Showing posts with label Benghazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benghazi. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013


With a hat tip to Fix Bayonets! for this information:
When insurgents attacked the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, last fall, Col. George Bristol held a key post in the region. As commander of Joint Special Operations Task Force-Trans Sahara, he was in a position to know what options the U.S. had to protect Americans under fire.

U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans died in the Sept. 11 attacks, sparking national outcry and a congressional investigation examining the lack of protection. Several U.S. officials have testified before Congress since — but not Bristol, a salty Marine whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa.

Defense Department officials have told members of Congress that Bristol cannot be forced to testify because he retired after stepping down during a March change of command ceremony, according to several media reports. The Pentagon reinforced that point of view to Marine Corps Times on Tuesday [July 16, 2012].

“Col. Bristol was not invited by Congress to testify before he retired,” said Air Force Maj. Robert Firman, a spokesman with the Office of the Secretary of Defense. “The DoD has cooperated fully with Congress and the Accountability Review Board since the beginning of this investigation, and we will continue to do so.”

That isn’t the case, however. While Bristol is preparing for retirement, he is on active duty through the end of July, said Maj. Shawn Haney, a Marine spokeswoman, on Wednesday. He will be placed on the inactive list on Aug. 1, she said. That contradicts statements that Pentagon officials have issued to both Congress and the media....
The Obama administration is one big nest of liars.

UPDATE: "Pentagon does about-face on key Benghazi witness, makes Marine colonel available to talk to Congress."

Monday, November 05, 2012


From this recent essay by Tammy Swofford:
Troubling questions regarding Benghazi, a sexually exploitive campaign ad, and a politically charged film released two days before the election continue to raise reasonable concerns regarding the suitability of the current POTUS to remain in office.  [Soon], Americans may choose to strike the stage of the current administration through the simple act of going to the polls. As for myself, I cannot vote for a man who cannot be trusted to tell us the truth about Benghazi. I cannot vote for a man who allows vulgar ads and propaganda films as a means to massage his narcissistic cravings. I cannot vote for a devolving American president.
Read it all HERE. Worth your time and consideration.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Worth your time to watch:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Tammy Swofford (bio) has written an excellent commentary about what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2011. Worth your time.

She prefaces her opinion piece in the Daily Times Pakistan with the following:
It is my belief there was both dereliction of duty and gross malpractice in play regarding the denial of needed services as requested by a United States ambassador.
Excerpt from the body of USNR Lieutenant Commander Swofford's essay:
...Ambassador Christopher Stevens needed a more robust security complement. Instead, more than 30 security members were relieved of the mission in Libya in the last six months. What should have been the response of the Commander-in-Chief? When reviewing daily intelligence reports and noting an increase in ThreatCon in Libya, he still allowed his Secretary of State and her chain of command to approve a force reduction. Why were repeated requests for increased security assets by Ambassador Christopher Stevens denied? And why did the State Department try to pass off what was an organised terror attack against the staff at the Benghazi consulate as a mere anti-west provocation by ‘the village people’? Very early on, the images posted on a jihad portal showed scenes that denoted an exceptional use of firepower as opposed to protesters with mere matches and gasoline at their disposal. Who was asleep at the switch? And which analysts did not connect the dots that there was a trigger-pulling event slated for Benghazi?....

Blood on their hands. Diplomatic blood.  [T]he death of Ambassador Stevens was not an accidental event. Read my lips. It could have been prevented....
Read it all HERE.

The Obama administration MUST be held to account for Benghazi!  Americans need to get angry enough to prevent any more diversions and smoke and mirrors on the part of the administration.