Showing posts with label Nick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nick. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

So it's my birthday.  Not that I have a lot to say in regards to it being my birthday, but it IS true, so you know... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! 

In lieu of any birthday related thoughts ( I am older yet feel the same...the end), I am going to post a few of the family pictures we took last weekend.  We had a family gathering at the farm which will hopefully someday get it's entire own post, but since it's THE DAY OF ME, I am just going to show the ones of my little family. Because I love them.
How sweet is this? We all look so happy! I mean, we are happy, but we LOOK happy, which is nice.
And THIS. I can't even with the love of this picture.  Gah.

Okay, those are my two favorites of the three of us, but these are also enjoyable.

And technically I am venturing past the pictures of just us with these last two BUT IT IS MY BIRTHDAY (and my blog) so I will do what I want...
It is impossible not to love these pictures. I am pretty sure that's a fact and it isn't just because I love the kids in them.
Anyway, happy birthday to me.

(I would apologize for the randomness and the general poor quality of the writing in this post but... BIRTHDAY. )


Monday, August 3, 2015

The Wizard

Back in early college Nick decided he wanted to build his very own arcade game. So, being Nick, he did just that.  He named it The Wizard and it plays any original Nintendo games.  It's awesome.  Although, as sometimes happens when you get older and buy a tiny house, there was not room for The Wizard inside.  It got put in the garage, where we thought we might still play it some... along with the ping pong table and dart board we put out there.  But more time passed and the ping pong table and dart board disappeared and the garage slowly filled with other random things.  (Mostly wood from Nick's many other projects.)  But this weekend we made the decision to clean out the garage in order to prepare for a new addition, this time turning that garage space into a new home office with like, finished walls and lights and... you know, INSIDE stuff like heat.  We pulled out all the wood and random things that had accumulated over the last eleven years and... it was a lot of stuff.

SO. MUCH. STUFFFFF... how did it even all fit in there?!

Once the garage was mostly empty we looked at the dusty old Wizard.  We hadn't really thought about it for years beyond casual "remember The Wizard..." type discussions.  Nick asked if we should just get rid of it, but I said I was sure we could find room in the new office for it to have a forever indoor home.  He dusted it off and went to get Henry.

Yeah.  I think it has a forever home. He cannot WAIT to show his friends.


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy Birthday, Husband!

Yesterday morning I told Nick "Happy last day of being 34!" He looked at me for a second and said "I am 33..." Oh. Right. I am not great with keeping track of ages...
Happy 34th birthday, Papa!!!  We love you more than words can say.
(Gotta have some help blowing out 34 candles....)


Monday, March 31, 2014

Get Your Updates Here...

Hello, hello.

 All is well.  I did manage to attend my research conference last Thursday:

Not too shabby for two weeks post hysterectomy, right??  I am showered, clean and wearing a dress! (Dress was required because I still am avoiding any sort of pants with a button).  Everyone seemed to really like my research, so that was exciting!  (PS.  Jenn- I am so happy you want to read my capstone! I need you to email me at biogirl79 at gmail dot com (because your comments do not have an email attached) and I will send it to you!)

It went really well, but was extremely exhausting.  It's hard for me to know my limits, or maybe it's hard for me to respect them, but I am trying.  I want to jump back into life, but also don't want to do anything that will set back my recovery time or cause some sort of long term scar tissue damage, so I am still trying to take it easy.

I finally got to see my doctor on Friday and talking with him about my trip to the ER was MUCH more comforting.  He seemed to think it did have something to do with the remaining endo or possible scar tissue tearing away.  He did respect the fact that I was saying I was in pain, and never belittled it or acted like it was nothing.  We both agreed that since things seemed to be improving, it was okay to just keep going with the current plan of resting, no lifting, and generally taking it easy.

After talking he did request that I attempt to stay off any type of hormones for the next 6-12 months, rather than just two months.  Apparently I am a prime candidate for having issues with endometriosis even after a hysterectomy, and he said the best way to prevent that is taking an extended break to allow it to all die away.  I am still having pain on that left side, and he said he wants to see if we can get rid of that, which is still caused by the endometrisis.  He said I may always have lingering pain there, but that the longer I stay off hormones, the better it will be.

So... Yeah.  Six months. Or a year.  The hot flashes and night sweats are already a joy. 

