Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2013

Holiday Schedules

Splitting holiday time as a married couple can be tough. This is Matt and I's second holiday season as a married couple, and as I get older, I feel less inclined to run around like a chicken with my head cut off.  Yet I hate to feel that I'm 'missing' something. It's a catch 22, and since my parents are divorced things can get even more complicated, but we managed to get it all in. I even got Matthew inside a shopping mall on Black Friday, riddle me that!  We didn't get enough friend time in, which was totally lame, but hopefully the holiday party season will fix that! Here are some pics from the long holiday, and a vow to start rotating holidays with families in the future! Does anyone else do that?? 

 Happy Monday (groan). 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Recipe round up... and some rambles

Merry Christmas Yall! Wait, its only thanksgiving. I could hardly tell because I’ve pretty much fast forwarded and already have Christmas brain. Apparently so has everyone else, so it must be all good in the hood.

So, I am just going to go ahead and throw it out there, I am the least domestic person on the planet. I am not kidding you. I used to tell my sister she was crazy for spending ungodly amounts of times on renovating and decorating her house {sidenote: I am now obessing over decorating ect.end sidenote.}. I can’t do laundry. The clothes just pile up and I just think Ha. Ha. Ha. Bc lets get real, I’ll never be good at sorting and folding clothes. Oh - and I just realized I need to mop my wood floors. Who knew?

Well this post has nothing to do with any of the above, it’s all about the recipes I’m going to take a stab at this thanksgiving.. and despite my lack of domestic godess-ness, I can actually sort of cook. I just make a huge mess and and then ask my husband to clean it up..Which he usually says later and then I just do it myself. Oh married life! Speaking of… yesterday was 6 good ol months. OH yes. Six months of wedded bliss.

OK .. where was I… why are you still reading?? Because I am about to pass on to you the best Paula Deen recipes your taste buds laid eyes on. Or laid tongues on. Uhhhh hmmmmmm. Pass da buttah please.

Check the link out here, is it Paula Deen Gooey Butter Cake – Seriously LEGIT. I tried them at a recent party, and knew I had to make them!

I will also try this {for myself}, and this {for Matthew}. Wish me luck! Toodles and happy Turkey Day.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend recap

We had such a good weekend I'm sad for it to go!
it was filled with spontaneous fun which if you know me is my fave kind of fun .. In other words our house hunt drove us to drinking
We didn't realize it at the time but basic trend of the weekend was...
meet with the realtor,
meet up with Emily and Stan ..
for cocktails

Here are some pics to sum up the weekend:


We got the party started on the lake with some green cocktails!

Matthew brushed up on his boat driving skillzz

Our hair was out of control to say the least:
long hair don't caree...jk I need to cut those locks..

The hostess.. pardon my fake smile lol..

And we fished:

hung out by the water
And then boys conked out early and we had a Nail polish -face wash- makeup brush washing total girl party!

on Sunday we got to meet this little one:

I shall return later this week with all kinds of updates and some link up fun!
Hopefully a house update too, if not that means we'll be homeless people after the wedding!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is in the airr! and some DIY valentine's nails

Popping in real quick at lunchtime.. a girls gotta eat.. and get her bloggy blog on!
Happy Valentines Day to all! You are all lovely and deserving of a great day J I love all the little sweet random notes of appreciation you receive.. like this one from our boss: 

She’s so sweet! They were girl scout cookies from her daughters troop:

And the most exciting part..NAILS! Check out Lynette’s cool valentines nails.. they looked easy enough with the Sally’s stick on’s.

And here is my crazy rendition of valentine’s nails. Its essie Turquoise and Caicos.. which is way more teal than mint ..whoops! Kind of a fail... but here’s my cute little heart that Lindsey paintd on..

We used this to create the heart, which I bought at wally world:

And do not forget your top coat ladies!! It fixes everything.

I have so more nail stuff I want to show you but I really gotta run.. so many things to do and so little time! Like booking a movie ticket at the last minute on the busiest day in a city of 4 million people. YIKES! Happy Valentine’s day to my blogger friends!!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years Day - It's not too late to get off the couch

Happy New Year's to everyone, and it's not too late to write your resolutions down! JUST do it. Without self improvement life becomes stagnant. OK OK enough of the soap box. 

 a short NYE recap:

1. I hung out with my Jenn, asked her to be a bridesmaid by placing one of these cupcakes in her freezer. I literally waited ALL DAY for her find it!! 

Here is a way retro pic of us (oh how I miss my college body):
It was HILAR when she finally did find it. She looked in the freezer twice before she saw it, and I was pretty much on pins and needles the whole time. 

When she saw it she did a double take, then said 'what. what is that??' Of course we were having cocktails and playing with Connor (her 2-year-old) along the way!

2. We headed over to Kristen's Party, where I stayed up til midnight, 
kissed my boo and then took my tush to bed!! 

Yup, I was boring, but my sister is coming to Houston tomorrow to wedding plan so I needed to take it easy. No two-day recovery for moi!!


Noww off to finish our move and wedding plan all day tomorrow before heading back to work! 

