Showing posts with label Sewing Room Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing Room Friday. Show all posts

Sewing Room Friday


Monkey see monkey do? This was not staged she did it all on her own. While I was grabbing her pjs one night she showed me her newest trick. Love the last photo, she and I like to make faces at each other and this is a common one I make at her. ( I just realizedit looks like she is naked, she is not just wearing a diaper)

Sewing Room Friday


Here is just a snipit of my "sewing room". You dont want to see the whole area trust me, mostly because it is all over the house lately. I have a pile in the corner of my bedroom, a huge mess in the are that is SUPPOSE to be my craft area, and the dining room table, but if you have been reading my blog for awhile that shouldnt be a surprise.

I have never had a felt wall before. And I am stupid for it. Seriously it is like magic to me (I still am amazes that the fabric sticks up there with nothing, its genius!) right now it is on the wall right across from my bed so I wake up and look at it and go, yep I have a lot of work to do until my trunk show. I already feel the crunch because every weekend until then I have plans so I am trying to do small chunks each day. It is going ok but I am not going as fast as I would like. Plus I am starting to get bored with my fabric. I have a ton of fabric and I wish I loved it all equally but honestly there are some I just am so over using. I have learned though to buy smaller quantities unless it is fabric that I believe is earth shattering and then I will buy a full yard (ha!)

So is anyone else doing NaBloPoMo? I am new to this phenomina I wasnt posting much when this went on last year. It will be a struggle, and there may be just photo days, but it will be fun to see what happens.


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