Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts

Friday, 26 February 2016

Pathetic, Pitiful but progress....

2 Months since my last update. I had hoped to get so much more done.
For Xmas i got a new floor stand with a rolling frame, i was so excited about this but haven't been able to get on with it. The frame is not keeping my tension tight enough so i have gone back to using my hoop. I think this is part of the reason i have stitched as much as i had hoped. That and i have restarted my driving lessons and am studying for my theory. 

So this is how far i have got. I am loving the colors and slowly working which parts i can make out. Its nice to have a bit more color in this page. I am  really looking forward to doing more of the telescope, but it looks like confetti hell!

Monday, 19 October 2015

Stitching, Swearing and progress... Eventually!

Urghh i'm a bad blogger! The comp died so have only just got round to updating properly.

I have made progress on Tribal dragon. 
Here it was when i last updated.
A bit of progress on the wing
 Half the wing done
 I was really panicking about the two edges not meeting up. I told myself that i was being silly and everything would work out. 
 I checked and doubled checked while stitching, so what could go wrong?...

Yep..... i screwed up...
 Then to make matters (and my already fragile nerves) worse while unpicking where i *think* i went wrong, the thread i was using stained the fabric! STAINED IT!!! I could have cried! Thankfully the lady that dyed the fabric was amazing.
 After a good scrub, its hardly noticeable...except i know its there :(
 All correct!
And that means that the wings are finished! I'm already working on the body and will update when i have made some good progress with it.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Quick update- Lots of pics

This is the progress on "Sleeping beauty" More then I thought I would get done. Excuse the crappy gridding im trying different types
It has been pretty busy round here. We went to LEGOLAND for the day which was loads of fun. Connor got his Driving and Boating licences.

Eaten by a lego shark


Made out of lego

Made out of lego

Made out of lego
Made out of lego

Posing with Chebucca

Lego starwars
Connor also had a allergic reaction at school on Friday. I was there having a meeting when it happened,  but it scared the hell out of everyone. Were not sure what caused it. He came up in a angry red rash and his lips started to go blue. I rushed him to the doctors (which is just down the road from th school) and they refused to see him, even though I had his meds on me ( I haven't been shown how to use them) and said the best they could do is get a doctor to phone me. I have never been so angry and have made a written complaint to the practice manager. Anyway in the end I took him home showered him down and gave him his meds and his fine. He still has a rash but its going down.
Esmai has really grown
Esmai has really grown. Iwas trying to find a pic of hen she first wore this nappy but its on my old computer. Its not going to fit her for long :(

Monday, 21 May 2012

Catch up

I posted a pic in my last post of my progress on “Yule fairy” it seems to be taking forever as there is so much confetti. I am doing all the bulk colours first then I will fill in the odd stitches and lesser colours as I feel like I am getting nowhere otherwise. I was hoping to have a page finish by the end of the month but I doubt very much that I will do unless I overdose on caffeine.

Saturday we went down the Warren, which is some woodland very close to us, only a few minutes in the car, in an attempt to tire Connor out. It’s beautiful down there if you ignore the graffiti, which there isn’t much of. There are handmade BMX and bike trails throughout the Warren. Some very small and some that are impossible to climb up. I took my bike down there when I was younger but chickened out of all of the jumps, what can I say I like my bones unbroken!
I hope you enjoy the pics

There was some tree climbing

Connor trying to get down one of the mini BMX ramps

Posing in a hollow tree

There are loads of bluebells through out the Warren

Steve found a tree swing....

.....Which didnt end well!

The kittens are doing very well and are starting to climb. Mainly trouser legs and the curtains. There into everything and each have very different personalities.
The baby is cooking well and I have just under 8 weeks till I am induced! I can’t wait, I’ve got to the point I’m constantly uncomfortable and have pulled some muscles in my stomach yet again even though I have been so careful.
Connors operation has worked very well. I’m still trying to get used to not being able to hear him snore at night. During the day he has endless energy and is impossible to tire out. His eating has got better his constantly hungry and eating (most of the time) like a horse. He has even put weight on and gone up a trouser size. He has a little belly for the first time ever!!

