22 November 2009

In My Mailbox (4)

In My Mailbox, is brought to us by Kristi at The Story Siren Thanks Kristi!!

This turned out to be a pretty good 2 weeks in books if you ask me. I missed last weeks... I think lol. So this will be what came in the mail to me or I picked up for this week and last week. (Sorry no picture again. Maybe next time.)

Ordered/Purchased from the Book Depository (my new love!):

Skin Game By: Ava Gray
Trick of Light By: Rob Thurman
Going Bovine By: Libby Bray
Shrinking Violet By: Danielle Joseph
Shadowlight By: Lynn Viehl
Soulless By: Gail Carriger
Tempt me with Darkness (Book 1) By: Shayla Black
Seduce me in Shadow (Book 2) By: Shayla Black

Went to the Crown Book Outlet again today... some great finds, well I think so at least lol And they still haven't put out all the books they recently aquired. So, I'll be going back again at least once more, but after christmas. Here's what I purchased there:
Being By: Kevin Brooks
The Hunters Moon By: O.R. Melling
Jerk California By: Jonathn Friesen
I Don't Want To Be Crazy By: Samantha Schuts
Saint By: Ted Dekker
The Queen of Everything By: Deb Caletti

I think that's it for me.... what all did you guys get this week?? Good stuff I hope.

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  1. Loved 'Honey, Baby, Sweetheart' by Deb Caletti and will read The Queen of Everything. Love your blog and will follow.
    All the very best.

  2. I loved The Nature of Jade by her, and I have a couple other books of hers here, so when I saw this one for less then half off, I knew it was a must buy.

    Thanks!! I'll have to take a peek at your blog as well. :o)

  3. Amazing haul of books! Jealous of Going Bovine. I still haven't gotten my hands on that one. Happy reading!

  4. ladystorm - thanks!

    kapri - thanks, I'm sure I will!

    KatieDoll - I actually got Going Bovine pretty cheap from the BD. That site is going to get me into some trouble, that's for sure!

  5. NICE haul!

    Oh man, The Book Depository is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I spend at least an hour on it everyday, haha.

    My IMM

  6. I really love the sound of Going Bovine. So different! Hope you enjoy all your books!

  7. Nikki - Yeah, the Book Depository is AMAZING! Such a huge money saver. I'm waiting on 2 books to come from them right now! YAY! lol

    Checking out your IMM now.

  8. So Many Books, So Little Time - Going Bovine - because it sounds so different is just the reason why I had to get it. So, now it's been added to my ever growing TBR pile. :o)

  9. Hello!!! Nice blog ^^ and really good books you got this week, enjoy them!!!

  10. Mariana - Hi!! Thanks and sometime in the near future I hope to get to them! My TBR pile just keeps growing and growing! lol


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