Monday, September 15, 2008

Too Many Butts

We are in dire need of a new couch. We love our couch and we bought it from a model home for $100, but we are expanding in so many ways. Last night Andrew, Jackson and I wanted to all recline on our couch - oh it was so not happening. BUT I don't want to buy a totally new couch just in case it doesn't work in our new place next April. So.... keep your eyes and ears out for any nice, CLEAN, hand-me-down sectionals!!!


Julia Everts said...

Craigslist...thats all i have to say. How much do you wanna spend?

RachelAA said...

I know I have been looking and no one is posting a single one - it's all companies and they are over $500. I was thinking no more than $400 and then in a year, when we are settled in our new place and stuff, we can get a real nice one. But I may give in to something a little higher if I fall in love :)

Anonymous said...

I know Craigslist is great, but have you tried the Recycler? You never know. Love your new layout!