14 November 2009

A Chase Around the USA

AS OF 11/15/09 9:00pm PST

I'm the 4th stop in this amazing contest/tour for Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder.

And I have to say that I loved the book. It was a great read that had my heart aching with each turn of the page. The only down fall was that it was a quick read. I read it over just a few hours, but with how quick of a read it was, it had everything in there that a wonderful story should have. The one word that I picked is Healing. I felt that this word was something that ment the most to me while reading the story. I wanted to do the one word totally differently, that would have fit prefectly with this story, but just didn't have the time... however I did a quick hand drawing of the word in blues - to go along with the color of the books cover and added a shadow of a hand over the top to again go along with the cover of the book. (A real review will come in the next day or two, our internet is down and I'm using a friends to be sure to get this contest going and done quick as stated in the rules)

CHASING BROOKLYN by Lisa Schroeder will be released January 5, 2010. Due to publishers cutting back, ARCs are not as plentiful these days. BUT, Lisa has one ARC that she's sending out on a multi-state tour, and she will be trying to chase it down as it goes from reader to reader.

If you would like to read CHASING BROOKLYN, add your name to the comments below. One name will be randomly drawn 24 hours from the date and time of this blog post, and the winner will be contacted via e-mail (please leave your e-mail address in your comment). Not only will the winner get to read CHASING BROOKLYN before it hits the shelves, but each winner will receive a $10.00 gift card from the bookstore of his/her choice from Lisa. If Lisa guesses what state the winner lives in before the state is revealed to her, that amount doubles to $20.00!

Participants in the Chase Around the USA have 5 responsibilities. If you don’t think you can meet these responsibilities, please, PLEASE do NOT volunteer to be a part of the chase.

1) READ - CHASING BROOKLYN within 7 days of receiving it. If you can read it sooner, even better!

2) Take a photo of ONE word - about the book, to describe the book, something in the book that’s important, etc. How do you show us your word? Be creative! Write on paper, on a t-shirt, in the sand, on the wall, in cereal – the possibilities are endless! Please TRY TO INCLUDE THE ARC IN THE PHOTO SOMEHOW. The only requirement is that it cannot be something negative. Of course some people may not like the book. But Lisa plans to use these pictures in a special way when the chase is over, so positive is best. If you don’t like the book, simply pick a word that shares the tone of the book, describes a character, etc. (By participating in this contest, you agree to e-mail the photo to Lisa for her to use as she chooses.)

3) Post the ONE WORD photo on your blog - along with a picture of the CHASING BROOKLYN cover and these rules, and hold another contest just like this one, drawing a name within 24 hours of the blog post. Do what you can (tweet, facebook, etc) to point people to your blog about the contest.

4) Post a comment on Lisa Schroeder's blog - that you've held the contest and drawn the next blogger's name (without revealing the name) to receive the ARC. Lisa will then try to CHASE the ARC down by posting a guess on her blog of what state the ARC will go to next. Once Lisa's blog post goes up with the guess, the current holder of the ARC will post the new winner's name and the state he/she lives in on his/her blog. If Lisa guesses the correct state, the next recipient of the ARC receives a $20.00 gift card to the bookstore of his/her choice!!

5) Mail the ARC - to the winner IMMEDIATELY after receiving the winner's address, so the book can get into as many hands as possible. Lisa is hoping for at least 7-8 stops on the chase, but that will only happen if people get the book read and sent off quickly. Use the flat shipping rate envelopes at the post office for a low price and speedy delivery! Whoever has the book on the release date of 1/5 will mail the book back to Lisa. Please feel free to write notes in the ARC for Lisa to read when the book is returned to her.

At the end of chase across the USA, Lisa will draw three names from the bloggers who participated in the chase to receive FREE signed copies of one of her books - I HEART YOU, YOU HAUNT ME, FAR FROM YOU or CHASING BROOKLYN.

Finally, the blogger who has the most creative one word photo (judged by three teens in Lisa's neighborhood) gets a signed copy of FLASH BURNOUT by L.K. Madigan, a signed copy of LIPS TOUCH by Laini Taylor, and a copy of CRASH INTO ME by Albert Borris.

SO - you have 24 hours!!! This contest will close tomorrow night and I'll need to hear back from the winner RIGHT away for your address, so I can be sure to get this out in the mail to you by TUESDAY! Just leave a comment with a email address or your blog URL so I can find you tomorrow night at this time. I will need a way to contact you because once I draw a winner, this will go quick. Good Luck and I can't wait to send this on to the next person to read!

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  1. I'd love to be the next stop!!

    :D Nikki

  2. Definitely count me in on this one!


  3. Oh man! Enter me, please! :)


  4. Been chasin' this thing since it started on its journey. Count me in. :D


  5. I would LOVE to read this & be included in the tour!


  6. My state would be a next great stop :)

    foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com

  7. Pick me, Pick me!! I would love to be the next stop.


  8. This is a very creative way to get an ARC around! I love it. Count me in.

    thebookvixen at gmail.com

  9. Let's see if I can be the lucky next person this time!


  10. Count me in:)


  11. I'd love to participate!

    Sara @ The Hiding Spot

  12. Count me in!


  13. Ahh, the thrill of the chase.


  14. Count me in!


  15. Love this idea. This is my second attempt.
    carolinestarr at yahoo dot com


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