Monday, October 13, 2014
Father Daughter Weekend
This weekend was my annual Father/Daughter birthday weekend with my dad. Three years ago he said that there wasn't a single thing he could think of to ask for his birthday besides time together, so he made the official birthday request for me and each of my sisters to individually come spend a weekend with him at the farm. No husbands or babies, just me and dad. (And mom... but he limits the amount she is allowed to talk, by regularly reminding her that this is HIS birthday weekend :) ) Dad's birthday was actually in June, so it took me a while to be able to settle on a weekend for our time together, but finally an open weekend came and so I packed my bags, made a pie (BIRTHDAY!) and headed to the farm.
We spent the majority of the weekend watching lots of movies, then discussing them in detail, which is one of my dad's favorite things. And mine too, actually, but with the place I am in life right now it seems that the majority of movies come and go and I never seem to see any of them. That is, until this annual birthday weekend comes around. I have started looking forward to it all year, keeping a running list of movies I want to see in google docs so when we come together I can pull out my list and start running down the contenders. This weekend we watched:
The Good Lie
Draft Day
The Edge of Tomorrow
Blade Runner
Million Dollar Arm
The Host
All great in their own way. The Edge of Tomorrow and Million Dollar Arm were my top two, and I would highly recommend both of them. The Host is really only for a true fan of the book, but Dad and I had both read it and enjoyed watching the movie and discussing the differences. Draft Day was surprisingly enjoyable, especially for football fans. Blade Runner was required viewing once I told Dad I had never seen it, and I enjoyed watching it, then debating our thoughts on it, which included trips to Wikipedia and confirmation that Harrision Ford is in fact a replicant (SHOCKING REVELATION 25 years post movie release!) The Good Lie was excellent, but hurt my heart a little, and made me realize how clueless I was to the world around me in 2000. There were parts that felt rushed, but the story of the Lost Boys was unquestionably moving and worth watching.
But our weekend is about more than movies. Spending two nights with my parents give us time to really talk, to truly discuss the ins and outs of what is happening in our lives. I am lucky to live near my parents and to see them regularly, but there is something different about having this concentrated alone time with them. Time where I am not wife and Mama, I am just daughter. I can talk in detail about my work and my life without interuption. I can ask about thier work and life without needing to have part of my mind wondering what Henry may be doing in another room. Truly, dad's birthday weekend had become a gift to us both. A weekend to slow down and really just be together.
It is one of my favorite weekends of the year. And I am so thankful he came up with the request. Sometimes it is hard to get scheduled, and leading up to it I always fret over my boys being home without me, but in the end I know I will never regret taking this time to be with my parents. It really is special.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Random Thought for a Sunday Morning
If I were shooting for pulling a Somewhere in Time sorta time jump, I would have nailed it for 1999.
*If you haven't seen Somewhere In Time, this post makes no since at all. I blame you for missing such a classic movie. Go watch it.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The Hunger Games-My Very Important Review of the Movie
You guys. YOU. GUYS. Have you seen the Hunger Games yet? HAVE YOU? Because I went today. And turns out, that apparently the new opening weekend hot spot is seeing a big blockbuster at 12:30 on a Saturday. Seriously. I mean, MAYBE it was because UK played last night, so our entire city was dressed in Kentucky blue cheering on the boys last night, but I think it's that everyone is just getting cheap and doesn't want to pay full evening ticket prices. Or maybe that's just me.
Anyway, we went to the movie today. And I didn't preorder tickets, but then I got paranoid that we didn't have tickets so I ran up there an hour and a half early, only to find that the theater wasn't even open yet and I had to wait in line. Yes, I could have ordered them online, but I was already there! And so were like FIFTY other people. No joke. In line to get in to the first showing. It was a madhouse.
Okay really, who thought I would spend the first two paragraphs rambling about lines at movie theaters at noon? Not me. Let's get to the important stuff. What you are here for, am I right? What? You are here for picture of Henry? Well... maybe tomorrow. TODAY IT'S HUNGER GAMES!
So.... spoilers begin in just a second, but if you haven't seen it yet, I will tell you, spoiler free, that I was very very happy with it. That it is TOTALLY worth watching. And that you should get your butt to the theater.
