12 November 2011

Title: The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey, #3)
Author: Julie Kagawa
Publisher: Harlequin Teen, 358 Pages (January 25th, 2011)
From: the Publisher, Thank You!

Synopsis: My name is Meghan Chase.

I thought it was over. That my time with the fey, the impossible choices I had to make, the sacrifices of those I loved, was behind me. But a storm is approaching, an army of Iron fey that will drag me back, kicking and screaming. Drag me away from the banished prince who's sworn to stand by my side. Drag me into the core of conflict so powerful, I'm not sure anyone can survive it.

This time, there will be no turning back.

Review: 4 Stars - The third book in the Iron Fey Series, By Julie Kagawa – The Iron Queen – tells the continuing tales of half human, half fey princess Meghan Chase. It’s thrilling, adventurous, emotional, and humorous all around amazing series for fans of YA Paranormal.

Meghan, Ash, Puck and Grim are back and I have to say better than ever. This new journey takes them through some tough times, as the Nevernever is being consumed by the Iron realm. Both Winter and Summer courts are at war with the Iron Fey to try to save their world and their lives.

Meghan is continuing to evolve and grow and you can see the difference in her from the first books right through the heartbreaking, tear jerking ending of the Iron Queen. I should mention that this is one of those endings that I wouldn't have been able to deal with well if I didn't have the Iron Knight to pick up and read back to back with this one. Meghan is such a strong female character who has quickly become a favorite of mine. Her interaction with Ash, Puck and Grim is highly entertaining and often sweet. However, it’s her selflessness and all that she’s willing to give up for those she loves that make her memorable and heartwarming character.

Ash and Puck have also grown by leaps and bounds from the first time we've met them. Especially Ash who’s hard exterior has always been tough to crack. It’s those little glimpses that we get to see, because of Meghan that give Ash a depth that I looked forward to reading more about in the Iron Knight.

And Puck, he’s charming and as always entertaining. Yet he’s changed as well. You can feel his sadness through his usual banter and carefree self. And then I can’t forget to mention Grim. He’s the same, with the exception of one scene towards the end that started the water works flowing. Yep, while reading this book, I’ll admit that I did shed some tears here and there. But, anytime a writer can affect me emotionally with their writing and characters as Kagawa has, makes for a good read.

All in all, if you haven’t picked up the first book in the Iron Fey series – The Iron Daughter, what are you waiting for? These books have a little bit of everything and then some. And if you have started this series and haven’t picked up this one yet, be sure to pick it up AND the Iron Knight at the same time. Trust me; you’ll thank me for this. So, I’ll leave readers with one question – if you have started or read this series, are you Team Ash or Team Puck? Me, I’m an Ash girl, through and through.

FTC Disclaimer: I did NOT pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this HONEST review.

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  1. The ending to this one pissed me off!!! But Iron Knight is the BEST!

  2. Oh Grim. One of the best cats to ever grace fiction's doors. :)


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