IBM Corporation, Apache Inc, plus modifications for SPEC®
purposes by Michael "Magic Man" Wong, Christopher "El Diablo" Cambly
Primary contact: ccambly [at] ca.ibm.com
XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types
This program is a modified version of Xalan-C++, an XSLT processor written in a portable subset of C++ .
Xalan-C++ version 1.10 is a robust implementation of the W3C Recommendations for XSL Transformations (XSLT) and the XML Path Language (XPath). It works with a compatible release of the Xerces-C++ XML parser: Xerces-C++ version 3.0.1. Xalan-C++ (named after a rare musical instrument) implements the W3C Recommendation 16 November 1999 XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and the XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0. XSLT is the first part of the XSL stylesheet language for XML. It includes the XSL Transformation vocabulary and XPath, a language for addressing parts of XML documents.
You use the XSLT language to compose XSL stylesheets. An XSL
stylesheet contains instructions for transforming XML documents
from one document type to another document type (XML, HTML, or
other). In structural terms, an XSL stylesheet specifies the
transformation of one tree of nodes (the XML input) into another
tree of nodes (the output or transformation result).
Modifications for SPEC® benchmarking purposes include:
1. combining code in a way that makes it a standalone
2. removing compiler incompatibilities and improving
standard conformance
3. change the output to display intermediate
4. removing large part of unexecuted code that causes
differences between platforms
5. finding the test data and contributing fixes to the
code to read the large 100 MB test data
6. Moving all the include locations to fit better into
the SPEC harness.
An XML document and an XSL Stylesheet.
An HTML document
Xalan-C++ (which became 523.xalancbmk_r) was submitted to SPEC by a member company under the Apache License, v2.0.
Please see details in the document SPEC CPU®2017 Licenses.
Last updated: $Date: 2020-08-19 18:52:31 -0400 (Wed, 19 Aug 2020) $
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