SPEC CPU®2017 Overview / What's New?

$Id: overview.html 6757 2024-09-03 22:47:40Z JohnHenning $ Latest: www.spec.org/cpu2017/Docs/

This document introduces SPEC CPU®2017 via a series of questions and answers. SPEC CPU 2017 is a product of the SPEC® non-profit corporation (about SPEC).

Benchmarks: good, bad, difficult, and standard

Q1. What is SPEC?

Q2. What is a (good) benchmark?

Q3. What are some common benchmarking mistakes?

Q4. Should I benchmark my own application?

Q5. Should I use a standard benchmark?

SPEC CPU 2017 Basics

Q6. What does SPEC CPU 2017 measure?

Q7. Should I use CPU 2017? Why or why not?

Q8. What does SPEC provide?

Q9. What must I provide?

Q10. What are the basic steps to run CPU 2017?

Q11. How long does it take? Is it longer than CPU 2006?

Suites and Benchmarks

Q12. What is a CPU 2017 "suite"?

Q13. What are the benchmarks?

Q14. Are 5nn.benchmark and 6nn.benchmark different?

CPU 2017 Metrics

Q15. What are "SPECspeed" and "SPECrate" metrics?

Q16. What are "base" and "peak" metrics?

Q17. Which SPEC CPU 2017 metric should I use?

Q18: What is a "reference machine"? Why use one?

Q19. What's new in SPEC CPU 2017?

a. Primary content

1. Benchmarks and Metrics

2. Source Code: C99, Fortran-2003, C++2003

3. Rules

b. Power

c. Documentation

d. Tools

1. SPECrate smarter setup

2. sysinfo is required

3. Compiler versions are required

4. Image Validation

5. Usability

6. Removed items

Publishing results

Q20: Where can I find SPEC CPU 2017 results?

Q21: Can I publish elsewhere? Do the rules still apply?


Q22: What will happen to SPEC CPU 2006?

Q23: Can I convert CPU 2006 results to CPU 2017?

SPEC CPU 2017 Benchmark Selection

Q24: What criteria were used?

Q25: Were some benchmarks 'kept' from CPU 2006?

Q26. Are the benchmarks comparable to other programs?


Q27: Can I run the benchmarks manually?

Q28. How do I contact SPEC?

Q29. What should I do next?

Benchmarks; good, bad, difficult, and standard

Q1. What is SPEC?

SPEC is the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation, a non-profit organization founded in 1988 to establish standardized performance benchmarks that are objective, meaningful, clearly defined, and readily available. SPEC members include hardware and software vendors, universities, and researchers. [About SPEC]

SPEC was founded on the realization that "An ounce of honest data is worth a pound of marketing hype".

Q2. What is a (good) benchmark?

A surveyor's bench mark (two words) defines a known reference point by which other locations may be measured.
A computer benchmark performs a known set of operations by which computer performance can be measured.

Table 1: Characteristics of useful performance benchmarks
Specifies a workload A strictly-defined set of operations to be performed.
Produces at least one metric

A numeric representation of performance. Common metrics include:

  • Time - For example, seconds to complete the workload.
  • Throughput - Work completed per unit of time, for example, jobs per hour.
Is reproducible If repeated, will report similar (*) metrics.
Is portable Can be run on a variety of interesting systems.
Is comparable If the metric is reported for multiple systems, the values are meaningful and useful.
Checks for correct operation

Verify that meaningful output is generated and that the work is actually done.

"I can make it run as fast as you like if you remove the constraint of getting correct answers." (**)
Has run rules A clear definition of required and forbidden hardware, software, optimization, tuning, and procedures.

(*) "Similar" performance will depend on context. The benchmark should include guidelines as to what variation one should expect if the benchmark is run multiple times.

(**) Richard Hart, Digital Equipment Corporation, approximately 1982.

Q3. What are some common benchmarking mistakes?

Creating high-quality benchmarks takes time and effort. There are some difficulties that need to be avoided.
The difficulties listed in the table are based on real examples, and the solutions are what SPEC CPU tries to do about them.

