There's a blog I've been following for a while called, "Girl Unwinding".
She has lots of creative and wonderful posts. Some of my favorites are called, "Mandala Monday".
She creates beautiful, simple, organic pieces of art with flowers and plant material.
I've been thinking of trying it for a while.
Creating one seems like a peaceful, meditative and wonderful way to start the day.
I finally gave it a try this morning after an early morning walk with my dog.
The morning was cool, sunny and beautiful. I tried not to plan ahead.
Instead, I went into my backyard and gathered materials
for one ring at a time and just started creating.
Here's my Mandala...
I didn't allow myself to try for perfection.
That would have taken away from the peacefulness of it.
I did, however, wonder about the meaning of it and if there was a
certain number of rings or something that was traditional to the design.
I looked it up after my first Mandala and found out that they generally
have a square in the middle that is surrounded by circles.
The meanings and uses for them are quite varied.
I thought it would be fun to rearrange my findings and create another one.
And, another. By the third one, I was enjoying the process even more.
I definitely want to do this again sometime.
Thank you to the creator of "Girl Unwinding" for the inspiration.