Showing posts with label quilting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilting. Show all posts

See I still do make things!


A month late and a dollar short but I finished my square for Amy in our quilt bee, sew connected.

I know need to get going on June's block, this summer is kicking my butt!

Anyone else feel like they are just spinning their wheels while the summer just zooms by?

Quilt Along


So enough crabbing that I don’t have time to be creative anymore. And all it took was the chance to win a sewing machine. Have you heard about Dana’s quilt along? Besides the grand prize of a brand spanking new sewing machine (!!) she is also giving away prizes each week of the giveaway. It isn’t too late to join! And if you win the sewing machine remember me!

Look I actually made something!

Yes it is true I finally got to sit in front of my sewing machine again. Unfortunately both of these are for swaps and are a few days late but none the less I got some sewing done!

The blue and green log cabin square is for John, April’s Sew Connected recipient. I hope he likes it, I was so happy I got to work with some great iconic fabric.

And here is my doll quilt, for doll quilt swap 6. The binding once again turned out pretty wonky but this is to date my most ambitious quilt. I really hope my partner likes it and loves it for its unique qualities!

Some Progress


Ken and I basically tuned out the world this weekend, unintentionally, but none the less we did. The phone was turned off, TVs stayed off most of the weekend and we just spent time hanging out. I was able to get a few things done. Not the huge list I was hoping but I did get my quilt mailed off for the Doll Quilt Swap 4 and this by far is my favorite yet. I just hope my partner likes it as much as me. I still have a lot of sewing to do, bags need to be made for the fall and Christmas crowds (I know it seems early but really Christmas is right around the corner!) so now that my machine seems to be a little happier after the extra love and tender care and a good cleaning I gave it I should hopefully be good for awhile.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Here is hoping the sewing just keeps on going around here!

Full plate


It never fails. The minute I have a little time I start to fill it up innocently with swaps and before you know it BAM I have one too many swaps on my hands, various projects for friends and family, gifts to make, oh and a large wholesale order to get done. I am not complaining because I put myself in the situation every time and have yet to learn my lesson.

This is the starting inspiration for the great Doll Quilt Swap. This time around is a slight challenge for me, the request from my partner is for a more modern quilt. Hmph I have never done a modern quilt. No worries thank goodness for the library I got Denyse Schmidt Quilts and got ready for a fun challenge.

I have it narrowed down to two color patterns. The more I look at the one with orange the more I drawn to it. Do you have a favorite? I wanted a bright, yay it is summer feeling to the quilt. If this turns out as cool as I am hoping I may have to make another one for myself.

This swap I have until the end of the summer, but I know me and if I don’t start it now I will be sewing like a mad women the night before and it wont be my best work. Plus I need to get the book back to the library!

Check... All done

I love doll quilts. they allow me to be creative and keep working on my hopefully improving quilting skills. Everything with this quilt was going along smoothly until I got full of myself and rushed the binding. Leave it to me to rush and mess something up. I hope my partner can look past the wonky binding because in all honesty this has been my best quilt to date. I just may have to make a similar one for Leila's babies.

Please forgive the horrible photos, also taken in a rush right before sunset. I hope my partner can get a few better pictures up of it. Oh and the embroidery? The pattern was bought at this etsy shop. She doesnt have one up for sale right now but I would say either contact her or wait a few days a new posting I would think would be up.

Now off to draft a few new purse ideas. Cant wait to attack those bad boys! The feeling of getting things accomplished is priceless!

But why


One of the many blogs I read posted a great question today. Basically she wanted to know why people craft. My answer? Because I have to, it to me is like breathing. I have always been "crafty" though more hot glue gun crafty. Now a days it is obviously that I am drawn to sewing. Something I hope to do for the rest of my life. I think though the biggest reason I create things is that so one day some 20 something year old will find something I created years after I am long gone at an antique store and will be connected to me and pass my spirit on for another generation. So basically I create because I want to be that cool funky spirit that haunts for fun *smile*

Oh and the photos? The starting of my spring/summer doll quilt for this swap. I am really happy with the start of it. Granted it isnt at all looking at what I originally was going for but I am rolling along with it and I think it is going to be a great one of a kind original. And the color palette, lickable I would say!



Something crafty to post! Gosh it seems like a long time. This is my contribution for the 4 season quilt swap this obviously being for winter. Originally I was hoping to incorporate a winter embroidery scene but that didnt work out, I was also going to use the trusty disappearing nine patch set but that didnt turn out the way I wanted so I went completely off the cuff. This design I am afraid I could never replicate even if I wanted to! My favorite part this time though was the quilting which is odd because usually that is my least favorite part. I went symbolic, the quilting was to look like a snowflake in the center and the wavy border? Falling snow/snow hills. I really hope she likes this quilt, it was an amazing adventure for me!

Speaking of snow looks like we are going to get a heavy dumping in these parts so I may have other crafty posts soon since I will have daylight to take photos!


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