Showing posts with label Pre-wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pre-wedding. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2011

待嫁新娘 Bride in the paddy field

24.04.2011应朋友的要求,帮她拍了一些照片。而且我也找来了几位志同道合的朋友随行。第一次尝试拍人像,同时兼助理,造型师...有点手忙脚乱,可是还蛮有趣的。希望有更多的机会拍摄类似的照片,和一群志同道合的朋友吸取经验。;-) 这一次的拍摄,选择了鱼米之乡-->适耕庄。一片片绿油油的稻田,配上蓝天白云... 马来西亚难得的漂亮景色。可是,当天的太阳公公太猛了,把我们给溶化了...

这一次的人像拍摄,是临时决定的。朋友即将在5月结婚,拍了结婚照的她想拍更多的外景照,所以就由原本想和我们一起去拍照的她,变成了我们的模特儿。新郎没空随行,所以这系列的照片只有待嫁新娘,没有新郎。:p 可能是只有个人的关系,所以对我来说比较容易拍摄。如果是一对情侣,相信难度更高。不仅要掌握角度,也要引导双方的感情,眼神... 还有拍摄的氛围,还蛮考功夫的。


A bride portrait shots at Sekinchan on 24.04.2011. First time shoot portrait photos and still got a lot to improve and learn. Hope got chance to plan another portrait shooting again. I like the feel of this album, hope you all enjoy the photos as well. ;-)

Click HERE for more photos.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Prewedding Picture Slide Show

I've done those slide show by own. It is easy to create with smoe software you can find in the market now.
Slide Show 1

Slide Show 2

Slide Show 3
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Friday, October 29, 2010

Pre-wedding Photos

之前,一直羡慕别人有那么多的婚纱照。没想到自己也能如愿以偿。;-) 谢谢各位爱摄影的朋友们,爱死你们!;-) Thanks for my friends for the lovely shots and gave me a sweet memory during the shooting section.

Share some of my pre-wedding photos here. I've 4 sections for my pre-wedding shooting, it's abit tiring but quite enjoy. ^_^

Photographer: Terence Wong; Venue: TTDI & Titiwangsa


More photos:

1. Pre-wedding Part 1

2. Pre-wedding Part 2

3. Pre-wedding Part 3

4. Pre-wedding Part 4

5. Pre-wedding Part 5

6. Pre-wedding Part 6

拿到照片後,接著就自己設計photobook。拿到photobook時的感覺是興奮的。;-) I designed my own photobook after got all the photos from photographers. I'm happy with the design and quality of the photobook. Show you guys the most design i like in my photobook :p

Like the blue blue feel (my friends said got summer tea's feel)

Love B&W always! (it's so nice mix red & black together)
my own portrait (thanks photographer for the lovely photos)
So sweet~~

Am i look sweet enough?? :p

You can view the whole album in my FB: ImageWrap Hard Cover 15 inc x 11 inc

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Mission 1, 2, 3 & 4

Do you know what is my mission 1, 2, 3 & 4? :p Don't you still remember that I've blog about preparation for mission 1 in May? Click here if you are forgot! ;-)
Actually 4 missions are the same thing but at the different places and with different peoples. The mission i mentioned here is......... My Pre- wedding shooting. ^_^ Yay... You are right, I'm going to marry with Mr Hyppo in this OCT.
My first & second pre-wedding shooting in May, the 3rd shooting in June and the 4th one in July. Total have 8 photographers for my pre-wedding shooting. (Wow.. sure you will ask: why got so many shooting???) hehe... 1 is paid one and another 3 session is FOC. Ya, it is free of charges. My friends help me to shoot, so no need to pay them but treat them lunch or dinner during the shooting day. ;-)
I didn't attached to any bridal shop, so a lot of things have to complete by own. Things that i 've done by own:
  1. bought wedding gown, dinner dress, wedding shoes
  2. design invitation card
  3. edit pre-wedding photos
  4. design wedding album
  5. create pictures montage/ slide show
There have too many things need me to complete in a short time. It's really take time to do all these. :S It left only 40 days for my wedding actual day!!! I've just completed my invitation card, edit some pre-wedding photos... but not yet design my wedding album. :S I will try my best to complete it by end of this month or early of OCT. (Pray hard for me... ^.^)

To be continue....
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Preparation for MISSION 1 (Part 2)

Some preparations again for my MISSION 1.
Can guess what is my MISSION 1 through the pics i posted here? :p


My MISSION 1 is falling on Mother's Day! ;-)
I will keep it secret till all my MISSIONS are DONE!

Mr. Hippo help to paint photo frame in white color

Some text cutting

I love this so much, never use it

Bought this hat online at rm26 (included shipping fee),
but i saw it at Mr.DIY shop 2 weeks ago, it only RM 5.90.

Plan to add an organza flower on the hat and it looks more feminine

That's all for my preparation for MISSION 1.
Can't wait for tomorrow and wish me all the best and good luck!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Preparation for Mission 1

Now i'm busy to prepare something for Mission 1. I've a lot of ideas right now, so must try it to make my Mission 1 more happenning. :p

~~Love Forever~~

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