Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Oh how weird it is to see that. I never thought I would say this, but I am so very excited to be having a girl. I have thought throughout this pregnancy that it was a girl and then this last week, I have been getting nervous to be wrong. I never wanted a girl but the more I thought about it, the more excited I became and then I didn't want to get disappointed. Then last night I had a dream we were having a boy and I was so sad. I guess you could say I have been all over the place with this one.

BUT today it was confirmed, "She's a perfect little girl." With me not being able to go to the doctor's too much with this one, I have been getting worried that something could be wrong and we have no clue. We were so relieved and thrilled to get this news today.

So, here's to family vacations where Andrew and the boys go off doing whatever and Andi and I go to the spa for treatments :) And then we'll go play with the boys!!

**I forgot to mention that one of the reasons I was second guessing myself is because this baby has been so active I thought, maybe it is a boy. The doctor today couldn't believe just how much she moves - I think she's getting ready for her brothers. Plus, I am 21weeks along and that's exactly what her measurements show. The boys were never that accurate. Crazy little girl.


Julia Everts said...

Andi is gonna be her name?! Great...have you seen how to lose a guy in 10 days? Andi Anderson is Kate Hudson's name in that movie! Hahahaha. Thats so funny. Soooo exciting you're having a girl!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

Shay said...

ANDI!!! I am SO excited Rach. Now she can wear that WAY cute dress from Hawaii. I love that thing!!!

Anonymous said...

Can’t tell you how exited I am to finally know that you are having a girl. I’m soooo happy for you. The name was my next question, but you’re way ahead of us. Andi is such a cute name, I love it!

Jamie said...

WAHOO!!!! You will love having a little drama queen! Congrats!

Ashleigh said...

Yeah! That is such fun news! It is so different to get to think pink. Glad to hear all is well.

The Watson's said...


bonny with a Y said...

girls are fun!
