t available.)
There’s a shock.His state legislative office records may have been thrown out, he told us.
He’s never released a specific list of law clients, instead giving a list of all of his firm’s clients, numbering several hundred each year. His campaign will only confirm representation when the media comes to them with a specific case.
He won’t release his application to the state bar. He’s never released any legal or billing records to verify that he only did a few hours of work for a nonprofit tied to Tony Rezko.
He’s never released any medical records, just a one-page letter from his doctor.
GOOGLE Results 1 - 10 of about 7,788 for "26 year inflation."8000 stories for a lie, er um.. a "mistake".
GOOGLE Results 1 - 10 of about 19 for "September 2005 inflation" correction.And I'm sure that despite the correction this lie will be repeated by the MSM and Democrats ad nauseum - just as they have repeated the Maliki-timetable lie.
Irish ministers have reacted robustly to the French president's remark that the Republic of Ireland should hold a new referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
European Affairs Minister Dick Roche said "it is far, far too early to be talking about a referendum or about some specific policy to go forward".
Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said Ireland would not be bullied.
Mr Sarkozy will visit Dublin on Monday, seeking a way ahead after Irish voters rejected the EU treaty on 12 June.
France currently holds the EU's six-month rotating presidency and is keen to resolve the Lisbon Treaty stumbling block before its presidency ends.
Mr Sarkozy was quoted as saying "the Irish will have to vote again". He was speaking to deputies from his conservative UMP party in Paris on Tuesday.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday congratulated the family of notorious Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar , who was freed on Wednesday with four Hezbollah guerillas as part of a prisoner exchange with Israel.These animals - THOUSANDS CHEERED THIS MURDERER WHEN HE RETURNBED TO LEBANON - don't deserve a country --- THEY CERTAINLY DON'T DESERVE A VETO OVER THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT. (Gateway has links to pic's and video of the Lebanese cheering this murderer. MORE HERE.)
Abbas welcomed the swap between Israel and the Lebanon-based militant group, and in a statement congratulated the families of the "liberated prisoners," issued during a visit to Malta.
... People celebrated in the streets of the Hamas-controlled coastal territory, and handed out sweets in support of Hezbollah.
"Today is a great victory for the resistance movements and to Hezbollah, said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. "It shows that the only successful way to free the prisoners is by kidnapping soldiers."