If the benchmark description says: There may be potential difficulties: Solutions

1. It runs Loop 1 billion times.

Compiler X runs 1 billion times faster than Compiler Y, because compilers are allowed to skip work that has no effect on program outputs ("dead code elimination"). Benchmarks should print something.

2. Answers are printed, but not checked, because Minor Floating Point Differences are expected.

  • What if Minor Floating Point Difference sends it down Utterly Different Program Path?
  • If the program hits an error condition, it might "finish" twice as fast because half the work was never attempted.
Answers should be validated, within some sort of tolerance.

3. The benchmark is already compiled.
Just download and run.

You may want to compare new hardware, new operating systems, new compilers. Source code benchmarks allow a broader range of systems to be tested.

4. The benchmark is portable.
Just use compiler X and operating system Y.

You may want to compare other compilers and other operating systems. Test across multiple compilers and OS versions prior to release.

5. The benchmark measures X.

Has this been checked?
If not, measurements may be dominated by benchmark setup time, rather than the intended operations.
Analyze profile data prior to release, verify what it measures.

6. The benchmark is a slightly modified version of Well Known Benchmark.

  • Is there an exact writeup of the modifications?
  • Did the modifications break comparability?
Someone should check.
Create a process to do so.

7. The benchmark does not have a Run Rules document, because it is obvious how to run it correctly.

Although "obvious" now, questions may come up.
A change that seems innocent to one person may surprise another.
Explicit rules improve the likelihood that results can be meaningfully compared.

8. The benchmark is a collection of low-level operations representing X.

How do you know that it is representative? Prefer benchmarks that are derived from real applications.

Q4. Should I benchmark my own application?

Yes, if you can; but it may be be difficult.

Ideally, the best comparison test for systems would be your own application with your own workload. Unfortunately, it is often impractical to get a wide set of comparable system measurements using your own application with your own workload. For example, it may be difficult to extract the application sections that you want to benchmark, or too difficult to remove confidential information from data sets.

It takes time and effort to create a good benchmark, and it is easy to fall into common mistakes.

Q5. Should I use a standard benchmark?

Maybe. A standardized benchmarks may provide a reference point, if you use it carefully.

You may find that a standardized benchmark has already been run on systems that you are interested in. Ideally, that benchmark will provide all the characteristics of Table 1 while avoiding common benchmark mistakes.

Before you consider the results of a standardized benchmark, you should consider whether it measures things that are important to your own application characteristics and computing needs. For example, a benchmark that emphasizes CPU performance will have limited usefulness if your primary concern is network throughput.

A standardized benchmark can serve as a useful reference point, but SPEC does not claim that any standardized benchmark can replace benchmarking your own actual application when you are selecting vendors or products.

SPEC CPU 2017 Basics

Q6. What does SPEC CPU 2017 measure?

SPEC CPU 2017 focuses on compute intensive performance, which means these benchmarks emphasize the performance of:

SPEC CPU 2017 intentionally depends on all three of the above - not just the processor.

SPEC CPU 2017 is not intended to stress other computer components such as networking, graphics, Java libraries, or the I/O system. Note that there are other SPEC benchmarks that focus on those areas.

Q7.Should I use CPU 2017? Why or why not?

SPEC CPU 2017 provides a comparative measure of integer and/or floating point compute intensive performance. If this matches with the type of workloads you are interested in, SPEC CPU 2017 provides a good reference point.

Other advantages to using SPEC CPU 2017 include:

Limitations of SPEC CPU 2017: As described above, the ideal benchmark for vendor or product selection would be your own workload on your own application. Please bear in mind that no standardized benchmark can provide a perfect model of the realities of your particular system and user community.

Q8. What does SPEC provide?

SPEC CPU 2017 is distributed as an ISO image that contains:

The documentation is also available at www.spec.org/cpu2017/Docs/index.html, including the Unix and Windows installation guides.

Q9. What must I provide?