Beyond that, I am back to work today, so that's pretty big.  Just doing half time for part of this week, and light duty for a month, so I am easing back in.  Honestly, it's going really well, all things considered! 

Today is also Nick's birthday, and I am happy to celebrate him and his awesomeness.  I am so very lucky to have him.

Happy birthday, husband.  You are very loved.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nick's Seven Level Scale of Destruction

So yesterday Whitney sent me a link to an article from our local news group discussing how we should all bet terrified of killer meteors... or something like that.  Basically, it said that scientists used to think these things were rare, but they have changed their mind and now... DOOOOOOM (possibly someday).

I, for one, consider these types of articles ridiculous.  I mean, why get worked up just because they increased the rate of giant meteors from once every 150 years to once every 30... we still have 29 good years before we are due for another (kinda cool as long as it doesn't land on you) giant rock streaking across the sky.  But dear Whitney* has a tendency to read these articles with a touch more terror than I do... she has more of the "WHY GOD WHHHYYYYY?!?!" reaction.  That's each their own.

So, she sends it to me, and I quickly debunk it.  Bla bla... 30 years... they have no idea... get worried when they say "There is a meteor.. it's big.  We named it  The Doom Rock".  You know they are serious when they give it a name.  But for some reason (was it because I was mocking The Doom Rock??)  this did not calm her fears.  No, instead she informed me that she was going to have to refer to Nick on this one.  Which... Whatever...  I am JUST as smart as Nick.

Actually...that's totally a lie.  I am really not.  I mean, I am smart in a DIFFERENT WAY.  Like, street smart, or more accurately public health and blog writing smart ... that's me.  But when you think of SMART smart, like calculus, physics, working on nanoparticles and particle accelerators for a living smart, Nick wins.  Plus, with his degree in Physics and his general knowledge of all things space related, people tend to TRUST him more. But he didn't think of the name DOOM ROCK, so I win at something.  

ANYWAY, Whitney sends him an email asking how worried she should be.  Soon after, she got his reply, which she sent me, and I am now sharing with you... because I adore my husband and find him hilarious.  If you find him less funny than I do, that's okay.  He's mine anyway.


Whitney's email:
I'm gonna need to know your level of concern over this:

Nick's Reply: 
On Nick's Scale of Destruction, 1 being low and 7 being high; I think we are at a solid 5.
Nicks Scale of Destruction:
  1. I think the bible was wrong about sinning. 
  2. Going to church makes me feel good, but going just on Easter this year is fine. 
  3. Do I really need to read the bible? 
  4. Independence Day Roof party 
  5. Invest in Prayer beads 
  6. Old Italian Catholic Lady screaming prayers in Latin at the grocery store. 
  7. They cloned Jesus from the shroud of Turin 20 years ago; he turned out to be the Antichrist and is amongst us.
So are we having a rooftop party next July 4th and I should buy prayer beads?

Probably both to be on the safe side.
 He is my favorite person. 

*Whitney would like me to point out that she MIGHT over-exaggerate her fears of such doomsday events for comedic effect... except when it comes to the zombie apocalypse.  She says that shit is terrifying. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Most Adorable Trick or Treaters in Town

Seriously, with the adorable...
Our tick or treating was postponed to last night due to weather, which at first I was full of eye rolls and annoyance about.  But THEN I looked outside yesterday afternoon and was like "Well isn't this the most pleasant trick or treating weather you have ever seen..."
So, I guess when standing on mighty principles I think you should keep the holiday on the holiday, but deep down I would MUCH rather have been out last night than in the rain and wind on Thursday.

This was by far our most enjoyable trick or treating yet.  These two truly got it.  They ran to each house, yelling TRICK OR TREAT!!  People nearly swooned at their adorableness, then they would announce "We are Batman and Robin!!"  There were a few instances where they were not happy with the candy amount given, and would just continue to stand there looking at them like "Really?? How about one more..." and maybe once or twice they just grabbed uninvited handfuls, but that's just kids being kids, right??  All in all, it was perfect trick or treating in November!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Lego House Battle

So Friday Henry and I stayed home sick from work/school. We both had the always sexy pink eye, and also something that shockingly resembled the flu.  I can't say for sure, because we weren't tested, but a note came home from school on Tuesday that said 'PARENTS! Do NOT sent your kids with a fever because of THE FLLLLUUUUUUUUU!", which I read as "Somebody brought the flu to school and the teachers are pissed".  Then, not 24 hours later Henry was telling us "I just going to sleep.  I cold.  Just leave me alone."

