Showing posts with label Crochet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crochet. Show all posts

Monday 20 October 2014

Coffee Pot cover

Hi all, i know...... I've not been here for a while.
I have just been enjoying the summer and
I didn't have a lot to show you,
so i took a bit of a break.

It's good to chill and take stock .

Anyhow here is a little something 
i wanted to share

A Coffee Pot cover i made for my
 although i did really love how it turned out 
so i now
use it in the house.

I used a mixture of Cotton and Acrylic yarn in an 
Aran weight and a 5.00mm hook.
I made a foundation row just short of wrapping all around
the tin and then just made rows of
 Double and Treble crochets,
Until you reach the height you want. 

It's as simple as that.

The container is a recycled 
hot chocolate tin.
It was to nice a tin to throw away.


Monday 26 May 2014

Crochet cushion Ta Dah!

Hi all on the gorgeous bank holiday Monday,
The sun is shining here and we have
a BBQ planned for tea time
(so pleeeze stay Mr sun).

Now the weather is better out came my
outdoor sofa and i wanted to make a crochet cushion
to match the cushions i made last year out of some
gorgeous Clarke and Clarke material i had stashed.

I had a bit of a change and made a ruffle trim 
around the cushion.

I bought some vintage buttons, they are all the same size
but different, i love them.

All the yarn came from my stash, bits of wool left over
from other projects.
The cream is Drops Lima the same wool as my recent pink 
cushion it's so nice to used and a very reasonable price.

Although i think it's looking a bit lonely LoL, so yes
number 2 in under way.
This sofa is the best thing we bought for outside, it's so
comfy, it's like having another room.
I spent a lot of time on it last year and also this year.
Morning brew, lunch, afternoon brew, crocheting.
It,s shaded in the morning and then gets the 
afternoon, evening sun.

I love it!!

Here are a couple of garden pic's the 
Lapins were full of bees, so i went to get my
camera to take some pic's and there was only one left when i got back.

I love these white foxgloves they are one of my
favourite flowers.
I don't seed them myself i let nature take its course 
and i have a lovely display every year.

Thanks for stopping by today,
I'm off to have my Lunch outside.


Wednesday 7 May 2014

In the garden

 Hi all here are a few snaps i took in the garden 

 I love this time of year

 All the flowers are making an appearance

 But they are not to over grown

 A sea of Forget-me-nots

 The smell of Apple Blossom

 The wild life fighting to survive
(I think this was a wood pigeon)

 Favourite nesting material
(they weren't to keen on the wool ends i put out last year)

 Wild flower patch coming to life

 Sweet peas in can't wait!

 Time for tea

And some hooky fun
(yes i know, yet another cushion on the go.
What can i say, watch this space).


Tuesday 6 May 2014

Vintage flower crochet cushion Ta-Dah.

Hi all long time no see, i know it's been a few
weeks since i last dropped by but the garden beckons.
I so needed to get it sorted,  my 
Potatoes wouldn't wait any longer
and the veggi patch was in need of a serious
Anyway it's all done and planted 


When i haven't been gardening i pushed on with my
Vintage flower cushion and here it is


I just love it.

The pattern is lovely, i did try it with
different colours as well but i do think it
looks best all in one colour.
If you fancy having a go you can find the tutorial

The buttons are some 10mm mother of pearl
i bought off eBay i just manage to scrape
these seven together. I didn't have 
enough pink ones (need to buy more) but i like the 
variations in the colours they all work.

Right i'm off into the garden again while it's
sunny, going by the weather report 
this morning it looks like rain here for the rest of this week.
My potatoes will love it anyway.


Thursday 3 April 2014

Crochet cushion

Hi all you'll never guess what, yes yes 
I'm making another cushion, I can't help myself.

I know I've got blankets to finish, there's a little voice in my 
ear telling me so but when I saw this lovely cushion on the
Lavender and Wild rose blog I instantly new it was perfect for some cushions 
I've been wanting to make to go on our bed.

I love the one colour theme it gives it a classy, understated look,
perfect for a bedroom.

I have gone for a pale pink I chose drops Lima DK it's  a mixture of
wool and Alpaca. Everyone seems to rate drops so I wanted to give it a
whirl and I'm impressed. It's great to crochet with comes in lots of great 
colours and the price is quiet reasonable.
 I got mine from the wool warehouse
using a discount code from a crochet magazine
 so I got 10% off as well

Talking of crochet mags
 I've just picked up this months simply crochet.
What could be better a milky coffee,
 feet up and a browse through my favourite mag.