Briefly, you will need a computer running Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, or Microsoft Windows with:

The above is only an abbreviated summary. See detail in the System Requirements document.

New with CPU 2017, the integer suites include a Fortran benchmark.
Reportable runs for all suites require compilation of all three languages (C, C++, Fortran).

Q10. What are the basic steps to run SPEC CPU 2017?

A one-page summary is in SPEC CPU 2017 Quick Start. Here is a summary of the summary:

Q11: How long does it take to run? Does CPU 2017 take longer than CPU 2006?

Run time depends on the system, suite, compiler, tuning, and how many copies or threads are chosen.
One example system is shown below; your times will differ.

Example run times - simple options chosen
Metric Config Tested Individual
Full Run
SPECrate 2017 Integer  1 copy 6 to 10 minutes 2.5 hours
SPECrate 2017 Floating Point  1 copy 5 to 36 minutes 4.8 hours
SPECspeed 2017 Integer  4 threads 6 to 15 minutes 3.1 hours
SPECspeed 2017 Floating Point 16 threads 6 to 75 minutes 4.7 hours
One arbitrary example using a year 2016 system. Your system will differ.
2 iterations chosen, base only, no peak. Does not include compile time.

Does CPU 2017 take longer than CPU 2006?

More complicated example: *both* base+peak, 64 copies, 3 iterations
Metric Config Tested Full Run
CPU 2006
Full Run
CPU 2017
SPECrate Integer 64 copies 11.1 hours 11.2 hours
SPECrate Floating Point 64 copies 16.8 hours 20.6 hours
SPECspeed Integer 32 threads  5.0 hours  6.0 hours
SPECspeed Floating Point 32 threads  4.3 hours  2.5 hours
One arbitrary example using a year 2017 system. Your system will differ.
3 iterations chosen, base and peak. Does not include compile time.

Another example is discussed in the FAQ

Suites and Benchmarks

Q12. What is a CPU 2017 "suite"?

A suite is a set of benchmarks that are run as a group to produce one of the overall metrics.

SPEC CPU 2017 includes four suites that focus on different types of compute intensive performance:

Suite Contents Metrics How many copies?
What do Higher Scores Mean?
intspeed SPECspeed® 2017 Integer 10 integer benchmarks SPECspeed®2017_int_base
SPECspeed suites always run one copy of each benchmark.
Higher scores indicate that less time is needed.
fpspeed SPECspeed®2017 Floating Point 10 floating point benchmarks SPECspeed®2017_fp_base
intrate SPECrate® 2017 Integer 10 integer benchmarks SPECrate®2017_int_base
SPECrate suites run multiple concurrent copies of each benchmark.
The tester selects how many.
Higher scores indicate more throughput (work per unit of time).
fprate SPECrate® 2017 Floating Point 13 floating point benchmarks SPECrate®2017_fp_base
The "Short Tag" is the canonical abbreviation for use with runcpu, where context is defined by the tools. In a published document, context may not be clear.
To avoid ambiguity in published documents, the Suite Name or the Metrics should be spelled as shown above.

Q13. What are the benchmarks?

SPEC CPU 2017 has 43 benchmarks, organized into 4 suites:

