Showing posts with label Crochet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crochet. Show all posts

Friday, 4 January 2013

Whoop Whoop

Well being that its only the 4th of January 2013 i think i have done well to finish 2 projects already.
First up is a pillow i started ages ago ~Click for original post~ This is for my niece , I had hoped to have it done for her birthday but that didnt happen, and then i thought it would make a good Xmas pressie, well that didnt happen either.Well its all done now. When i have finished something for her older sister we can take them over.
 I have also made my very first bootie. I have always wanted to make boots and mittens but cant read a pattern. Any crochet i have done before my Nana has explained or i have winged it. This time i read the pattern and you tubed bits i didnt understand and after roughly 90mins of swearing the first bootie was made!! Its not perfect but i made it without any help so i am very pleased with the outcome. (Its a purple boot not blue like the pic makes it look) Now i just got to wait for my daughter to grow into them.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Quick update

Sorry for the lack of posting things have been pretty busy round here.
I finished all the stitching on the mystery present. Now I just need to get it finished and wrapped up.
I have been continuing with the baby blanket I started crocheting. And have lots of ideas about making blankets and cloth nappies. If anyone has any helpful links please pass them my way!
We have had loads of appointments since my last post.
We saw the specialist Anesthetist that will be knocking Connor out when he has his op. He has knocked Connor out before so I was much more relieved after the appointment. Connor will be having his operation within the next 6 weeks!
We had another baby scan. Bubba is cooking nicely but was being a pain and not laying the right the way. The scan became really painful after the sonographer got a little poke happy and heavy handed. We eventually found out that we are expecting a baby girl! Since then I have became an eBay addict and spent a little too much on baby shoes lol.

Connors parents teacher evening went really well. The manager was full of praise. Connor is socializing well and on target with all his goals. One happy mummy!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Yule Fairy

Good morning! How is everyone? I have a quick question before i forget : 
Does anyone know of a fabric pen that has a small enough nib to be able to grid on 25 count fabric? The gridding pens I have are way too big to be able to grid clearly.
As I’ve seen a lot of people sharing snow pics I thought I would share mine. We had snow yesterday morning. Now I should point out now it was extremely pathetic more like a light sprinkle. We didn’t even have a snowball fight, which sucks. Hopefully we will have some more overnight.

Connor rather unimpressed
Out the kitchen window

My thread pack for “Yule Fairy” arrived today, I was so excited. Head on over to Cross stitch Heaven. I love how it’s all pre-sorted and kept together by a key ring. Delivery was fast and the lady was lovely J
I hope to make a start tonight by doing the first 100 squares. I won’t get much done on it this week though as I am helping out at Dreamdragons this weekend. We have shows Friday, twice on Saturday and Sunday then the following Sunday. I’ll be doing front of house as I’m not allowed to lift anything heavy. Lots of showing people to their seats and making drinks. I’m quite looking forward to it. We are taking Connor to see the show on Saturday morning. Its gonna be so much fun. My dad, granddad, aunt, and a few members of family and of course close friends will all be in it. My dad and granddad are playing a double act. There terrible when they get together they both suddenly become little children and spent the whole time they are together mucking about. It’s so much fun to watch!

Thread pack

New start
I’ve made progress on bubbas blanket but not enough to warrant a picture. 5 rows seems like nothing when I laid it out to take a pic lol

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

typical lol

I would have had an update for you sooner. I had grand plans to stitch like a devil and have an amazing progress pic for “Smaug” but I couldn’t find any DMC 310!!! I know right.... I had at least 4 skeins of it the last time I checked and now nothing! I searched everywhere and turnt the house upside down. In the end I have admitted defeat and accepted that I must have run out.  So as I couldn’t work on Smaug I started a new baby blanket for baby number 2! I was gonna hold off for a little longer but I had nothing to work on (other than the 6-7 WIPs in my stash) so I started something new. I’m doing Tunisian Crochet which has to be one of my favs. So easy and quick so here’s a pic after about 2 hours. This is “freestyled” meaning I had no plan and I haven’t counted at all. I just went with the flow.
length of blanket

close up

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Well I got my new cross stitches come through 2 days ago. I haven’t made as much progress as I thought I would due to it being more complicated then I thought. The instructions and graph thingy are harder to read then I am used to. I won’t bother putting a picture of it up yet as there’s not that much to see.

