Monday, September 29, 2008

Change It Up A Bit

Not What I Had Planned

I have had something to do every night this week and although they have been fun things (aside from Back to School Night), it has been exhausting. But I have so been looking forward to this SATURDAY because we were going to go to Lombardi Ranch and take the boys on the train ride, to the petting zoo, etc. Friday night, before a Scentsy party I attended, we went to three places looking for black polos for Lombardi - couldn't find any :( But I wasn't going to let that put a damper on our exciting, upcoming day.

Saturday morning arrived and we were so pumped. We got ready and headed out for donuts because I had had a craving for a week - ugh, no donuts for a long time now!!! I always regret them. Anyway, JACKSON and RYAN WERE IN HEAVEN!! Afterwards, we had to stall time due to my uncle's flight being delayed and my dad was the one picking them up - long story. Anyway... so we went to Costco to get Formula, milk, you know, the typical parent stuff.

At Costco, Jackson had a sample, it was like a nut cluster of sorts. He was coming back towards me while on Andrew's shoulders. All of a sudden he grabbed his ear and started saying ow. He was then crying, spitting it out and quickly turned to yelling. I finished getting stuff while Andrew took him to get a soda. He threw up there. Andrew took him to the bathroom I saw as I was in line to check out. I waited for them to come out and Andrew said he had thrown up twice. So we are going home, mind you he is crying and screaming the entire time - SO not like him (RYan maybe, but not Jackson). We get in the car and are driving home and he's trying to reach for me - so sad. We live about two miles away so this was all happening so fast. He threw up all over himself again (WE had just washed the carseats the night before, go figure!!!). I see on his neck raised white bumps. So we flip a U and go to CVS to get Benadryl. (I am so grateful I was not alone!!!!!!!!!!). While waiting in the car, he wants me, so I take him out and we take off his shirt and I'm holding my screaming boy. Andrew comes out and Jackson won't take the medicine. We hold him down and pour it down his throat. Within minutes, he's calming down. I drove him with him on my lap, so bad I know but he would not go in his seat and he was so sad and shaking and had chills all over his body. We get home and he and I get in the shower. His throat and belly is covered in red bumps. His eyes are so swollen and his face is blotchy. He watched a show for about a half hour and then took a nap. He woke up as good as new. (Can you see the rash in this picture?? And he was so itchy!!)

So needless to say, we need to go to Costco to find out the ingredients - we haven't had a chance yet. He has had almonds, he has had peanuts, so I don't know. We are wondering about honey maybe.

(They we both in such good moods after their naps!)
After naps and recovering, we still wanted to hit the train ride. So the boys woke up and we got them dressed in their brown shirts. We get there and the produce is open, BUT NOTHING ELSE. I checked their website four or five times and never did I catch that all the goodies wouldn't be open until SUNDAY. I was so bitter, SO BITTER. We decided to take a few shots anyway, but this post will be continued later... after our REAL trip to Lombardi Ranch.

My grandma is not doing well. They have said she has three weeks max. Thankfully I have been prepared for this for some time, but it's still a bit surreal. Yesterday after church we came home, changed and then headed to my parents to say good-bye to my uncle and neices, and to see my grandma. This meant - NO NAPS. Jackson was beat so he fell asleep five minutes before we arrived. Poor guy!
This morning we had another frightening experience. Ryan has decided he no longer wants to play within his little bath chair, he now wants to lean out to play with all the water. We showered, I then got out, filled up the tub and went to get Jackson. Jackson got in, they were playing, I went to put a shirt in the washer. As I was doing that, I thought to hurry back to the bathroom. I did and just as I was rounding into the bathroom, I heard a little splashing. Ryan had fallen out of his seat and into the bath and was on his back flailing all his body parts and the look on his face, I don't know if I can ever get rid of that. I grabbed him and got him out and he was so scared - he was crying for a bit but then just sat in my arms for a while. Jackson looked SO confused and asked, "Ryan scared?". So... if the water had been a little higher, if he didn't roll over onto his back, who knows... He's fine now in bed for his nap, but man - not fun. Jackson too has recovered and is now brushing up on his Spanish with Manny.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ahhh So Refreshing!