Language[1] KLOC[2] Application Area
500.perlbench_r 600.perlbench_s C 362 Perl interpreter
502.gcc_r 602.gcc_s C 1,304 GNU C compiler
505.mcf_r 605.mcf_s C 3 Route planning
520.omnetpp_r 620.omnetpp_s C++ 134 Discrete Event simulation - computer network
523.xalancbmk_r 623.xalancbmk_s C++ 520 XML to HTML conversion via XSLT
525.x264_r 625.x264_s C 96 Video compression
531.deepsjeng_r 631.deepsjeng_s C++ 10 Artificial Intelligence: alpha-beta tree search (Chess)
541.leela_r 641.leela_s C++ 21 Artificial Intelligence: Monte Carlo tree search (Go)
548.exchange2_r 648.exchange2_s Fortran 1 Artificial Intelligence: recursive solution generator (Sudoku)
557.xz_r 657.xz_s C 33 General data compression
Floating Point
Floating Point
Language[1] KLOC[2] Application Area
503.bwaves_r 603.bwaves_s Fortran 1 Explosion modeling
507.cactuBSSN_r 607.cactuBSSN_s C++, C, Fortran 257 Physics: relativity
508.namd_r   C++ 8 Molecular dynamics
510.parest_r   C++ 427 Biomedical imaging: optical tomography with finite elements
511.povray_r   C++, C 170 Ray tracing
519.lbm_r 619.lbm_s C 1 Fluid dynamics
521.wrf_r 621.wrf_s Fortran, C 991 Weather forecasting
526.blender_r   C++, C 1,577 3D rendering and animation
527.cam4_r 627.cam4_s Fortran, C 407 Atmosphere modeling
  628.pop2_s Fortran, C 338 Wide-scale ocean modeling (climate level)
538.imagick_r 638.imagick_s C 259 Image manipulation
544.nab_r 644.nab_s C 24 Molecular dynamics
549.fotonik3d_r 649.fotonik3d_s Fortran 14 Computational Electromagnetics
554.roms_r 654.roms_s Fortran 210 Regional ocean modeling
  [1] For multi-language benchmarks, the first one listed determines library and link options (details)
  [2] KLOC = line count (including comments/whitespace) for source files used in a build / 1000

Q14. Are 5nn.benchmark and 6nn.benchmark different?

Most of the benchmarks in the table above are part of a pair:

 5nn.benchmark_r for the SPECrate version
 6nn.benchmark_s for the SPECspeed version

Benchmarks within a pair are similar to each other.
Briefly, differences include: workload sizes; compile flags; and run rules. See: [memory]   [OpenMP]   [rules]

More detail:

CPU 2017 Metrics

Q15. What are "SPECspeed" and "SPECrate" metrics?

There are many ways to measure computer performance. Among the most common are:

SPECspeed is a time-based metric; SPECrate is a throughput metric.

Calculating SPECspeed® Metrics Calculating SPECrate® Metrics
1 copy of each benchmark in a suite is run. The tester chooses how many concurrent copies to run
The tester may choose how many OpenMP threads to use. OpenMP is disabled.

For each benchmark, a performance ratio is calculated as:

time on a reference machine / time on the SUT

For each benchmark, a performance ratio is calculated as:

number of copies * (time on a reference machine / time on the SUT)
Higher scores mean that less time is needed. Higher scores mean that more work is done per unit of time.


  • The reference machine ran 600.perlbench_s in 1775 seconds.
  • A particular SUT took about 1/5 the time, scoring about 5.
  • More precisely: 1775/354.329738 = 5.009458


  • The reference machine ran 1 copy of 500.perlbench_r in 1592 seconds.
  • A particular SUT ran 8 copies in about 1/3 the time, scoring about 24.
  • More precisely: 8*(1592/541.52471) = 23.518776

For both SPECspeed and SPECrate, in order to provide some assurance that results are repeatable, the entire process is repeated.
The tester may choose:

  1. To run the suite of benchmarks three times, in which case the tools select the medians.
  2. Or to run twice, in which case the tools select the lower ratios (i.e. slower). New with CPU 2017

For both SPECspeed and SPECrate, the selected ratios are averaged using the Geometric Mean, which is reported as the overall metric.

For the energy metrics, the calculations are done the same way, using energy instead of time in the above formulas.

The reference times and reference energy are based on the observations posted with www.spec.org/cpu2017/results/

1, 2, 3, and 4

The measured values, with all available digits, can be found in the CSV versions:

1, 2, 3, and 4.

The reference times used in the calculations are rounded to the next higher integral number of seconds.

Q16. What are "base" and "peak" metrics?

SPEC CPU benchmarks are distributed as source code, and must be compiled, which leads to the question:
How should they be compiled? There are many possibilities, ranging from

--debug --no-optimize

at a low end through highly customized optimization and even source code re-writing at a high end. Any point chosen from that range might seem arbitrary to those whose interests lie at a different point. Nevertheless, choices must be made.