Thanks for stopping by 

Sunday 23 February 2014

Nordic shawl no. 1

Looking round blog land I kept seeing some beautiful
shawls, Nordic shawls in a variety of colours and I knew that was
right up my street.

I purchased the pattern from Annette at my rose valley etsy shop
and off I went.

I had some Debbie Bliss Andes sat there waiting for that special
project, I also had some Rico alpaca in grey just enough for the main colour.

I took my new crochet hooks out for a test, the knit pro ones I mentioned a
few posts ago. They get a big thumbs up from me, comfy to hold and glide through the wool.


It's turned out well I love the colour combination, I've already started on no. 2  this time 
I plan on adding more rows to make it longer.


Tuesday 11 February 2014

My Boshi at Winter Olympics

Have you been gripped by the Winter Olympics I have, those snowboarders
are so fab. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of people in the crowd seem to be wearing 
crochet bobble hats in some fab colours.  Me want one.
I bought some My Boshi wool in my fave colours and set to work last night.

The good thing about chunky wool is that it makes up in no time.
I'd finished before bedtime. Now I can sit and watch the games in my hat 
Whoowho!! Come on team GB.


Sunday 9 February 2014

Crochet cushion Ta-dah


Finished my cushion it looks really well I am so pleased with the colours, the best bit is it used
up leftover DK yarn from other projects, the cream was all I had to buy so I went for

Debbie Bliss cashmerino DK it's so soft and fab to use. I bought 3 balls but only needed 2.
The cushion came out at 14x14  and I decided to button up one end instead of completely 
closing it.

ooh it's fab the buttons finish it off nicely.

My local yarn shop has a fab range of buttons, they have a fab range of everything, it's 

leathal when I'm in there all you can here from me is 

ooh! and ahh!

I also spotted these

Knit pro hooks with soft grip handles but it's the colours that attracted me first
Aren't they delish?

and the case is pink   yeah!!   that was that I had to have them, 
I haven't road tested them yet
I didn't want to change hooks half way through a project
but I'll let you know what I think when I have.

The sampler blanket took a back seat this week so I best get back to that.


Tuesday 4 February 2014

Crochet cushion

I'm beginning to think I have a serious crochet problem and wandering around
Blog land doesn't help. 
I keep seeing lots of beautiful projects I want to make and
i have to tell you that I've started yet another project, this time it's a cushion.

This picture is my inspiration I love the colours they just grabbed me hook, line and sinker.
The cushion is made by Gillian at Tales from a happy house, she has made some wonderful things  well worth a visit.
I couldn't wait to get stuck in so I raided my stash for similar colours and made up a similar 

Thank goodness it's a quick project these squares make up in no time at all.  
I've also spotted another throw to add to the long list of things to do but I'll tell you about
that another time.

Look at these pretty roses I couldn't resist when I saw them
they are such a delicate colour.
Well we have to treat ourselves now and again it's the law. He! He!
And look at the tissue box it's got balls of wool and buttons on it so I couldn't say


Sunday 2 February 2014

Crochet sampler blanket

Thought I would pop in and show my sampler blanket progress. 
The colour pallet I wanted was to give that vintage feel, nothing to bright and in your face.

A basket full of lovelyness, it never fails to make me smile when I 
see lots of gorgeous yummy yarn altogether.

Nearly half way  I'm doing 10 rows of 10 blocks

The different squares come from Jan Eaton's 200 crochet blocks book (fab book) and I've used
23 different patterns so it doesn't get boring. The inspiration came from Sandra over at cherry heart and I have used her pattern for joining the squares together she is so clever a trip to her blog is highly recommended.
I'm really enjoying this project.


Wednesday 29 January 2014

Bargain basket

Car booting last summer I kept an eye out for a wicker basket, I wanted one to put a project in, big enough for lots of wool so moving form room to room would be easy.

Ta-dah.   I found this for a few £'s. So I set about crocheting a liner for it.

I didn't have a set pattern, I winged it really, made it up as I went along constantly checking it was fitting ok which worked out well in the end phew!!

It's fab I love it it worked out well, it made life easy when during the lovely hot weather we had last summer I could grab and go crocheting outside making the most of the sun while it was here.

Fingers crossed for this summer



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