My daughter just finished her first year of grad school. Woot! And, she came home to visit as soon as it was over. Double woot! :-D We spent a wonderful week together...talking, shopping, cooking, walking, rock climbing, and crafting. It was awesome!
I thought I'd share one of our craft projects with you. We decided to make dream catchers. So, we went through my doily collection, did a little doily shopping at an antique store, gathered supplies, and got started.
We crocheted the doilies to the metal rings. Then, we hung them from the chandelier over the craft table to decorate the bottoms. We had so much fun and they turned out so pretty.
The sun was streaming through the window and onto our pretty creations the next morning when we went to get them for photos...
The sun was streaming through the window and onto our pretty creations the next morning when we went to get them for photos...
I found a doily at the antique store that made me think of a starfish. So, I made mine with a beach theme.
I added shells to the bottom with torn and twisty fabric, ribbons, lace, yarn, and thread.
My daughter made a larger one with a crisp white doily. I love the openness around the edges. She used white fabric, lace, ribbons, yarn, and beads on the bottom. Then, she made some fabric flowers to finish it off. So pretty!
My daughter loves to sew and hasn't had time to do so in a long time. She made sure to get some sewing time in last week while she was home. She made a top, re-made a dress, and started whipping up another dress. She amazes me with her confidence and courage to just dive in and try things. And, the results are impressive!
We did a little yard sale shopping on day before she left. She got a couple yards of red, floral fabric for just 50 cents. She wanted to make a certain dress with it but was several yards short of what she needed. That didn't stop her! She adjusted the pattern and made it work. She still has some work to do on the top to the bottom, sew in a zipper, and hemming. It's looking fantastic!
Yeah, I'm a proud mama! :-)