For CPU 2017, SPEC has chosen to allow two points in the range. The first may be of more interest to those who prefer a relatively simple build process; the second may be of more interest to those who are willing to invest more effort in order to achieve better performance.

Options allowed under the base rules are a subset of those allowed under the peak rules. A legal base result is also legal under the peak rules but a legal peak result is NOT necessarily legal under the base rules.

For more information, see the SPEC CPU 2017 Run and Reporting Rules.

Q17. Which SPEC CPU 2017 metric should I use?

It depends on your needs; you get to choose, depending on how you use computers, and these choices will differ from person to person.

Q18. What is a "reference machine"? Why use one?

SPEC uses a reference machine to normalize the performance metrics used in the CPU 2017 suites. Each benchmark is run and measured on this machine to establish a reference time for that benchmark. These times are then used in the SPEC calculations.

The reference machine is a historical Sun Microsystems server, the Sun Fire V490 with 2100 MHz UltraSPARC-IV+ chips. The UltraSPARC-IV+ was introduced in 2006, and is newer than the chip used in the CPU 2000 and CPU 2006 reference machines (the 300 MHz 1997 UltraSPARC II).

Sidebar: You may be tempted to look up the CPU 2006 score for the CPU 2017 reference machine, and from that try to convert CPU 2006 scores to CPU 2017 scores. There are two problems with such an attempt. (1) Its score of 78.8 was from a different usage scenario: 8 copies, 8 cores, 4 chips; vs. the reference scenario of 1 copy, 1 core, 1 chip; and (2) In general scores across suites cannot be converted.)

Note that when comparing any two systems measured with the CPU 2017, their performance relative to each other would remain the same even if a different reference machine was used. This is a consequence of the mathematics involved in calculating the individual and overall (geometric mean) metrics.

Q19. What's new in SPEC CPU 2017?

Compared to SPEC CPU 2006, what's new in SPEC CPU 2017?

a. Primary content

1. Benchmarks and Metrics

As mentioned elsewhere in this document:

2. Source Code: C99, Fortran-2003, C++2003

Total source code has increased, as shown in the graph [larger version], because most benchmarks are derived from real applications (including various open source projects).

During benchmark development, SPEC spends substantial effort working to improve portability, using language standards to assist in the process. For CPU 2017, the standards referenced were C99, Fortran-2003, and C++2003.

Caution: The benchmarks do not comply perfectly with ISO/ANSI lanaguage standards, because their source code is derived from real applications. The rules allow optimizers to assume standards *only* where that does not prevent validation.

suite growth graph

3. Rules

b. Power

SPEC CPU 2017 includes the ability to optionally measure and report power, including maximum power (W), average power (W), and total energy used (kJ).

Power measurement and reporting for CPU 2017 is optional: Testers are not required to measure power.

If you wish to measure power, you will need:

Metrics: Details of the calculation of the energy metrics can be found here.
New with SPEC CPU 2017 v1.1, the energy metrics are no longer labelled "experimental". They are fully supported and comparable.

For more information, see the config file documentation on Power Measurement.

c. Documentation

There is now a 1-page Quick Start.

There is a collection of working examples in the top-level config directory, with working flags files.

Most documents have been updated for CPU 2017. A few highlights of note:

Make Variables has a handy table of which variables affect which build steps.

SPEC CPU 2017 Config Files:
Reorganized for clarity.
Examples have been tested, and many of them are on your installed copy of SPEC CPU 2017.


For easier navigation, section URLs of the long document config.html are intended to be easy to memorize or guess.