Monday, 26 March 2012

My sisters Birthday surprise present FINISHED!!!!

Today is my sisters birthday, which means i can show you what i have been working on. She is really into "My Little Pony" at the moment. She thought this was great and was over the moon. Connor had great fun helping me make this. It has turnt out alot better then i thought, as the last time i tried to make a pillow it turnt out horribly wrong and is still sat in the cuboard. Pattern found here.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


100 posts!
I should have done it days ago as I have loads of pics to update with and some progress on crocheting but I have put off writing this post as I didn’t want to rush it.
So as I have now reached 100 posts I thought it would be good to do a quick round up of what has gone on.
I have finished 4 cross stitch projects and 3 small cross stitch projects. I finished 3 crochet projects. All in all not too bad for me I think. I have started many new projects and stopped to move onto new things. I WILL get them finished at some point....maybe  
In non stitchey things I am pregnant. Connor is only months away from starting primary school. We lost 2 cats and got Simba and Kiki. Kiki had kittens. We have been camping a few times and fishing a few times. Things are getting sorted on mine and Connors healths. So all in all it’s been a good 100 posts.
It’s hard to believe that I have made it to 100 posts. This blog originally started out as a quilting blog where I could track my progress as I started my very first quilt. Some day I will make a quilt. I need to practise sowing first as I have learnt that I can’t use a sewing machine very well.
I plan on updating more in the future I have been kind of slack with posting. So hopefully over the next 100 posts I will get better with that. I also hope to finish more projects....wish me luck!

Thanks for sticking around!!

Monday, 20 February 2012

update and baby#2

Hello. Well after my accident a few days ago I have done a little stitching. More then I had hoped to get done so I’m quite happy with it. It seems to have stitched up really quickly. I can’t believe how many different colors are in one area. The picture of the completed project doesn’t do it justice at all. Neither does my pic, there are loads of pretty colours in it. So far this is a joy to stitch on.
For some reason blogger has turn the pic around. It’s actually the top line going right across not down the side

So for a baby update. I am now almost 18weeks gone. I feel massive already but that’s mainly due to the baby being long and in a weird position. Its feet are by my spine and its head by my belly button. This is making me look nearer to 7 months pregnant. And also explains the kidney shots it’s been giving me. So far it has been agreed to induce me 2 weeks early but it might be sooner depending on how my health goes and how quickly the lungs mature.  It’s so annoying not being able to tell people how much longer I got because I don’t know. The pain is getting bad where my muscles are stretching I have now been about 11 weeks without any painkillers and my mood shows that I’m struggling, and I hate mornings with a new found passion.  In all honesty I’m kinda looking forward to the hospital bed rest the midwife is insistent I will need. Just think of all that time for stitching!!
Connor is really excited about the baby, he felt it kick a few days ago, and he said it made my belly feel like jelly! Charming right?  He is a little confused but not as much as I thought he would be. He is insistent that there is a baby in his belly too.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Talent! I has it.....

Yep its official I'm the worlds biggest idiot.
I haven't managed to do any stitching thanks to one of the more comical parts of EDS ( for other people of course) one of the biggest reasons I end up pretty much living at the hospital is most EDSers are extremely clumsy. So what did I manage to do then I hear you sigh.

I shut my hand in the cooker. Yep you can stop the puzzled looks , I'm not totally sure how I managed it. But it bloody hurt. It's still very sore even days after it happened. Bruising isn't too bad which is surprising but it's still swollen.

So have you stopped laughing yet?

After the whole cooker incident I then managed to trip over the vertical part of a door frame. Yep the bit that's actually attached to the wall.