I have been working on enterlac, and can’t work out where I’m going wrong. The “wrong side” (part I’m working on) looks brilliant but the other side seems all messy and uneven, the colour changes don’t seem to be even, there’s uppy bits and downy bits. If anyone can tell me what I’m doing wrong please let me know, ill pay you in cookies :P. I also received my Tunisian crochet hook this week, now just waiting to find the perfect wool to test it out with.

"Wrong side"

The wrong side is kinda neat. 

The right side is messy and has some raised bits on it, as im sure you can see. Im not sure where im going wrong. If you think you might be able to help, please let me know, ill give you a cookie : P

Connors managed to total his glasses, glasses that are meant to be child proof. He was trying to get out the back door with a football in his hands. Normally he holds onto the doorframe, but this time he didn’t. Head first onto paving slabs. His ok just a couple of scratches and a lot of tears. The glasses took most of impact so he was bloody lucky. We have to take his glasses back on Thursday to have them mended. I can’t wait I didn’t realise how much he bumped into things without them.

My tooth seems fine a little tender but I can now eat “adult” food like mash potatoes, chocolate, bread again. No longer stuck with soup and mush. Yay thank you tooth for sorting yourself out. Damned dentists.

I seem to be waking up every couple of days with a headache from hell. Not quite a migraine but not far off it. I think it may be something to do with either stress or medication or possibly stress related to medication. It could be too much chocolate or not enough......personally I like the sound of that more then I should. It could be from the weather. I’m refusing to put the heating on yet. It could be from spending so much time on the computer. It could be due to trying to work out why I got a headache. It’s properly that one.

I also got a new laptop this week. It’s one that my partner used. Bigger screen, bigger keyboard, all-round better. I can now play the games I want to though I doubt it will improve my ability to play them. I play CSS a lot. I normally last about a minute and half. I am truly crap at shoot ‘em games.

I have an appointment with Professor Graham, who specialises in EDS, coming up next month. I’m looking forward to it. I have so many questions for him. As it’s almost 3 hours travel there I’m hoping to make a day of it and see some of the sights around London. We’ll properly go to see my partners mum as she lives on the outskirts. Is it a bad sign when you count an appointment at a hospital a day trip? Even better it’s a hospital I haven’t been to before, yay, only question is now, what supports do I wear and should I get the ones that match my undies?

And for all those who are having a bad day, I present to you this picture. I only turnt my back for a second. Imagine the fun I had clearing it up, bearing in mind I had only finished scrubbing the kitchen before dinner. Ta-dar

Dont you just love kids

Past Crocheted bits

These are a few examples of my past crochet.  :)

Also have made: 3 blankets,couple of scarfs,and a few other bits
I’m afraid to save my sanity the first couple of articles have been copied and pasted from another blog I keep mainly about my health.
Yay i finished a project. A crochet hook case in purples.The pic is ment to be purple but camera flash distorted colour. I got the idea from a pattern but did not follow it. Gonna do another one now i know what to expect.


Found a technique that i really want to try its called Enterlac.It looks fantastic.
I’m afraid to save my sanity the first couple of articles have been copied and pasted from another blog I keep mainly about my health.

Me and Connor made cakes and biccys today. Around four plates of the damned things. Some of them were slightley burnt but then everything i cook is normally burnt to a cinder. I dont have a timer on my cooker so i wait till the fire alarm goes off to tell me its done :D


I had one hell of a migraine yesterday. My partner made me go to bed before 9:30pm. I sure needed it though as i slept almost 12 hours. I had some very weird dreams though. I remeber bits about them. Something about a dragon i had to ask something,but it was drunk and kept chargrilling people. Something about a car crash in which we all survived but ended up in a wildness camp with a bunch of crazies. Who kept trying to dance with us. The only sane person there was dwayne johnson (a former pro wrestler) who every few minutes would give me a teddy and a blanket and tell me it was nap time. Not a clue what any of it ment but woke up very confused.

Connors getting on well with his glasses, other then the fact his bitten the plastic bits off that go on his nose. He can defiently see better now and has a tantrum if i dont give them to him first thing in the morning.

My teeth are really killing. Its been a month now, my gums wont stop bleeding, my teeth are more sensitive now then they were when the nerve was exposed. Im having to use the tooth paste for todlers as when i use adult ones even for sensitve teeth i end up crying where they hurt so much.

I have been crocheting like mad this week and have been thinking about starting a crocheting blog. I might just keep it all on here though as it makes it less stressful