If you memorize: www.spec.org/cpu2017/Docs/config.html
The rest is usually: #topic
#OpenMP How to enable OpenMP for SPECspeed runs.
#PORTABILITY Which flags affect portability?
#precedence How config file sections get combined.
#reportable Strictly enforce rules.
#usingSubmit How to send your SPECrate copies where you want them.
#variables How (and why) to tell the difference between ${variable}, $(variable), %{variable}

d. Tools

1. SPECrate smarter setup

As systems become larger, and as chips, cores, and hardware threads become smaller, SPECrate runs are asked to handle many more files. For SPEC CPU 2006, runs with hundreds of copies would take hours to set up, requiring around 750 MB (million bytes, 10^6) of disk space for each additional copy after the first copy (setup only, prior to actually running benchmarks; base only; set up both integer and floating point).

For SPEC CPU 2017, setup typically takes a few minutes, and each additional copy after the first requires about 200 KB (kilobytes, 10^3). An example system doing SPECrate setup to a single spinning hard drive is shown in the graphs on the right [larger version]. The additional space and time needed per copy for SPEC CPU 2017 is so small as to be barely visible (bottom two lines, in blue).

Of course, IO rates are subject to substantial variability according to operating system, file system, and storage type; and may hit "knees in the curve", as in the red line in the bottom graph, for various reasons. This particular test happened to hit a file system cache limit.

a. All input files are hard linked to the first copy. The concept of hard links (Wikipedia) is commonly supported on modern file systems. Obviously, this optimization only helps benchmark setup, not benchmark output; which is why System Requirements recommends that you allow substantial disk space per copy.

q. What if my file system lacks hard links?

a. If a SPECrate run is attempted on a file system that does not support hard links, the tools will fall back to the old method, making multiple copies. To check whether this happens, search the log for a message of the form:

NOTICE: Linking file from srcdir failed
...[additional text]...
Switching to copy mode.

If you set verbose or --verbose to 10 or higher, the NOTICE will appear on your screen.

SPECrate setup graph

2. sysinfo is required

For SPEC CPU 2017, results that are used in public must use sysinfo, which creates a contemporaneous record of the system under test (automatically, and therefore not subject to human transcription error). [details]

3. Compiler versions are required

SPEC CPU performance depends on compilers. For CPU 2017, all config files must include:

CC_VERSION_OPTION   = (switch that causes version to be printed)
CXX VERSION_OPTION  = "       "    "      "       "  "  "
FC_VERSION_OPTION   = "       "    "      "       "  "  "

Builds will fail until you add the above to your config file.
Your installed copy of SPEC CPU 2017 includes Example config files that demonstrate what to include for a variety of compilers. [detail]

4. Image Validation

Several benchmarks in CPU 2017 generate images. In order to determine whether acceptable images are generated, SPEC CPU 2017 validates the output using the Structured SIMilarity method, producing an Average Similarity (AVG SSIM). The image validator is described in SPEC CPU 2017 Utilities.

Are both of these 'correct'? Sometimes the answer is obvious.

blender train expected blender train produced

AVG SSIM=0.661

Sometimes, it's a little harder to decide

blender ref expected blender ref produced

AVG SSIM=0.998

5. Usability

Environment - It is easier to get things in and out of the enviornment now.
You can access environment variables using ENV macros.
You can set the environment for the full run using preenv.
You can set the environment for a single benchmark (in peak only) using envvars.

OMP_NUM_THREADS is set automatically from your --threads or threads.

Command line wins - The former interaction of command line and config file was deemed too confusing. For CPU 2017, if an option can be specified both in a config file and on the runcpu command line (example: copies or --copies), the command line always takes precedence.

Header section - The header section allows you to set many general options for the run (examples: number of iterations, whether to measure power, where to email results). For previous suites, all such settings had to be at the top of the config file, which was sometimes inconvenient (e.g. when including files). For CPU 2017, you can return to the header section at any time, using the section named


or, equivalently,


Easier-to-navigate reference document - config.html tries to provide #memorable #topicURLs.

Macros can be dumped and less scary info messages can be printed.


6. Removed items

Publishing results

Q20: Where can I find SPEC CPU 2017 results?

Results for measurements submitted to SPEC are available at https://www.spec.org/cpu2017/results/.

