Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Last Snowfall Snowman painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Last Snowfall  Snowman  painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I took down my tree yesterday and as I was putting my things away this little snowman caught my eye. He just needed to be painted. Just thought you may enjoy seeing the reference.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Painted Red landscape painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Painted Red landscape painting  by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
Experimenting with color. I know the red is screaming for attention but so do I sometimes. I don't usually admit it though, 6x6 oil on gallery wrapped canvas.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Gentle Snow Storm red bird painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Gentle Snow Storm red bird painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I love this little painting. Of course it is so much prettier than portrayed here. 6x6x1,5 oil on gallery wrapped canvas, SOLD

Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Gentle Old Soul santa painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

A Gentle Old Soul santa painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
If we could all give off that persona our world would certainly be a better place.
Oil painting on 6x6x1.5 gallery wrapped canvas. I could not get a really good picture of this one.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cheery Oh Mr Snowman snowman painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Cheery Oh Mr Snowman snowman painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
Again this year I felt compelled to paint just one more painting of this snowman. He is a gift from my good friend. I chuckle as I am posting this because I thought something was missing. I was so proud of adding the cherry at the bottom that I forgot to add his green scarf. Funny huh?
7x5 oil on canvas panel.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christmas Dreams snowman painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Christmas Dreams snowman painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I just must share the cutest story. Recently I posted how that I have my 90 year old mother living with me for awhile. She is wheelchair bound and my life adjustment has been challenging to say the least. She is such a cute little lady with silver hair that wisp around her face creating the sweetest halo. Well needless to say my time to paint or any alone time has really suffered because of my commitment to help take care of her. Today I thought I would get up at 5am so I could paint before she needed me and the chores of life began. I am sitting at my easel smiling and painting when my cell phone rings at about 530. It was mama wanting me to come get her up so we could have coffee. I could do nothing but lay my brushes aside and walk gently down the stairs and open the door to see the prettiest lady I know smiling back at me. I finished this painting in bits and pieces throughout the day. Maybe I just have to learn to paint in short intervals instead of finish a painting in one session. 7x5 oil on canvas

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Snowman's Heart snowman painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

A Snowman's Heart snowman painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
This little guy is a lovely snowman holding a red bird which my daughter bought me a few years ago for Christmas. Each year I paint him. The other day I was unpacking the rest of my art room things and I came across this guy. It made me smile. 
Snowman painting.
7x5 oil painting on canvas panel

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Perfect Snowball by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

The Perfect Snowman by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan 
I painted this one for my daughters Christmas cards. They turned out co cute.
7x5 oil on canvas panel.Figurative.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Eggxatly Snowtime by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Eggxatly Snowtime by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I always saw these egg holders that other artist painted. I loved them even tho I never had a use for one. Love it. I finally bought my own. My daughter loves snowmen so I thought I would paint a few.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wishing You A Merry One by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Wishing You A Merry One
Another one I painted for my daughter for her Christmas Cards. This is her favorite but not necessarily mine. Did have fun painting him though. Wow Can you believe that Christmas is almost here. Hope your holiday season is going well. I love it all the cool air, the lights and the toys. 
5x7 oil on canvas panel.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Made of Snow by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Made of Snow by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
This little cutie is of course a snowball. These hang on my tree each year and is definetly a favorite. My daughter wanted me to paint something for her Christmas cards so.......
5x7 oil on canvas panel.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Light Snow by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Light Snow by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
Just sitting here watching CNN and the snow storms I was prompted to paint something snowy.
7x5 oil on canvas panel. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pinecones by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Pinecones by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
This was a little tricky to paint but as usual I just did my best and am pretty happy with how it turned out.
It is in oil painted  on a 6x6 gallery wrapped canvas with thick sides. It does look very nice. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Snowfall by Alabama Artist Anglea Sullivan

Snowfall by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
My friend gave me this little snowman many years ago. Today I still love him. He has been the subject for 
several paintings and I never grow tired of him.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Snow Day by Angela Sullivan

Snow Day by Angela Sullivan
A day of snow leaves the country side splotched with white. I really wanted to paint the road. 
I will be trying some other roads soon I hope.
To purchase via PayPal visit my
To view more of my paintings visit my 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Along A Winters Road

Along A Winters Road
Have you ever wanted to go for a drive on a cold winters day. A drive with no destination
in mind. It is amazing what you can find along a winters road.
4x4 oil on canvas panel.
For sale or auction at my DPW gallery. Just follow the link to pay via PayPal.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hoar's Frost

Hoar's Frost
Once I lived in Wyoming and it would be so cold. Some days we would go out early and
the air would be filled with those sparkling crystals and everything would be crisp and white.
It had a beauty like no other. I loved it.
4x4 oil on canvas panel
For sale or auction at my DPW gallery just follow the link to pay via PayPal

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It's Snowing

It's Snowing
A light dusting of snow is the most magical feeling. The first snow melting in your hair and the feeling as that cool winter air touches your face is the most wonderful thing I can imagine. It feels like Christmas everyday of the year.
4x4 oil painting on canvas panel. For sale or purchase at my DPW gallery. Just follow the link to pay via PayPal.