I have been dreading this week for a long time and it has been tough, but much better than I expected. It's a three-day working week for me plus we have something every single night this week ONE BEING Back To School Night which I dread. Because that was last night and I worked all day, Andrew took the day off to be with the kids. WHAT A DIFFERENCE it has made for them! They usually struggle so much with my three-day week, but this morning was so refreshing.

Both boys slept in until 6:50am - YEAH!!! They then spent the morning holding hands, drinking milk, and watching the Disney Channel. Ryan was in a much better mood - after three or four days of hearing him complain, today he has been all giggles.The mornings are much more comfortable with our new couch!! Jackson was able to go outside and enjoy the crisp weather.
Ryan was his old self!!!
Jackson ventured into his tool box.
Ryan tried out the Biter Biscuits - LOVED THEM!
And we headed out to the park for the first time in who knows how long.
Even Bubbles came along - a prized possession these days!
Hmmm look what I found in my purse from SUNDAY'S lesson.
Only Flavor Blasted fishies will do!
The playgroud was SO hot.
Grandpa stopped by the blow bubbles and get balls stuck in the tree - oh and unstuck.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Good Ol Days Are Gone!

Ryan was our angel - ANGEL!! So easy, so pleasant, ahhh - the GOOD OL DAYS! Even during his Angelic days he showed us he is super emotional and he has a major temper, but we rarely saw it.

TEETHING will be the end of us all. The Good Ol Days Are Gone - I just hear this constant whine and it's driving me crazy!!! I know I shouldn't complain because I have had it SO UNBELIEVABLY good for SEVEN months - but grrrrr. The scary thing is I haven't even felt the sign of a tooth yet - this could go on for forever :( But he's still has the most precious, chubby face!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Taking Care of Mommy

Me: in a clear tone of frustration, "Shoot, dang it!"
Jackson: with both arms out, palms facing up, "What happened Mommy, what is it?"
Me: trying to figure out how to make it make sense, "I can't find something."
Jackson: walking towards me, "Ok let's go find it!"
Me: "No I left it at class, at work."
Jackson: trying to console me, "Oh... hugs??" and he continued to walk toward me with open arms to calm my frustration. "Come on, let's go sit on couch."

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ward Social

We got a last minute email for a last minute ward social/potluck and I am so glad we were able to make it - it was such a pleasant way to spend the evening. Michalle, Matt and Andrew played a little catch with the football.
Ryan wore shoes for the first time - Jackson made him!
And we did his hair for the first time.
Jackson enjoyed hugging all the girls.
Yum - TWO pieces of watermelon for our little piggy!

This was after their romantic walk around the park.
Apparently this is the only way to get Jackson to use a swing.

A Change of Plans

7:30am: Me: "Jackson let's get in the shower and get ready - we are going to the park today for playgroup!"
8:30am: Me: "Jackson, want to go see Juana and Ito?"
My grandparents live in Corona and so if we are lucky, we see them about once every six or eight weeks. I HATE it!! Yesterday I was feeling well enough to clean up and get going, and I really wanted to go to playgroup because we haven't been in so long, but I just couldn't push aside the desire to just head out to Corona. So off we were by 9:30am.
When I was a child, I was taken to Tom's Farm to get Christmas trees - NOW it's huge and gorgeous and just so much more. Most of the attractions are closed during the week, but it was still a perfect outing and extraordinary weather. Ryan was so relaxed as we were out and about - it's such a blessing having a child that can sit in the stroller or car seat for so long!

Isn't it great how easily kids can make friends!!
Ryan LOVED the strawberry shake - I bought it for all of us to share, but really Jackson and Ryan were the only ones to truly enjoy it.
After our trip, we headed back to the "old people's" pool (yeah I said it) - I love the old people because they actually heat the pool!!! It was a nice end to our visit.

Love it, Love them, Good Day!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Congrats to my Aunt!

I feel as though this will one day be me. My eyes are now starting to give out and it's funny, I have ALWAYS wanted glasses, I used to buy glasses just for looks (hahaha Paige!!!), and now all I can think is that someday I will probably need laser surgery!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

For Sale