Our Family

Our Family
This is a blog about our family. My journal of our adventures. We're just trying to do our best raising 2 crazy kids (or maybe we're the crazy ones). Eight years of marriage under our belts, and still lots of new adventures and surprises on this road called life.

In loving memory of my mom- Kathleen Nelson Higgins May 11, 1954-December 29, 2008. She is my warrior and I wear pink in honor of her.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Break in Zion's

We got outta town and went to Zion National Park for 2 nights with my dad, Chloe, and Floyd. It was definitely still winter there, colder than I expected, but beautiful and fun. We stayed at the lodge and loved it. Adam and I were talked out of staying there before, but we are regretting it now cause it was great. The kids got outside and ran around. Adam is great with kids this age (Chloe, Floyd, Grace, and Max) cause he knows how the get them out, wear them out, and then fill them up with stories for bed. It was a short trip but well worth it and nice to get away after Christmas! Great idea Dad!

Table for two.


  1. What a fun trip! I love Max's smile in the first pic, he looks so much like your dad! I can't believe how big Jessica's kids are!

  2. I'm loving Max's frog hat! What a fun trip.

  3. Looks like fun, I'm glad you guys got to get away.

  4. AWESOME trip!!! great pictures, that's a perfect place to do a shoot!! i agree with MIchelle, Max's smile in the first pic is classic!!