That my friends takes talent!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Grab a cuppa , lots of pics :D

Wow over a week without a post. Apparently January isn’t our month. My mum ended up in hospital for a few days but she’s at home now and slowly getting better. She had a small accident and her pain killers stopped working so her body went into shock and started shutting down.
PROUD MUMMY WARNING! : Connor is now potty trained during the day!!! His been almost 2 weeks without an accident. He is still wearing night time pants at night but has used the potty a few times. I was starting to get worried as he is due to start primary school in September. So glad it’s finally happened lol
So first up is a bit of progress on “Tribal dragon” the new bit is part of the head.
Next up is Connors 2nd pic with Santa. A local social club does a child’s party every year, they are really amazing.

I have had another scan now that I am over 3 months I can start to relax little. This is our little baby looking like a baby and not a blob!
Yesterday me and Connor made some yummy cakes. We had to colour in the cake cases and I got told off for going outside the lines!

Soon I will have a new start! It’s a Jessica Galbreth stocking. I fell in love with this as soon as I saw it on HAED but have put off starting. I plan on doing this for my mum as a Xmas present, although she might get it next year, I don’t want to under estimate how long it will take. I also want to do a xmas stocking for the new arrival but the one I have chosen is a simple cartoon one with’s so cute.
Jessica Galbreth
Snowmen stitcking

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Grab a cuppa and some biccys. were finally back!!

Hello my lovelies how are you? I hope you all had a great Xmas and new year. Ours was quite Xmas day. Our first one at home by ourselves, it was lovely. We were all spoilt ( no stitchey stuff though )and I ate way too much! Boxing Day we went round my nanas for cold meat and mash which is one of my favourite meals! Yum yum! New Year’s Day we went round to my granddads for party games which was great fun as most of the family turnt up. Im sorry for not updating sooner but i have been drained 3 Days in hospital was a killer.

Connors health took a turn for the worse and after a quick visit to the doctor we ended up at the hospital. He couldn’t sit up by himself and was very sleepy. His tonsils were so swollen that he couldn’t swallow liquids or eat.  After while he was put on a drip as he was dehydrated after 6hours sleep during the day he really perked up. So we went home with an appointment the next morning to see the ENT specialist. Well we went back up the next morning and had been given the wrong time so we ended up missing him. We stayed in that day so they could keep an eye on Connor and do a sleep study that night. His sleep study showed that he does stop breathing in his sleep. By this time his tonsils was not swollen. We saw the ENT in the morning and his tonsils are naturally large. We are waiting for an appointment with a specialist anaesthetist as his so tiny, and then he will have to have an operation to remove his tonsils, ananiods, and grommets. Should be sometime in the next 2 months as it’s no longer an emergency. Then he will have another sleep study to check his breathing has improved. The ENT also reckons that his sleep apnea is why his not growing. The growth chemicals are released in deep sleep but because he stops breathing it means that the chemicals are not being released. So once we have his apnea sorted he should start growing. Maybe for the first time in almost 2 years! He still wears 12-18 months which is terrible as he will be 4 this year!
Perky Connor
I managed a little bit of stitching but not a lot as lights go out at 9 for parents too L mainly white on a snowman one but not worth showing a photo. I have kept up to date on all your blogs and your all doing so well I can’t believe how many finishes there has been already come-on fess up ...what’s your secret? I plan on stitching tonight but I’m not rushing to finish the “A new baby” pillow just yet. I didn’t manage it before Xmas so will properly keep it till her first birthday which gives me 7-8 months to get it done. Ill properly leave it till last minute though. I would like to say a big THANK YOU!!! To Mouse after the plea for help in my last post she emailed me detailed directions and now it makes complete sense to me! Thank you! You are a star!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Giveaway Winner

Hello all the giveaway is now closed! As I wasn’t too sure who wanted to be entered and who didn’t, anyone who commented on any of the posts where it was mentioned has been entered. So without any more rattling on the winner is:
Congratulations can you please email me your details and which book you would like I will get it sent straight out to you.
No stitchey updates today I’m afraid but I am going to share these sweet pics of Connor. I picked up a DIY stocking kit from a local shop. Only £1 and it makes two stockings. It was great fun and so easy as all the pieces are ready cut and sticky on the reverse side. We had loads of fun making these and I’m hoping to pick up some different designs when I’m next uptown.