- Before actually seeing the movie, I thought I was not happy with the casting. Peeta... Katniss.... Gale.... just everyone. I was pretty much all thumbs down all the time. But then I actually WATCHED the movie and you guys, the casting is a great. AMAZING! WONDERFUL! PERFECT! CAN'T IMAGINE ANYONE ELSE! But really, I was very happy with everyone. There wasn't a single character that stood out as bad. Actually, they all stood out as pretty great.
- I felt like they got the entire story in, and that feels amazingly rare. Like, really that it never happens with a book I love. I know there were some changes, but I felt like they were great. Usually when I drag Nick to a movie of a book I have read, I spend half my time worrying that he doesn't even get it because THEY ARE LEAVING OUT TOO MUCH STUFF! I felt the extra scenes filled in the blanks and made the movie great for everyone, book reader or not.
- That being said, I did feel a touch rushed, especially in the arena. Not that I think they could have cut down any of the pre-arena stuff, but still. I was expecting a little... I don't even know. I didn't think it got into the root of Peeta and Katniss enough. I was all for Peeta in the book, but oddly the movie made me feel REALLY bad for Gale. WAY worse than I ever did in the book. Which... was maybe the point.
- Rue, oh little Rue. How I loved you in the book. And then you showed up in the movie, and I think maybe this was one place my hopes were too high. Or maybe it goes back to feeling like they rushed the arena. I don't know. But I was not that attached to you, RIGHT UP UNTIL YOU DIED. Then... Oh then I cried. I cried as Katniss put flowers on you, and I cried harder when your district started the uprising because they were so heartbroken over your death. It was just... all a little much for my little Rue loving heart.
- Speaking of crying, I also sorta cried a little when Katniss volunteered for Primm, even though that part was in the previews! It still got me! Emotional much?
- The capitol. Man, I was worried about that. Like, all the people all decked out with green skin and cat whiskers. But you know what, it was awesome! It was perfect! It was truly exactly like I pictured it in my head. The districts amazingly poor, the capitol crazy. I loved it.
- I didn't know how they would pull off the outfits on fire, but I was okay with those too. I mean, I wasn't like OH MY GOD THAT'S AMAZING, I was more like "okay, good. they didn't make it look dumb". But I will TAKE IT!
- Why was the cat not orange? Is it that hard to find an orange cat?
- I felt like the very end when they are taking the nightlock was rushed. Was that just me? Like I think of all times to drag out a dramatic moment, it was strange that they didn't do it there. In the book didn't they actually put them in their mouth even? I was expect more drama.
- I sorta loved the game maker guy. Just blanked on his name, but I was a fan.
- I could actually feel the tension at the end when Katniss said she wants to forget and Peeta said he doesn't. Then Gale is there with Primm and she is holding Peeta's hand... and then President Snow is all angry looking. IT WAS ALL AWESOME.
- I really wish I knew when the next one comes out. Have they even started making it yet? I MUST KNOW!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Between Saturday and Sunday I managed to spend a lot of time relaxing, had dinner with friends, brunch with friends, and went to an actual movie at the THEATER. NOT TOO BAD! For the record, the movie was The Vow. Also just okay, but still and enjoyable time.
Sometime during the week Nick watched an episode of How It's Made and decided he was up for the challenge of making sushi at home. I am as surprised as you are. We decided on California Roles, mainly to avoid actual raw fish on our first attempt, but also because I love them. They came out So. Great. You guys, they were amazing! Like, they tasted like they were from a restaurant! At this point I should have pictures of Nick making our California Rolls, but I didn't think of that until he was totally done. (I am sorta worthless). I did manage to snap a rather grainy picture with my iphone of the final product...
Impressive, right??
Anyway, I DID also realize I haven't posted a picture of Henry in like WEEKS. What is this blog coming to? But I didn't realize it until 10:15 on Sunday night, so.... Here is what he looks like when you surprise him with a camera a 10:15pm!
Startled, and yet adorable!
This is what he looks like when he gets tired of me telling him to "Smile! Henry. Henry. Henry. LOOK AT MAMA. Henry. SMILE!" and just goes back to Angry Birds.
And THIS is what he looks like about three seconds before he falls off the arm of the recliner.
Mother. Of. The. Year. (Don't worry too much, he fell cushion side, so it was a soft landing that only resulted in him saying "Henry fall down!")
