Image 2-19
Bobtail Squid
This unique creature is known as a bobtail squid. The imaged was captures by NOAA's Deep Discoverer ROV in Atlantis Canyon off the easy coast of New England. The squid in this image is less than one foot (30 centimeters) in length. Bobtail squid are part of a group of cephalopods closely related to cuttlefish. Bobtail squid tend to have a rounder mantle than cuttlefish. They are sometimes also known as dumpling squid or stubby squid. Bobtail squid can create their own light through a chemical process known as bioluminescence.
NOAA OKEANOS Explorer Program
Coral Reef | Invertebrates | Reef Fishes | Unusual Fishes
Sea Stars | Tentacles | Reefscapes | Deep Sea