Here are some of my resolutions:
  1. communicate better and more effectively
  2. lose ten pounds and body fat and stay that way. Even AFTER the wedding.
  3. Plan the wedding of my dreams, in my budget, and without turning into a stress monster!
  4. stop thinking of my to - list, and just start doing it!! (NIKE)
  5. Improve my blog!
So much wedding stuff do! I set a date (intentionally) not too far away. I really couldn't set a date and wait a whole year.. I am too much of thinker, so I needed a quick and limited time to plan. 

and that's all for now! 

- Tessa

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's moving day, save me please!!

Pardon my tardiness, did we just experience a major holiday?
Hmm I think I got kidnapped by Santa, who filled me up on too much eggnog, but I'm back now.. and guess what?? 

It's moving day! Oh. em. gee. I really loathe moving. It makes me feel like this:

I said please!! t doesn't help that its the 5th move between Matthew and I, one which involved me moving from Austin, TX to Houston, TX. Geesh. 

We are moving in with our parental units to save dough for the wedding, but we hope the next move will be into a house and save us from this Gypsy life, because really, I am getting way too old for this shizzz. 

Interestingly enough, well, long story short, we switched storage units. It was my wonderful fiance's idea, and it will save us some monies - so go figure. Lets do it. Well lemmee tell ya. It was some work!! And Matt is SUPPOSED to be in charge of the move, but he's limping his little self around so I think its time for she-woman to intervene. and guess what I'm gonna do?? CALL MOVERS. 

Oh I made some cool cupcakes for the holiday. See here:

its super simple: one bar of cream cheese, one bar of unsalted butter, 1 tsp of vanilla extract, and about 4.5 cups of powdered sugar. Then you use an electric mixer, and voila. I used a simple icing bag tool set (from Target) to make it look fancy.

I'm currently curled up with wedding magazines.  Wedding updates and NYE related posts to come soon!!

And that's all. Good night moon.

Monday, December 19, 2011

My Only Wish This Christmas!!

Pretty much all I really want is a wedding date!! I've been avoiding making a decision like the plague, because I'm pretty much the most indecisive person in America. Yup. But Mom, I"m having much more fun bloggin'! Wahhhhh!

Here are some pics of our work holiday party at Bella Elegante:

Mrs. Peters from Creatively Classy organized the whole party. She's being a lazy blogger but maybe I can encourage her to get on it!!

And Merry Christmas from Matthew and I! I hope you all got your shopping done and are ready for Christmas. We aren't buying too many gifts this year to save for the wedding, but next year will have to make up for it! Next year we will be 'The Cook's' and have to send Christmas cards and the whole nine yards. EEEEEEP. 

And here is a better picture of Mrs. Peters and I running the Jingle Run:

and that's all folks!

Love, MEEE!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Holidays! & a mini blog break

SO I Just started blogging and I'm already taking a break?!? hahah this B is le tireddddd.

JK.  I plan to come back with a new design and a cool banner, and then I can write down all my scatterbrained thoughts after I stop looking at this fug bookshelf background.  I do hope to scope out a deal on boots this Friday, and thats sums up my participation in the shopping craze this week! *I hope* my shopaholic tendencies dont get the best of me!

I was also thinking of my christmas list and here goes:

  • new boots

  • iPhone 4S

  • a few new make-up items

  • a few items in winter white

to lose 10 lbs.

thats not so bad right??? Alright Toodles, in a few hours I'll be heading out to Cypress for some family time! Have a good turkey day everyone! And a special turkey day to Emily Mazey, her parents are meeting her fiance's parents for the first time tomorrow!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jam-packed weekend

So what a jam-packed weekend it was! We went to Amanda and Rodney’s wedding on Saturday, and they had the most gorgeous service at Memorial Drive United Methodist Church.  Amanda’s middle name is Rose, so of course it’s her favorite flower, and the reception hall was absolutely decked out in red roses. 

You can read her wedding announcement in the Houston Chronicle here, and check out Marci’s blog (her matron of honor) for a more detailed account.

Big Congrats to Amanda and Rodney, they are off to Antigua by now…those lucky ducks. I have to say I had a little wardrobe meltdown before heading to the church, I didn’t want to spend $$ on anything new since we have to save money ect. But it all worked out.

On Sunday, the Texans had a bye week – and we just lounged around to take advantage of the day. We then got ready for Miss Jamie’s Thanksgiving Feast, and holy crap there was so much food, And people! girl knows how to throw a partay!!

Here’s some pics of the food:

Then I went to See Breaking Dawn with Chris and Kristen. I begged matt to come, and was a little upset that he wouldn’t budge. I told him I watch countless football games with him, but still, he would not budge. I was little sad as I realized we aren’t dating anymore and I can no longer easily talk him into sappy chick flicks.

 BUT – after about 20 minutes into the movie, I was like phew good thing he isn’t here bc he would kill me!!! It was sooooooooo cheesy. I think I felt awkward like 50% of the movie. So yea girls, DO NOT take your man to see Twilight. I know it sounds cute, but it really is just not a good idea.

And that’s a wrap! Hope everyone is in a good holiday mood. I plan to blog about my girl Brit Brit and all her South American Adventures. And hopefully we’ll have a wedding date soon!!
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