You might be asking why on earth a two year old is up at 10:15pm. Well... He woke up from his nap at 4pm, but I was at the movie and Nick brought him out to the couch to just relax...and well... apparently they both fell asleep until 6pm. Right. Correction from above.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Freaky Friday
Yeah, something sorta like that is what I found at bedtime the other night in Henry's room.
Henry says: "Mama, I have really thought this through. I will tuck him in, read him Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, rub his back and THEN, Henry will sleep in MAMA'S BED! It's fool proof!"
*I know, right? What a freak for linking to the Lindsay Lohan version. But the thing is, when I looked at the page for the 1976 version I had NO MEMORY of those characters. Like I feel like I saw that movie...but just... a total blank when I look at the poster. I guess I am of the Lindsay Lohan Freaky Friday generation. Crazy. Also, did you know JODIE FOSTER is the kid in the original movie? A little Disney movie trivia for you, right there!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Twilight and Outlander Mash Up
Okay FINE. I am not really mashing these two topics together. I just want to talk about Breaking Dawn AND I want to talk about A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Outlander book 6) but I don't really want to take up two days of blog posts talking about it on a holiday week. So.... MASH UP*! Don't worry, each section will be clearly marked so if you are only interested on one topic, you can easily avoid the other! But if you don't care about EITHER topic.... Well... Here is a picture of Henry when he was a baby:
(Why a baby picture? Just because.)
Okay, Breaking Dawn!
(spoilers are abundant below)
Okay so my love of the Twilight series has really died down lately. Not that I don't still remember that I loved it when I first read it, but really everyone elses crazy obsessive love has sorta taken away from it for me. So although I love the story, I wasn't really excited to be in the theater on opening night because I was too busy being embarrassed. Silly, yes. But also true.
So imagine my surprise when I sat down in the theater and enjoyed the hell out of this movie! The speeches at the wedding made me laugh. Hard. I though Bella and Edward seemed normal and sweet rather than SUPER AWKWARD which is how I felt like they seemed most of the time in the other movies.Sometimes the first half was awkward, but for the most part I really liked it.
Now as for the second half, with the mutant pregnancy and wolf conversations... I really enjoyed most of that too! I cannot believe how AWFUL Bella looked when pregnant. Like, HER BONES you all. HOW did they make her took that terrible?? The birth scene make my skin crawl, but in the way it was suppose to I think. I mean, it was gross and horrible, but acceptable. I though the part where the wolves were talking in human voices was funny in a not good way, but I don't really know how else they could have done that scene, and it needed to be in the movie. So I will give it a pass.
All in all, I liked it. Not that people who hate the series will like it. They will still hate it. But, if you read the book and enjoyed the book, they did a really good job with the movie. I was pleased. And not nearly as embarrassed as I walked out of the theater as I was when I walked in!
Now, A Breath of Snow and Ashes!
(Spoilers are also abundant in the section. Fair Warning)
We are doing the bullet style, as per the norm for my Outlander book reviews.
- This was, in my opinion, the best book in the series so far. It didn't have the slow start I have just come to accept from all the other books. It was INTENSE from the very start and it never seemed to stop. But at the same time, it never crossed the line to being too much. It was just AWESOME from start to finish!
- Claire being abducted and raped. I was so shocked and horrified with that entire series of events. And the part where she hears the drums and she knows they are coming to save her, and THEN when Arch Bug offers to let Claire kill the men that did this too her, and Jamie is like "I do her killing for her" and then Ian was like "and I" . I just about died. It was INTENSE.
- The entire Malva story line. WHAT A BITCH for standing there saying Jamie was the father of her baby! (may she rest in peace and all that. but still.... BITCH!) I mean, I know she was knocked up by her brother and everything, but COME ON. HOW DARE SHE??
- The part where the mob comes for Claire and her and Jamie lock themselves up in the house and have that little moment where they say they don't regret anything. Oh man. LOVED IT.
- BREE AND ROGER LEAVE THE PAST. It killed me that they go back to their own time! I mean, of course they had to. There is no parent that wouldn't do everything in their power to save their child. But when they are leaving and Jamie tells Jemmy "If you meet a mouse named Michael, tell him your Granda says hello." Just about broke my heart. And at the very end when they get the box with Jemmy's name on it and you realize that Jamie has been writing them letters for them to find 200 years in the future. You all. I cried.