Q21: Can I publish elsewhere? Do the rules still apply?

Yes, SPEC CPU 2017 results can be published independently, and Yes, the rules still apply.

Although you are allowed to publish indpendently, SPEC encourages results to be submitted for publication on SPEC's web site, because it ensures a peer review process and uniform presentation of all results.

The Fair Use rule recognizes that Academic and Research usage of the benchmarks may be less formal; the key requirement is that non-compliant numbers must be clearly distinguished from rule-compliant results.

SPEC CPU performance results may be estimated, but SPEC CPU energy metrics are not allowed to be estimated. Estimates must be clearly marked. For more information, see the SPEC CPU 2017 rule on estimates and the CPU 2017 section of the general SPEC Fair Use rule.


Q22. What will happen to SPEC CPU 2006?

Three months after the announcement of CPU 2017, SPEC will require all CPU 2006 results submitted for publication on SPEC's web site to be accompanied by CPU 2017 results. Six months after announcement, SPEC will stop accepting CPU 2006 results for publication on its web site.

After that point, you may continue to use SPEC CPU 2006. You may publish new CPU 2006 results only if you plainly disclose the retirement (the link includes sample disclosure language).

Q23. Can I convert CPU 2006 results to CPU 2017?

There is no formula for converting CPU 2006 results to CPU 2017 results and vice versa; they are different products. There probably will be some correlation between CPU 2006 and CPU 2017 results (that is, machines with higher CPU 2006 results often will have higher CPU 2017 results), but the correlation will be far from perfect, because of differences in code, data sets, hardware stressed, metric calculations, and run rules.

SPEC encourages SPEC licensees to publish CPU 2017 numbers on older platforms to provide a historical perspective on performance.

SPEC CPU 2017 Benchmark Selection

Q24: What criteria were used to select the benchmarks?

SPEC considered:

Q25. Were some benchmarks 'kept' from CPU 2006?

Although some of the benchmarks from CPU 2006 are included in CPU 2017, they have been given different workloads and/or modified to use newer versions of the source code. Therefore, for example, the CPU 2017 benchmark 505.mcf_r may perform differently than the CPU 2006 benchmark 429.mcf.

Some benchmarks were not retained because it was not possible to update the source or workload. Others were left out because SPEC felt that they did not add significant performance information compared to the other benchmarks under consideration.

Q26. Are the benchmarks comparable to other programs?

Many of the SPEC CPU 2017 benchmarks have been derived from publicly available application programs. The individual benchmarks in this suite may be similar, but are NOT identical to benchmarks or programs with similar names which may be available from sources other than SPEC. In particular, SPEC has invested significant effort to improve portability and to minimize hardware dependencies, to avoid unfairly favoring one hardware platform over another. For this reason, the application programs in this distribution may perform differently from commercially available versions of the same application.

Therefore, it is not valid to compare SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark results with anything other than other SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark results.


Q27. Can I run the benchmarks manually?

To generate rule-compliant results, an approved toolset must be used. If several attempts at using the SPEC-provided tools are not successful, you should contact SPEC for technical support. SPEC may be able to help you, but this is not always possible -- for example, if you are attempting to build the tools on a platform that is not available to SPEC.

If you just want to work with the benchmarks and do not care to generate publishable results, SPEC provides information about how to do so.

Q28. How do I contact SPEC?

SPEC can be contacted in several ways. For general information, including other means of contacting SPEC, please see SPEC's Web Site at:


General questions can be emailed to: info@spec.org
CPU 2017 Technical Support Questions can be sent to: cpu2017support@spec.org

Q29. What should I do next?

If you don't have SPEC CPU 2017, it is hoped that you will consider ordering it.
If you are ready to get started, please follow one of these two paths:

I feel impatient.
Let me dive in.
  I want a clear and complete explanation
Quick Start   Read the System Requirements.
Then follow the Install Guide for Unix or Windows.

SPEC CPU®2017 Overview / What's New?: Copyright © 2017-2020 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC®)