Showing posts with label California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Travel: If you're ever in Southern California ...

Do make it to Balboa island in Newport beach... It was the cutest little island I ever did see. It was right next to the marina, and had so many cute bungalows and shops.  


Because my dad's side of the family is from Trinidad, all the women get nicknamed "island girl." It's one of my favorite nicknames (besides "cakes" from Matthew) so I died when I saw this shop.  If it wasnt filled with children's clothes, I would have been all over it!! 

But I did score this mug at another shop called "the heart of the island." So I was happy. This mug is one of my favorites so far!

Also - do not miss out on a "lookey loo" spot a bit further south, called Javier's. It's down the highway and had the best Cali-Mex.  It was quintessential "OC," and the enchiladas were to die for. 

Over and out - T 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bucket list: COACHELLA!

Last week I was super pumped about exploring San Francisco for a weekend. And then I saw my friends facebook post:

"Selling two Coachella tickets, second weekend,4-19/4-21" lemme know if you're interested"

And I said whattttt. I scrambled to find my iPhone calendar, and yes, that was the same exact weekend we were set to be in San Fran. Holy toledo, I texted Matt immediately. Then Kristen, who said "Text Chris the details" and BOOM.  Five minutes later we were booking our tickets to Coachella!!! Ok really it was like 48 hours, but you know same thing. We we're researching that shizz within 5 minutes!

It's funny because Chris and Kristen asked us time and time again if we want to go on trips, and we always said no for various reasons: saving to get engaged, then planning wedding which FYI ain't cheap! "oh, but we just got back from our honeymoon," "man we gotta save for a house," " but we're buying furniture," etc., etc., etc.
They had practically given up on us. and I don't blame them.

 And then for once we finally called them and said LET'S GO! Within 48 hours we booked the whole trip. Vacationing friends are the best of friends!

Now onto important things..

 Have any of you gone?? what did you wear?? Ahhh!

I love this look.. except I'm not blonde so that won't work..

how about this one! If you really know me, you know I love dresses..

  I also love these. Feminine and edgy, I could actually wear them again. Maybe.


I haven't even scratched the surface in my outfit research. Hippie hair bands, neon ensembles and face paint, here we come! And you best believe I'll be bargain shopping, Coachella ain't cheap!

If you have gone seriously let me know! I have so many questions! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I'm going back to Cali, Cali

It's official, Our flights are booked, and we're headed to California! I'm off for a work trip and Matthew will meet me in San Fransciscooo for the weekend. And since I am traveling to CA, I finally have an excuse to tell you allll about my California Adventures.

You see, I lived in California Once. I've kinda got a soft spot for the crazy place.

My dad drove me all the way there, and Emily came too. This was my "we're finally here picture!"

I was also 20 lbs lighter. Kidding, kidding haha.
Not reallyy, but moving on.

My dad took off about as soon as I could say Cowabunga. And Emily? She stuck around for a few days like a good friend should. And then it was just me out in the big scary world. Okayyy, Okayy, not really. I actually went for a school program called UTLA, met some rad people and friends I still talk to occasionally.
Now why did I Move to LA? Oh just a Texas girl with big dreams. I wanted to be an entertainment publicist. I listened to a lot of Feist.. I saw a handful of celebrities. Like Heidi Montag at the DMV!
They’re really just like US! Lololol
 I even couch crashed lived with this girl for 6 weeks. And now she's famous. Doesn't even remember me I bet!]

I also got this weird haircut, you know, to fit in better.
It only looked good in a ponytail. I sighed a lot.
Did I ever find my dream job? Nope.  Should I have tried harder to find elusive dream job? Maybe. Did I find Britney Spears, BIG FAT negative!! Was it worth it? Hell yes.  I wouldn't change the humbling experience for the world. And as I head back, I might get a little nostalgic.

Cause I'm going back to Cali, Cali.  I'm back to Cali. Bom bom bom.

Los Angeles and San Fransisco, here we come!!

Helene in Between

Toodles ya'll.

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