- Stephen Bonnett! That entire THING. Him taking Bree, Jamie and Roger finding him, him being tied to the post, Bree killing him. THIS BOOK WAS SO CRAZY!
- The little scene where Roger finally finds out that Jemmy is his son because they share the birth mark on their head. I cried at that part too.
- And then at the end when the big house really does burn and Donner being an all around ass from the future. I knew that guy was going to be trouble.
- Bree meeting William but not being able to tell him that they are siblings. How heart breaking would that be? To meet your only sibling for just this one time in your life and not being able to embrace him and call him brother.
*yes, by calling it a mash up I am also owning up to the fact that I watch Glee. Could I be a bigger nerd?
Monday, November 14, 2011
My Next Movie Obsession
The Hunger Games. Good lord, it looks so awesome, right?? I have been worrying about the movie since they cast the three main characters (I think they all look too old) but after seeing this... You all, I CANNOT WAIT.
I am giddy. March 23rd, you are on my calendar as a "BIG BIG Day!".
**What? two posts in one day?? I know, right? I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this, but then decided that you all NEEDED to see the preview tonight. You. Are. Welcome.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Five Days
As of now I am feeling pretty alright. I am tired and thirsty, and those were the only two signs I really remember being clear in the early days with Henry. But I also remember them pretty clearly from the negative FET. I have had a tiny bit of cramping, nothing to write home about, but it's there. Could be a good thing, like a baby thing, or a bad thing, like a period thing. Everything could be the progesterone or everything could be a pregnancy. And as much as I don't want to spend the next five days obsessing over it, the closer I get to beta, the less I am able to control it. But it's just five more days.
So while we wait around, you know what we could do? We could watch the new preview for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 that they released yesterday. I mean, I have seen it. A few times. But YOU could watch it now too! It may or may not have made me tear up a little. So lets go ahead and keep emotional on the list of inconclusive pregnancy symptoms. Anyway, here is the preview in all it's glory. Enjoy.
So awesome, right? I can't wait for the day I get to share these books with Henry. He is going to love them.
PS. I sorta failed at my Harry Potter Marathon I had planned. Okay, there is no sorta about it. I totally failed. I watched the first one, but then decided I just wasn't that into watching 18 hours of Harry Potter. I do plan to watch the Deathly Hallows Part 1 between now and July 15th though. I have only seen it the one time in the theater, and I will need a refresher before heading in to Part 2!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A To Do List (for you...)
Anyway, there isn't much to say about the transfer and current wait except that I a hopeful. More hopeful than I expected to be. I spent so long worrying about either embryo surviving that I never thought about the fact that they both might make it. As soon as we heard they were both there, ready for transfer, I got more excited than I meant to let myself get. I am trying to stay guarded from this cycle, by there is no doubt about it, the hope has been let in the door.
ANYWAY, I keep not getting around to my POINT of the post. A TO DO LIST! So I have enjoyed some stuff lately, and I want to share it with you! And by share I mean force you to follow suit and do these things too, so we can discuss them! Here we go.
1 Super 8- You all, this movie, I loved it SO MUCH. The group of friends, they are wonderful. They constantly reminded me of Nick's group of guys that have been friends since elementary school. Who also made a movie, which is hilarious. The kids, the dads, the entire setting, I loved it all. It was a little scarier than I expected, but completely in a good way. Go see it. You will enjoy it! (but there is some sci-fy to it...I don't mean to imply it is a comping of age story about a group of boys. I mean, it IS kinda that, but with something super creepy included.)
2. Divergent by Veronica Roth- I read this book mainly (okay, totally) because Miss Zoot told me to. And I listen to Zoot, because our taste in things like books and movies are alarmingly similar. She was 100% right about this book. I loved it. Maybe close to as much as I loved the Hunger Games. I can't wait to reread it (because I am a big rereading nerd). It's all Distopian society with division of houses based on personalities worked in. I killed this book in less than 48 hours and can't wait for the next one to come out. You should read it!
