Our Family

Our Family
This is a blog about our family. My journal of our adventures. We're just trying to do our best raising 2 crazy kids (or maybe we're the crazy ones). Eight years of marriage under our belts, and still lots of new adventures and surprises on this road called life.

In loving memory of my mom- Kathleen Nelson Higgins May 11, 1954-December 29, 2008. She is my warrior and I wear pink in honor of her.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Time 2009

Merry Christmas! I took most of the pictures Christmas Eve, but all of Christmas was good. We spent Christmas Eve in Coalville. My dad made a mean prime rib, we ate and had our usual Christmas Eve program- singing songs, a few stories, and my dad reading from the scriptures. Chloe is old enough now she can read some Christmas stories, so that was fun. Grace recited her Primary talk from Sunday and sang "Picture a Christmas". Floyd drew a story and told us about it too. Max was just along for all of it. It was a good Christmas Eve, good for us all to be together and it felt like it always has for the past 26 years for me.

Christmas Day!
We had our first Christmas morning at our own house this year and it was a lot of fun. I loved playing Santa and getting everything ready. Too bad I was the first one awake and excited on Christmas morning! I guess the kids aren't quite old enough to be up early (which maybe I should be glad for). Santa was good to us this year, despite how good or bad we might have been :).
Jessica, the kids, and my dad came over for lunch and we hung out on Christmas Day. We had some fun watching YouTube videos. We went to the Princess and the Frog too, and it was fun to get out and go to the movies. All in all, a really good Christmas. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be with out my mom, but her spirit lives on in our traditions. Merry Christmas everyone!

Look what Santa brought!
Floyd and Max had their first Dance Off together (thanks to Floyd's awesome music and computer) on Christmas Eve, while the girls were busy dressing up and singing songs. Here is a clip. . .


  1. How fun! I'm glad Santa found out Grace wanted the castle...since she wouldn't tell him. I'm glad you had a good Christmas! We made the cheese ball and thought of your mom. :)

  2. Hey Allison. I LOVE the dance off! Super cute and funny too. I know I talked to you yesterday, but I am still glad that things were better than expected. When Sadie gets home we'll look over the calendar and pick some days that might work for us. I hope you have a blast in Zions! I can't wait to talk with you about how it goes. Talk with you later.

  3. What a fun Christmas and such cute kids! Glad it was great and I'm glad you felt your mom's spirit with you! It's neat to know that she can still be with you for all the wonderful and important times!

  4. I love the pictures. The kids are so cute. I'm glad you had a good time!

  5. oh man, your family is flippin' cute!!! love the videos, too adorable, and the picture of Grace in front of her castle...well, that's payday right there!
