Friday, February 23, 2007

updated house pics...finally!

Since it takes so long to upload these images I am only showing one of each step that has been done since last I posted pics.

This first one is of the plumbing. This is the laundry room and you can see the guest bathtub.

This pic was actually taken last Saturday when we got snow but it shows the shingles and the they were completed while the plumbing was going in. I really wished I had waited until the next morning because we got more than this. For once everything was covered the next day!

This pic is of the heating and air ducts and the wiring. Sorry to crunch everything up in just a few pics but this thing uploads slow.

This pic was taken yesterday of the insulation. The wall you are looking at is the living room wall, the front door is to my left.

That is all that I have for now. Once the house is done I am going to post a couple of pics from each step in one post so you will get to see them all. If you didn't read my post Wednesday then let me tell you what happened that day.

My contractor called me that morning to tell me that the framing and wiring inspections passed. He said that they would be doing the insulation yesterday(Thursday) and on Monday they would start the drywall or maybe today if the shipment came in. He said that they would be done with my house in two weeks if the weather continues to hold as it is right now (highs are hitting about 70) and if not then definitely by three weeks. Once they are done it will take us about two weeks to paint, install the hardwood , tile and carpet. So it won't be long now. My contractor said that this is the period of time he was talking about in our pre-construction meeting when he said that there would be so many people in the house that you couldn't fit air in there.

The weird thing is that we have waited so long for this and now that crunch time is upon us I am nervous! It is kind of like an excited nervousness. I have a lot to do between now and then. I still haven't picked out a color for the master bedroom or master bath. If I can't find a comforter/duvet set to get a theme from before they paint then I am going to go with a cream color on the master bedroom walls and a different color on the bathroom. Cream matches anything! I think another reason I am nervous is because things are getting ready to move very fast and at this point I am worrying over whether I will have time to get everything done that needs to be done. Everyone assures me that I will have plenty of time and that it just seems like I won't because we are this close.

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the pics! Have a good day, be safe and take care!


James Goodman said...

Oh, it sure looks like you're getting close! :D

Have a great weekend.

Dan said...

Breazy, nervous excitement can be a good thing! And you have good reasons to be excited.

Nice photos! Thanks for posting them! And have a great weekend my friend!

CozyMama said...

wow, how cool!!!! I am so excited for you to move in. need help?? hjaha

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do don't do blue in the bedroom. Loved the pics. Thanks for sharing. Hugs and Kisses! Happy Friday!

lime said...

wow! it's got rooms and wiring and plumbing. i just can't believe how fast this has gone. terrific pics. you'll be in there before you know it!

G-Man said...

Breezy, everythings looking great sweetie. We all sure miss you .
Have a great week-end..G

Breazy said...

James..Thank you , you too!

Dan..Thank you , you too!

Jodes..I would love help! Nothing like a bunch of women picking duvets and colors and oh my , I am getting excited thinking about it! LOL! Thank you!

Blither..nope , no blue for me in my bedroom. I am having a very light frosted type blue in the office to match my lighthouse things and then my sons room is blue. That is enough blue for me! Happy Friday to you too!

Lime..thank you!I can't wait!

G-Man..Thank you! I miss you all too really bad. You have a good weekend too!

jillie said...

You are just walking on air girlfriend!!!

Cream goes with everything! Very neutral and easy to change if you decide to later on.'s almost done!!


BKS said...

Getting so very close now. Looks like they are really picking up steam. Mines kinda in a holding pattern. I bought my windows today though:D

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe how fast it is all coming together.
The pictures are great, thanks for finally posting them.
Have a great weekend.

Angela said...

Wonderful, wonderful news and pics:-). It's almost here for ya'll.
Have a good weekend!!

Anonymous said...

I want to go shopping with you to pic out stuff for the bed and bath!! I love that stuff!!

Looks great!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. They are making some kind of progress. You must be ecstatic. Woo Hoo ... I’ll bet your gong to get busy now with all the finishing touches. Good luck sweetie. XO

Bsoholic said...

Awesome! It's really coming along now. Won't be too long before you are in there.

Long time blah blah...

It has certainly been a while since I've been here. Sometimes I think about deleting this blog and being done but I also think I am goin...