3. The Voice- (but only when watching it on DVR). I am seriously enjoying The Voice. But it takes me about 45 minutes to watch a two hour episode. All the TALKING...It's just...MOVE ALONG. But the singing, some of these people are amazing. AMAZING. I was really worried about Team Blake after the battle rounds, because...well...they sucked it up, but then last week happened and they were all incredible! I sorta think he DOES have the strongest team. Anyway, watch it.
4. Chalk- Henry got chalk for his birthday so on Sunday he and I went out to play on the driveway with it. He lost interest rather quickly, but not me! I drew rainbows and balloons, the entire alphabet and the little green dudes from Toy Story. It was enjoyable. So buy some chalk, then steal it from your kids and play with it. You will have fun.
(I tried to get him to lay down by the balloons like I have seen on several other blogs and it is SO CUTE. But he was all like, "Hell to the No, Mama." And I was like, "Henry! Don't say Hell." )
5. Read my newest Blogher Book Club review for Getting to Happy (but then maybe don't read the book...unless you want to, then totally read it)- Did you believe me when I said I would be honest about a book and tell you if I didn't like it? Well... I have proven it, because my latest review was a thumbs down. You can read it here. It does have spoilers, but they are clearly marked in the review.
So I guess that's it. A list of things for you all to do between now and my beta next Wednesday. Now I just need you to give ME a list of things to do to help the time pass. Just six more days...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
National Star Wars Day
"May the 4th Be With You"
You all may not remember, but I bought this shirt last year right around this time. I knew it would be a little big on him, but as the first child of huge Star Wars fans (for years Nick drove around with a Yoda cut-out in his back window) I knew we had to have it...
National Star Wars Day, 2010.
As you can see, the Vader shirt is showing off how much it has been loved! I remember taking this picture a year ago today and I couldn't BELIEVE how big Henry looked. I think the exact same thing about the picture from this morning. Good lord, time really does fly.
Friday, November 19, 2010
I'm Ready, Are You?
Representing Muggles
And of course, gotta support the postal service (and honor Hedwig *sob* )
We are seeing the movie tonight after work. So very excited. There are about ten of us going, so it should be fun!
On a similar note, yesterday at work I was in a meeting with a woman when her teenage daughter called. The mom did some sighing and took some notes, then hung up the phone. She turned to me and said, "My daughter is going to the midnight show of Harry Potter and wants to dress up..." clearly indicating she thinks her daughter is over the top.
I say, "Oh how GREAT! We used to go to all the midnight shows, but I guess I am too old! I have a Gryffindor tie, hat and scarf she can use!"
Mom looks at me a little shocked, and says "Gryffindor? Is that from Harry Potter? She wants to be someone called Luna?"
Me, "Oh, Luna is from Ravenclaw! You will need a blue and silver tie. And some Radish earrings and crazy glasses if you can get them."
Mom, *scribbling notes like mad* " My daughter said strawberry earrings...should I just give her a stick for wand?"
Me: "Oh, it's radish earrings. For sure. And I have a wand she can borrow"
Mom: *looks up with the show head turn. shakes head* "You really like these books, don't you?"
Me: "Um....sort of."
*part one of course, so we get to do this all again this summer! *Squee!!*
Thursday, July 1, 2010
This movie was by far the best of the three. BY FAR. I mean, I don't expect it to win an academy award (although I fully expect it to sweep the MTV awards) but seriously you all, this movie is just dramatically better than the first two. When the movie started and it opened up in the meadow with Bella and Edward I was a little worried. The dialogue felt rushed and I was just like, "oh yeah, the movies sorta bother me a little". I mean, I like the first two. But I like them because I love the books. I feel like I always need to make excuses for them. But not this one. This one is just so much better. So here is a list of things I liked, or didn't think worked, with the movie. In bullet form. Because it is easier.
- I loved Every single Cullen. I like that they finally got to tell their stories and had bigger rolls to play. It was nice as a fan of the book to get to see the other characters that we love.
- Emmett was awesome. I have this love of Emmett from the books and I feel like his character really got to shine in this one. I know his parts were small, but he played them really well. (As a side note, my 16 year old step-sister in law has this life size cardboard cutout of Emmett in her room and her sister has one of Jacob and I just love it. It reminds me of how I used to have one of Keanu Reeves from Speed when I was sixteen. Ah memories.)
