Showing posts with label nursing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nursing. Show all posts



So on top of everything around me falling apart, Kenson my laid back easy going baby is on a nursing strike. Of all the things going on this is the toughest one for me. I am a huge hormonal wreck (which at the moment is the worst time for me, crying in front of my boss is not something I typically want to do but cant seem to stop lately!). I am hoping to rule out a few reasons soon but we are going on day three. On top of the nursing strike he is not being soothed as easily at night and in the early morning. So bed time has been a heartbreaking activity to the point where I just want to give up. And it also means we are waking up at 3am for a morning "snack" of things like cheerios since he would normally be nursing at this time. Any momma's out there with some words of support/advice. This is a new thing for me, Leila self weaned at 9 months. Kenson a super nurser until 3 days ago...

When it rains it pours I tell you!


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