Ever wonder how big an NFL player is? Probably not. I just assumed they were huge, and then well I saw them up close and personal on Thursday, and Yowszzaa! These fools were beastly! Anywhoo here are some pics I took from Thursday night's Pre-Season Texans game. I organized an event for work that included a sidelines tour and it was just a blasty blasty.
excuse the fuzzy picture, but he is my favorite player! #namaste |
oh and those cheerleaders? They are skinnier in person. Brats. JK. lol.
On another note, the weekend was fab post-move. Thanks for all of your encouraging words, I seriously needed some cheering up on Friday! Made my day. On Saturda we treated ourselves to a Brazilian steak buffet, and then finally bought a refrigerator. And we threw in a washer for good measure. HA. almost there, almost there. Closing in 2 weeks!