- Jasper's hair was like a million times better. I also really liked his back story.
- Bella's wig. It bothered me a little.
- Edward and Bella just seemed so much less awkward together. Their relationship finally had flow and seemed logical.
- Jacob. Oh poor Jacob.
- I feel like Alice has gotten the shaft in the movies. She is a MAIN characters in he books. Number 4 after Bella, Edward and Jacob. And yet in the movies it's like she is just one of the Cullens. Alice deserves better.
- I loved the sex talk between Bella and her dad. Actually made me laugh out loud. Something about it came out as just honest.
- I thought the scene in the bedroom when Edward truly proposes was great. I was worried it would be super cheesy, but it wasn't.
- I loved the vampires in Seattle.
- One of my favorite scenes in all the books was when Edward and Jacob have their conversation in the tent. I was so happy they kept it so true to the book.
- The fight was pretty awesome. It was nice to finally have some true action. The Cullens, the wolves, the newborns (poor Bree). Enjoyable.
- I missed the connection between Edward and Seth. For some reason I always liked how they became friends after fighting together. I was sad they cut that.
- I really like Dakota Fanning as Jane.
So what did you all think??
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
In Celebration of National Star Wars Day...
Mama: Henry, we are going to watch the three best movies ever made. You are going to love them!
Henry: Mama, wasn't there six Star Wars movies??
Mama: No Henry. Just no. We are sticking with the classics around here.
Henry: Silly Mama
I know, I know. Two posts in one day. But when I wrote about ER I didn't KNOW it was National Star Wars day! I am actually even quoted in an article on about it. Because I am that big of a nerd. But seriously, you can't be surprised.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Seriously, I am so excited about this. Cannot wait for June 30th!
When does the next Harry Potter come out? Man this is going to be a nerdy, young-adult-fiction filled summer! PERFECT!
Friday, January 1, 2010
So, just for a little back story for fun, when my dad said we were seeing it in THREE DEEE I was all like, "Awesome" and then someone said something about the glasses and I was all like, "hold up. We have to wear GLASSES?" and seriously Nick did the slow head turn look of shock and said "Um, YEAH. How did you think we could see it in THREE DEEE without glasses?!" And I said something like, "Well...I figured a special screen came down or something.." and he rolled his eyes at me as if to say I was a fool. I though the special screen was pretty good considering what I HONESTLY thought was that they made magical 3D film. I mean, everyone sits in all these 3D movies in GLASSES?!?! It's 2010 people. It's high time to find a way.
Anyway, back to the original point. Once I knew there were glasses I wasn't as excited. I envisioned the paper cut out red-eye-blue-eye affair. I have a rather large head and thought the entire thing might get a little annoying. Oh man, was I wrong. This is what I got instead of old red-eye-blue-eye...
Pretty cool, right? They are totally just glasses! Way better than trying to keep cardboard behind my ears for three hours. I am pretty sure they actually brought Edward Cullen in to help design them and everything. Come to think of it, I think they should actually advertise that point a lot more. People might go to THREE DEEE movies a lot more often if they knew they would come out looking like Edward.
*picture of Edward Cullen included...just to prove the glasses are basically identical. Although he may pull them off better than me. But come on. He's a vampire.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Night Out
Anyway, this is our first movie night since Henry. We have a babysitter (Thanks Nana!!) and we have friends going with us. We have our tickets and our dinner plans. We are totally set. It wont be like last week, when we were all ready for our first date night since Henry, then we went to get our movie tickets for Angles and Demons we found out that...IT WAS OUT OF THE THEATER! What the hell?? How did we TOTALLY miss it. It hasn't been out THAT long. I NEVER miss a movie I really want to see! Then we figured we would see Star Trek. But...IT WAS OUT OF THE THEATER TOO! My word. Time really does fly once you have a baby. Once he got here we had WAY more important things to cover him in kisses.Still, I am a huge Harry Potter fan, so this was a must see!
Here is Henry talking to his Papa about why he doesn't get to come see Harry Potter.
Henry is not pleased to be missing the big show, but figures his Nana will spoil him rotten, so it is also a good trade!
