Good morning all! I have been tagged by the beautiful Mona.
1.) Link to the person that tagged you.
2.) Post the rules on your blog.
3.) List six unspectacular quirks you have.
4.) Tag six bloggers by linking them.
5.) Leave a comment on each persons blog to let them know they've been tagged.
My quirks....
1. Spontaneous singing in public. My kids hate this quirk about me because if a song is in my head then it automatically comes out of my mouth no matter where I am at and you never know what song is going to come out. Sometimes I think the song itself is the most embarrassing part for my kids because I am a mom therefore I am not supposed to know all the cool hip songs, to their way of thinking.
2. Most women have a thing for shoes or purses but not me,no sir, my thing is for automobiles. That is right, anything with four wheels and a steering wheel and I am lovin' it, it doesn't matter if it has a manual or automatic transmission just move over and let me take a drive. The quirk that comes with this is that at night I can see headlights/tail lights and identify the make, model and most of the time the year of the vehicle either coming towards me or going past me. If you ever want to see me really drool then take me to a vintage car show, my hands itch to get behind the wheel and feel the power especially if it is a 68 or 69 Super Sport Chevelle.
3. When I buy a book I can't get rid of it even if I don't really care for it that much. A lot of people I know will take their books and trade them or swap with friends but I can't seem to make myself do that.
4. I can't stand seeing an unmade bed. I do not know where this comes from but at my house if the beds are not occupied then they have to be made neatly.
5. I can't take a shower with the bathroom door closed. When the steam from the shower starts flowing through the room I will get very claustrophobic and freak out if the door isn't open. This sometimes causes a problem when we are on trips or not at home. By freak out I mean that my chest feels like it is being squeezed, I break out all over with sweat, my heart feels like it is going to beat out of my chest, I get lightheaded, and I have been known to cry almost hysterically to keep from fainting.
6. I am a detail person. I pay more attention to those little minute details about things. If someone is explaining how something works to me they need to include those details because if not then I will have question after question after question about it. My middle child, Bethany, shares this quirk with me.
As for tagging other bloggers, I normally wouldn't tag but in this case I would like to know a bit more about each one of these ladies. You will notice that the last one is my daughter, I am curious about her answers as well because sometimes it is things like this that we don't think to talk about so there might be a quirk about her that I haven't caught on to or noticed.
Y'all have a beautiful day and be safe!
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Excellent meme Breazy!
I know that you are an extremely disciplined & a meticulous person. You are almost perfect in whatever you do & that is admirable!
My God, what you are describing here is Panic Attack! All those symptoms of the closed doors syndrome really verges on Claustrophobia that gives you a panic attack! I am sorry you feel like this!
Attention to the detail means that you are a very aware person & that is a sure shot formula for success!
Anyway, I always believe that , that for all the success of each one of your family member, half of the credit goes to you!
I hope Galen invites you to a vintage car show one day! :)
I Love the way you have done this! Thank you!
thankyouthankyouthankyou for not tagging me.
but it was fun to read about you. :)
great answers, Breazy. I do the singing and the book thing as well. :D
Mona...thank you! yes the shower thing is a panic attack but using the phrase "freak out" makes me feel less like a weakling.
I have noticed that you have been getting tagged right and left lately so I was definitely not tagging you, I don't like tagging anyone really but I did find some folks in my blog roll that I was curious about. Thanks!
James...Thanks....I am glad I am not the only one!
Interesting. The book one surprises me. I kinda like the idea that someone who actually likes the book might get a chance to read it.
My mum is claustrophobic. She can shut the bathroom door if she has to (though she doesn't like it) but plane travel is very stressful for her.
B, thanks for your kind words on my post about Joanna leaving. Very sweet of you. Hope you and the family have a wonderful holiday weekend and do something fun! Think of me while I'm at work :)
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