No really.  Henry said that. Like a dozen times.    How PITIFUL is that? I was all like, "Poor baby... I guess he is a maybe not feeling good... do you think he might have cold chills??"  And then twenty four hours after that I am like, "JUST MAKE IT STOP!!"  while wearing 4 shirts with a hood up over my head, sweatpants, huge woolly socks and four blankets.  Then I burst into tears and told Nick "I THINK I AM REALLY SICK*!" 

Now that I think about it, Henry handled it way better than I did.  Henry is a total bad ass.   Also, screw you, double sided, pink eye/flu like preschool plague...

Anyway, Nick stayed home with Henry on Thursday and I stayed with him on Friday since I was then sick too.  While we were laying around Henry asked if I wanted to play Lego's.  I say sure so he goes and gets his giant box.  He asks for me to build a house, which... I mean, who can't build a house, right?  It's like, a square.  So I start digging for pieces and get to work.  Like a million hours later I inform Henry that we DO NOT OWN THE RIGHT PIECES! and declare the house cannot be finished.  Still, I was pretty proud of the start I made on it.

I mean, it has an a nice front step, it has a door... totally a house. Then Nick comes home and is like 'Um... what is that?" And I am kinda proud, but also felt it was rude to brag, so I am just like "Oh, you know... just the house I made..." and he laughs. HE LAUGHS! And I am like, "What? I think it's pretty good...". To which he laughs harder. Then I say "WELL! We didn't have enough pieces to finish it! I couldn't find the right size! But I think it's DECENT!" Apparently Nick viewed it as a challenge.

That's right. There are flowers.  And sconces. 
And he didn't even have to take mine apart to make it, so there goes my "There weren't enough pieces" argument...
His has shutters and dormer windows. Mine has... holes where I pictures windows to be. Because I find IMAGINATION to be an important thing to teach children.  His has a 'stone footer with a brick exterior." mine went with more of an all inclusive color palette
Oh, his also has two people, a fireplace and a computer. but.... whatever

I really think the take home message is just that we both made Lego houses for Henry.  Who needs to say who's might be "better".  I mean, what is BETTER anyway.  Just someones opinion.  I think my house is rather good and shows the value of...

Never mind.

Nick wins.

*We both had our flu shots, and I got on Tamiflu right away, just in case because I don't want to expose Missy.  We are both feeling much better)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Great Outdoors

You know what is handy about living in Kentucky?  that things like this are actually in your back yard.
Memorial  Weekend 2012
Well... I don't know. Maybe things like this are in everybody's back yard. But just let me believe we are special.
Memorial  Weekend 2012
This is a local park near our house that Nick grew up fishing and playing in. The trails are easy and shady and it was all around a good local outdoor activity for our sweet boy. I am not much into hiking, but this type of trail I can handle.
Memorial  Weekend 2012
Did I mention there are fish? Because someone was very excited about 'DA FISH!'and also about 'DA WATER!!' and even 'MAMA! MAMA! A STICK! I GONNA THROW IT IN DA WATER!!'
Memorial  Weekend 2012
Oh. Don't even start about the turtles.
Memorial  Weekend 2012
Henry's first fish of the year. Exciting stuff.  He immediately said he wanted to pet it.  Then thought a little more about it and declared "MAMA PET IT!"
Memorial  Weekend 2012
Henry and Mama enjoying the view from the bridge
Memorial  Weekend 2012
Working their way across the stream for some better fishing. 
  Memorial  Weekend 2012
Heading home after an awesome day (an hour) in the Great Outdoors
Memorial  Weekend 2012
"This being outside stuff is exhausting. Someone want to carry me bac....Wait a minute."
Memorial  Weekend 2012
Memorial  Weekend 2012
"False Alarm. He flew away."
Memorial  Weekend 2012
"Let's blow this join. Who's up for milkshakes? I'll drive."