**man, this post ha a lot of capital letters...clearly I wanted to make sure you understood exactly how much movies mean to me!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Emotional Disney
Monday, June 1, 2009
New Moon
Also, for the record, I can't believe I used to think the MTV movie awards were by far the BEST awards show on TV. I remember telling people they were way better than like, the Oscars, because they give awards to all the GOOD movies Right. They are just...awful. Parts of it were funny, but most of the show was really annoying. And I mean, I am a big Twilight fan, but seriously people, you think they should have won EVERY award? I guess I have officially grown out of MTV. Also, the preview for the new Real World made me feel really old. How sad.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Summer Movies
Guys, maybe it is just because I am sitting around watching a lot of TV these days, which there for allows me to watch an unhealthy amount of movie previews, but I am SERIOUSLY pumped about some of the upcoming summer movies. Like, childishly excited. It does enter my mind that I will have a baby soon (less that five weeks!!!) and running off to the movie might not be the easiest thing in the world, but I don't care. For now the idea of seeing all of these movies gives me total joy. Have you seen what is coming out?? Let me give you a list of what I am most excited about. Why? Because I am resting all the time and clearly have no actual life events to talk about on now you get a summer blockbuster rundown. This will come in handy for those of you who may actually have a life and not realize what amazing movies are being released. You are welcome. Also, each link of the movie takes you to the preview, thanks to my aunt providing a site that made that easy for me. Enjoy!
- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince-Okay, I will admit that I am still a little (a lot) annoyed with WB for pushing this release date back from last November, but I am getting over it now that I have seen the new preview (watch it!!). The part where Harry yells "Fight back you coward!!" at Snape...Yeah, it sorta makes me cry a little. I am that excited. The preview makes me tear up. This is my #1 summer movie.
- Angels and Demons- I am ridiculously excited about this. The sad part is, as much as I LOVED every single word of the book, I honestly can't remember what it is about. I have these grey memories of like, Vatican City, and the Pope...and these cool signs where you can read them upside down or right side up...something big that I do remember...lots of middle story I TOTALLY have forgotten. I was going to reread the book, but then didn't. I don't really care. I just know I am EXCITED.
- Star Trek-Did I ever tell you I am a nerd? Yeah, I thought I did. Nick and I have had a deep love for Star Trek since WAY before it was cool. Now it is all, the NEW Star Trek, but really, I hope it is similar to the old ones. I LOVE them. I was worried about this movie, but then Nick heard on NPR (NERDS) that they did a screening at some old theater where they said they were showing Wrath of Khan, then they really showed the new one (Tricky producers!) and everyone LOVED it. This gives me hope. They better not let me down...
- Ghosts of Girlfriends Past- Yeah, I want to see this. Every time a preview comes on, Nick is like, "That looks TERRIBLE!" and I just think, "Man, that looks GREAT!!" He doesn't get why I want to see it, but I don't care. I have a feeling I am going to love it!
- Terminator Salvation- I don't even know that I think this looks that good, but I will see it because, 1. it is Terminator and 2. it now stars Christan Bale. That is really all I need to convince me.
So that's it for now. Or at least, those are the ones that come to my head in time to make the cut fo this post. For now I am off to my recliner to watch some TV. Maybe pick up a couple more movies I want to see!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Random Bullets
- The Trailblazer is back and good as new! My dad has a guy that does body work, so we got it done really cheap. Can't beat that!
- Nick has today off to get rid of some overtime. I have no idea how he manages to go to work on my Fridays off...I just want to curl back up into bed! It looks so nice...
- I made meatballs the other night, then as soon as I took them out of the oven I had to throw them all away (then get them out of the house because, oh my GAWD the smell...). I am pretty sure the meat was bad, but Nick said they smelled fine to him...but looked a little funny. I am not sure how anybody could miss the nasty nasty smell coming from the kitchen. We had a delicious salad instead.
- I have a Christmas party to go to tomorrow and I need to bring a gift that comes from my house (so I spend no money) that I no longer want, but someone else might enjoy. These are the rules. I think it is awesome, and yet I have NO IDEA what to bring...clock is ticking.
- Nick and I are going to see "The Day the Earth Stood Still" tonight. I am really excited and hope it doesn't suck...
- The new belly pic is up!
Okay, gotta get to work (oh how the bed is calling to me) so that's all for now! Hope you all have a great Friday!