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Showing posts with the label reality


On mornings like this, When gentle streaks of light Play hide and seek with darkness, I crave to hold you real tight. And never let you go. In a spur, I abandon my hesitation, Cross the space between us. You often take cue  and recoil, Just like my true lovesick man. Slowly our tale begins and then I hear you whisper a name With passion and trepidation. I pause , I listen. It isn’t mine, someone else’s. Fantasy shatters, heartache entails. On waking up, you forget all. I act like I know nothing at all.  Pic Courtesy : Google


Funny and whacky. Yet sweet. Read further and you’ll know...... Year 2002 : A kid called T. Age : about 3 years He sees his parents’ wedding album and remarks ,” Oh my my!!! This is my Papa. Who is he getting married to ?” His mother gets red in the face. He got upset that no one invited him for the wedding . @ Abhishek Sim : T is the Fa guy. Remember ? Sniff…and Fa. Year 1991 : Name : P A young man of about 25 years Marital status : Single (Not even engaged or seeing anyone) Was caught riding a scooter during curfew in the city. Returning from the grocery. Police constables stop him. make moves to get him arrested. Breaking curfew is a crime, isn’t it ? P makes the most miserable face ever and blurts out “ My wife has just delivered a baby. I need to cook for her. Let me go” ,pointing towards his shopping bag. The policeman lets him off. Grins. P.S. : P is happily married now with a wife and two kids. P.P.S : Those who haven't met my Princesses should go to the previous post....


The more you point out my mistakes, The more you are drawn towards me. The more you try to hurt me, The more you bleed in your heart. The more you run away from me, The more my memories haunt you. The more you want to forget me, The more you are reminded of my presence. The more you want to chase me away, The closer I come to you. The more you hate me, The more you end up loving me. The more you call me an “illusion” The more I dawn as the reality of your life….