Showing posts with label Kenson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kenson. Show all posts

Happy Monday Friends

Cookie Monster

For the first time in awhile I am glad to wake up to Monday ready to go for the rest of the week. Granted I would love one more weekend day but I think almost everyone is in that same boat.

Kenson has shown his love for chocolate chip cookies. If he could that is all he would eat right now. Right now I am just glad to see him happy and not dealing with some sort of cold or infection.

Have a wonderful Monday, here is to a great week ahead!

Happy Friday


Yay! We made it through the week. I think finally just maybe the clouds are starting to part and it might start shining around these parts again. Kenson is feeling better. I am pretty sure he has weaned himself and while that has given me mixed emotions it also was not something I control even if I wanted to. Time to move on go. So on to the picture today. Leila is still using one of our digital cameras pretty regularly to take photos herself. Last week she learned how to use the self timer! She now thinks about the pose she is about to do and waits for the camera to take picture. It cracks me up and thrills me. She is one creative 3 year old and I really think no matter what she does in life she will create her own path.

Happy Friday everyone, and I am glad to say it really is a happy Friday!



So on top of everything around me falling apart, Kenson my laid back easy going baby is on a nursing strike. Of all the things going on this is the toughest one for me. I am a huge hormonal wreck (which at the moment is the worst time for me, crying in front of my boss is not something I typically want to do but cant seem to stop lately!). I am hoping to rule out a few reasons soon but we are going on day three. On top of the nursing strike he is not being soothed as easily at night and in the early morning. So bed time has been a heartbreaking activity to the point where I just want to give up. And it also means we are waking up at 3am for a morning "snack" of things like cheerios since he would normally be nursing at this time. Any momma's out there with some words of support/advice. This is a new thing for me, Leila self weaned at 9 months. Kenson a super nurser until 3 days ago...

When it rains it pours I tell you!

1 year ago today


An amazing little, insanely chilled out little boy came into our lives.

A drool monster, cuddler, and relaxed soul, you melt even the coldest of hearts.

This year has flown by, thank you for making it so easy. I was worried how things would go as a momma of two but you little man have made it easier than I ever expected. You are just happy almost all of the time and so easy going, we are blessed to have you around. Plus it is all new to me to have a child who is attached to me your sister has always been pretty independent, I wont lie I love having a "momma's boy".

I hope you get your fill of cake and you like the gift your sister picks out for you. I hope you get everything you dream of in the years to come little man!

We love you so Kenson!

card games


Remember a few posts ago I shared how my family loves games? We were at my aunts house this past weekend and Kenson got in on the game once again. This time hanging with one of my baby cousins. He doesnt look interested but dont let that fool you. He is a hard core card shark in the making!!

Happy Holidays


I have been a bad blogger lately. Sorry. I think the holidays get the best of me every year. Add in lack of sleep and getting sneaky with wrapping gifts away from 3 year old eagle eyes and my days just fly by!

So I am signing off unofficially for the rest of the year. I will hope to do a recap someday in there but I make no promises. I hope you all enjoy your holidays, eat lots of cookies, and witness a few holiday miracles *smile*

And in case you were wondering, yes I have become the mom that dresses her kids to match, I make no apologies *smile*

We'll See


At the end of the summer I had the pictures taken by a local photographer, Donna Boucher. To say she is amazing, great, and super friendly is an understatement. Leila at three is a typical ball of constant energy and within the last 6 months has been harder to take pictures of, either she has goofy smiles or is a blur. I wanted to document these early years and set aside a little cash to have it done by someone who knows what they are doing.

I got my moneys worth. The photos turned out amazing and really show the energy in Leila and the happy go lucky nature of Kenson. My favorite by far though was when we started to wind down and both snuggled up on my lap to chill out for a minute.

This will be one of those yearly things I imagine. So, if you are in the Madison, WI area I highly recommend Donna she does amazing work and is such a sweet person to boot!

Photo Rights- Donna Boucher

How the heck?!?!


I have been graced with an amazing happy baby boy. I honestly think he was given to me at a time that god knew my life would be at a high stress level time and to even out the cards I was dealt he would give me a happy go lucky little person to ease it all. I am thankful, lucky, and blessed. This little man smiles on his worst and best days a thousand times a day. He radiates and makes everyone else happy. I want to eat him up and remember these moments as they happen clear as day 50 years from now. I was going to wait to post these closer to his 9 month milestone but I figured I would spread the happy love around!

Our Weekend


Is it wrong that this picture cracks me up?!?!?! It was one of those weekends where no one was happy for long. But those happy moments, boy those were priceless this weekend!

Be still my heart


There is always something about a baby in a hoodie that makes me want to gush at their cuteness. Happy Friday!!

Parenting 101


...If you put a baby in a box make sure there is some cushion.

I left my husband with our son for 5 minutes and I came back to the living room to this. As a parent you have to be inventive, if anything my hubby is that indeed!

Happy Friday


We have reached another milestone with Kenson. One I really wasnt ready for just yet. But I couldnt hold out on him much longer, he has been bound and determined to start eating solids as much as I tried to convince him otherwise. He is 7 months old today, it has flown by in a blink of an eye.

Baby boy you are amazing and my life has forever changed with you around. Just slow down growing just a little please.

That time of year

Every year since Leila was a year old I have taken her picture out on an open road at my parents house. Year one from 2 huge difference. This year besides the fact I couldnt get one of her standing still or by herself (her baby cousin was running right next to her most of the time) it doesnt seem like she has changed all that much. Which is ok by me. By year 18 I know there will be a world of difference!




And to keep with tradition Kenson got his photo taken as well.

I wish he was sitting up but really I love this picture more and more each day I look at it!

Do you have any family traditions? Do tell, I would love to hear about them!

One of those weekends


It was one of those weekends where a lot was done but I was still left feeling like I could have gotten more done and wished I had. We tried to spend a fair amount of time outside in between rain showers and Ken was bound and determined to grill out each night, which I am happy to report, with a umbrella by his side (just in case), he was able to each night.

How was your weekend? Anything exciting? Did it fly by too quickly?

Happy Friday

We have a full on giggler in our house now. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Blogging to Blog

If every work day could be laying on the floor in my PJs my life would be complete. I am having issues lately. I want to blog but I feel like I dont have a lot to say. And really I havent been able to make anything lately except so "adorable you could eat them" kids (my opinion entirely). Things are changing though and boy do I have some stories to tell once the words come to me and I am ready to share (nothing terribly exciting, but life in general that I think it is important to share). So for a while if you arent a kid person, sorry its all about the kids. Consider yourself warned.



I am going to be 26 this August. Many would say I am a baby myself. My body doesn’t agree. My wonderful 20/20 vision is gone and I have finally had to give in and buy glasses for my weakling eyes. At least I can look all artsy with what may become an expensive habit. I already have two sets of glasses and keep looking longingly at other pairs. I can’t help myself I want to match my glasses with my outfits as others match their shoes with their handbags. It is a sickness I tell you.



-He is growing like a weed. I have already forgotten what he looked like when he was first born. Thank goodness for pictures.

-I will probably never get birth announcements, not matter how good my intentions were.
-Three is going to be way harder than two I can already tell.
-Work, play, sleep, repeat. (My day in a nutshell)
-Baby dancing can make the grumpiest person happy.
-I forgot how much fun coos are as a form of language.
-coffee is my go to.
- I believe more in Spring resolutions than New Years resolutions.
- I finally am living the more is less, and getting rid of everything I don’t absolutely love.
-I miss my family, friends, and sewing machine.
- I am sick of my whining and need to make time for everything I miss.

What are constants in your lives right now?


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