Our Family

Our Family
This is a blog about our family. My journal of our adventures. We're just trying to do our best raising 2 crazy kids (or maybe we're the crazy ones). Eight years of marriage under our belts, and still lots of new adventures and surprises on this road called life.

In loving memory of my mom- Kathleen Nelson Higgins May 11, 1954-December 29, 2008. She is my warrior and I wear pink in honor of her.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Bath in Pajamas

This morning as Grace was getting undressed to get in the tub, but someone beat her to it. Max got in the bath without anybody noticing- pajamas, diaper, and all.
This guy has been keeping me busy lately!


  1. That's awesome! Simon has climbed in the tub in pjs a few times. Boys are quite destructive.

  2. Little boys do know how to keep you on your toes!

  3. hahah! i love his face, like, "what? why is this weird?"
    love the handsome devil!

  4. Oh Max, what a great idea! Now your mom doesn't have to do the laundry!
