Weight- about 18lbs
Length- about 29in
Clothes- 9-12 months
Diapers- size 3
Sleep- sleeps in his own room in the crib. If he does wake up, he goes right back to bed with a paci. His bed time is about 7:30 and he sleeps til about 6:30.
Eat- nurses for about 10 min every 4 hours. And now takes a bottle for his two day time feedings! Eats baby food and table food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He loves all his fruits, vegetables, and meats.
Naps- around 9:30 and 1:30. He sleeps about 1- 1 1/2 hour each time.
Likes- baths,outside, sitting up, being held, jumper, walker, big brothers
Dislikes- being hungry, to be startled
Milestones- started crawling this week. Claps, high fives, waves "hi", says "ball" "dada" "mama"
Teeth- 7 (3 bottom and 4 top)
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