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Showing posts with the label 55 FICTION


At forty-nine, this could not have happened. It was a different matter if she had been eighteen or even twenty-nine. She could not believe it. Nobody would. But that grotesque touch lingered. She let that pass and got off the bus.Maybe scarred and scared for the rest of her life.


Getting hurt is easy. Healing is tough. "That suits you,right ?" "No. To get hurt and then heal and try again and again .... That suits me." "I wonder how I fell for you." "I love the fact that you fell for me. And trust me, I don't hurt, I just heal."  


She : What do you like the most about me ? He : The speed at which you slurp your icecream bowl, your anxiety while running errands, your nervousness when there is a lot to do  and most of all, this wide eyed look which you are giving me right now.


Never had someone loved so deeply as they. They lived together. Under a sacrilegious bond. With children. In bliss. They aged gracefully. Died in each others’ arms. Yet, no mausoleum was erected or history written. They were just two lovers - Ordinary mortals. But with divine blessing of loving and being loved. Perfect lovers.


I pray lights go out again. I could see her luminous eyes in candle-light. My mind went blank and heart skipped a beat. Her visage seemed lovelier now. Nature was speechless to see her like this. She was talking nonchalantly all the time. I had decided- she was all mine. Thus began a magnificent tale……………


  Its official.  Its broken. Snapping last ties. A scuffle. An unintended touch. Eyes meet. Differences begin to melt. A trifle glance. A weird smile follows. A maddening moment. Heart beats faster.  Fail to utter words. A strange affinity. Reason loses to impulse. Charmed ,enamoured. Lips lock.  Emotions fused. Bliss. Sun rises. Regrets. A nocturnal mistake.


Reflection : Do you really love him ? She (reluctantly) : Yes, I do. Reflection : Tell him. She (sadly) : He’s too good for me. He doesn’t. ******** Reflection : You like her ? He : Like ? I love her ! Reflection : Why don’t you tell her ? He ( laughs it away ) : She’s too good for me. She doesn’t.


She gazed into emptiness. She cried. A teardrop fell on the window sill. ***** He was hitting the nail with the hammer. Something stirred him. The hammer hit his finger instead. A drop of blood fell on the window sill.


It was a crazy moment. I never realized things would get so serious.  The last minute talk did not help.  I did the ‘right’ thing before it was too late. I had learnt to live sans you. Now its you again.  But I can’t do it anymore.  My love is dead - like my unborn baby.


It was easier to hate than love you. I chose to love you. It was easier to hold than set you free. I chose to free you. It was easier to pretend than be genuine. I was genuine. It was easier to forget than forgive you. I  forgave you….. And You and I turned "We". P.S. : An impulsive desire to create happy endings. I had initially ended it as a tragedy. But then this happened.   Wishing all my readers a Happy New Year ( Mahavishuva Sankranti ) !   


Its the same sea...the same sands...and the same skies. Years ago,you took my hand onto yours and we dreamt of the moon. We started together, enjoying the journey, heading to the ultimate destination of happiness. Joys and sorrows played hide-and-seek. But dear ! Today let us re-live that night of love.


It did not matter when we disagreed…. It did not matter when we had differences….. It did not matter when we fought…. It did not matter when we lost the warmth….. It did not matter when our relationship became passive…. It did not matter when we met rarely…. It mattered when you left without a goodbye….


I know I hurt you, quarrel with you, fight with you, make you smile again; lose you as well as win you back. My silence kills you, my whims irritate you. Your indifference pokes me, carelessness angers me and your words pierce me. We are still together because ............................................... we never cease loving each other.


I know it was you, following me all along. I don’t need eyes to see you. It started raining and I paced up. You were anxious about me.You offered me your umbrella with your face hidden.Only if you had understood me ! I never said those three words, but I thought you knew. P.S 1:My first attempt at 55 fiction. P.S : A real big thank you to all blogger friends who made my birthday "A day to remember".