Title graphic for Sea and Sky's Sea Gallery pages


Crab Close-up
Pacific Octopus
Marine Snail
Anemone Shrimp
Anemone Shrimp
Hermit Crab
Orange Fireworm
Arrow Crab on Anemone
Red Reef Crab
Flame Scallop
Yellow Nudibranch
Purple Nudibranch
Purple Sea Urchin
White Nudibranch
Octopus Larva
Opalescent Sea Slug
White-Spotted Hermit Crab
Pencil Sea Urchin
Bobtail Squid
Sally Lightfoot Crab
Spanish Shawl Nudibranch
Octopus on Ocean Floor
Christmas Tree Worms
Purple Sea Slug
Arrow Crabs

Invertebrates are one of the largest groups of creatures in the oceans. Defined simply as animals without backbones, these spineless wonders have evolved into a nearly infinite variety of shapes, sizes, and colors under the sea. Some have used calcium to create hard outer shells. Others are squishy, with the water supporting their soft forms. The images in this gallery have been hand-selected by Sea and Sky for their visual beauty and represent some of the most amazing images of marine invertebrates. Click on an image above to begin a slide show. Use the buttons under each image to navigate through the slide show. You can use the buttons on the left side of this page to select another image gallery and begin a new slide show.