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Red Ripe Strawberry (and a Big Hungry Henry)

Henry absolutely loves the book The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear.  He asks to read it almost every night.  He talks about it whenever we eat strawberries (which is pretty regularly this time of year). "Mama!  Mama! Cut it in two, and SHARE IT WITH ME!! YUM!"  If he seems a mouse on a cartoon he says "He needs to go pick his strawberry".  He loves it. So imagine his pure joy when Nick told him that he had is very own red ripe strawberries he could pick in the back yard...
Strawberry Picking
 A Very Hungry Henry loves a red ripe strawberry
Strawberry Picking
Especially one that has just been picked
Strawberry Picking
A very Hungry Henry can sniff out a red ripe strawberry no matter how it is disguised.
Strawberry Picking
There is only one thing to do with a red ripe strawberry. *
Strawberry Picking
Quick! Cut it in two...

Strawberry Picking
And share half with me
Strawberry Picking

*picture included so I can brag on Nick and his impressive landscaping skills.  Don't for a second think any of this was my doing.  His green thumb is amazing. My thumb is the black thumb of gardening death.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine

He works harder than anybody I have ever known.  Always busy at something for work or the house, the yard or our family.  The man doesn't stop.

He loves his son.  Oh my god, how he loves him.  The play constantly, but he is also always teaching him.  He will carry in a piece of wood for a project and will call out to Henry that he needs help.  And together, they will walk it to where it needs to go.  He always includes him, always thinks of him, always has his best interest in his heart.  And at night time, when Henry should be in bed, often Nick is the one asking for 'five more minutes...'.  Because even after a long day, he wants just a little more time with is boy.

Childrens Museum 2012

He makes me laugh.  He has this sense of humor that lifts my heart.  He loves cartoons and cookies and milk.  He is young at heart, and he keeps me young right along with him.

I love him more today than I did on our wedding day, and I loved him a LOT on that day.
Our Wedding
I know it's cliche to talk about love on Valentine's Day.  But I don't really care.  I am so lucky to have him.  As my husband, as the father to our son, as my partner, as my very best friend. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Ledge

I feel like I am on an emotional ledge.  I don't exactly know how I got here, but here I sit.

Missy goes back up to the NIH this week for a new MRI and a reevaluation of the tumor growth.  And I am terrified. 

Nick's job is running out of funding in the next few weeks.  We don't have an exact end date, but it is coming soon.  He is trying to line up something else here at the University, but so far the best we have is that hopefully someone can get him on in June.  Hopefully.  We don't want to move, but we cannot afford to live on my salary alone.  That is actually almost a joke.  We can't even come CLOSE to living on my salary.  Having the primary bread winner (who carries Henry on his insurance) out of work is terrifying.  And we are staring that reality down the barrel. 

My endo is moving back to the land of Out Of Control.  My periods are lasting around 14 days and are extremely painful.  I know it's time to go in and talk to the doctor.  To talk about another surgery, but that will cost us money we don't really have.  To talk about going back on birth control, but in all honesty birth control makes me feel worse that I have these last few months off of it.  Rather than a two week painful period and then two weeks basically symptom free, on birth control I am just crampy and uncomfortable all the time with constant spotting and then the added bonus of extremely painful periods to boot.  And of course, I don't want to go on birth control.  Because that will officially be THE END.  And although I should be ready for that, I am just not.

If the Last Chance FET had worked I would be due next month.  And that breaks my heart.

So that is where I am at.  On an emotional ledge trying really hard not to let my lower lip quiver.  I sat down to write something funny and up beat, and for the life of me I couldn't thing of a thing to say.  Maybe this is why.  Because right now I am not in a funny and upbeat place.  I am in a hard place.  And they happen, and I will get through it.  But today, I am on the ledge, and it's a hard place to hang out.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Freaky Friday

You know that movie Freaky Friday *?  The one where the mom and daughter switch places?
Yeah, something sorta like that is what I found at bedtime the other night in Henry's room.

Henry says: "Mama, I have really thought this through.  I will tuck him in, read him Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, rub his back and THEN, Henry will sleep in MAMA'S BED!  It's fool proof!"

*I know, right? What a freak for linking to the Lindsay Lohan version.  But the thing is, when I looked at the page for the 1976 version I had NO MEMORY of those characters. Like I feel like I saw that movie...but just... a total blank when I look at the poster.  I guess I am of the Lindsay Lohan Freaky Friday generation.  Crazy.  Also, did you know JODIE FOSTER is the kid in the original movie?  A little Disney movie trivia for you, right there!
