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Possible spell-corrected query: Lattice giving
2024/1358 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-29
Quantum Sieving for Code-Based Cryptanalysis and Its Limitations for ISD
Lynn Engelberts, Simona Etinski, Johanna Loyer
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Sieving using near-neighbor search techniques is a well-known method in lattice-based cryptanalysis, yielding the current best runtime for the shortest vector problem in both the classical [BDGL16] and quantum [BCSS23] setting. Recently, sieving has also become an important tool in code-based cryptanalysis. Specifically, using a sieving subroutine, [GJN23, DEEK24] presented a variant of the information-set decoding (ISD) framework, which is commonly used for attacking cryptographically...

2024/747 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-27
Scaling Lattice Sieves across Multiple Machines
Martin R. Albrecht, Joe Rowell

Lattice sieves are algorithms for finding short vectors in lattices. We present an implementation of two such sieves – known as “BGJ1” and “BDGL” in the literature – that scales across multiple servers (with varying success). This class of algorithms requires exponential memory which had put into question their ability to scale across sieving nodes. We discuss our architecture and optimisations and report experimental evidence of the efficiency of our approach.

2024/739 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-15
BGJ15 Revisited: Sieving with Streamed Memory Access
Ziyu Zhao, Jintai Ding, Bo-Yin Yang

The focus of this paper is to tackle the issue of memory access within sieving algorithms for lattice problems. We have conducted an in-depth analysis of an optimized BGJ sieve (Becker-Gama-Joux 2015), and our findings suggest that its inherent structure is significantly more memory-efficient compared to the asymptotically fastest BDGL sieve (Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven 2016). Specifically, it necessitates merely $2^{0.2075n + o(n)}$ streamed (non-random) main memory accesses for the...

2024/296 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-18
Attacking ECDSA with Nonce Leakage by Lattice Sieving: Bridging the Gap with Fourier Analysis-based Attacks
Yiming Gao, Jinghui Wang, Honggang Hu, Binang He
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Hidden Number Problem (HNP) has found extensive applications in side-channel attacks against cryptographic schemes, such as ECDSA and Diffie-Hellman. There are two primary algorithmic approaches to solving the HNP: lattice-based attacks and Fourier analysis-based attacks. Lattice-based attacks exhibit better efficiency and require fewer samples when sufficiently long substrings of the nonces are known. However, they face significant challenges when only a small fraction of the nonce is...

2024/080 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-25
Memory adds no cost to lattice sieving for computers in 3 or more spatial dimensions
Samuel Jaques
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The security of lattice-based crytography (LWE, NTRU, and FHE) depends on the hardness of the shortest-vector problem (SVP). Sieving algorithms give the lowest asymptotic runtime to solve SVP, but depend on exponential memory. Memory access costs much more in reality than in the RAM model, so we consider a computational model where processors, memory, and meters of wire are in constant proportions to each other. While this adds substantial costs to route data during lattice sieving, we...

2024/067 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-24
A Refined Hardness Estimation of LWE in Two-step Mode
Wenwen Xia, Leizhang Wang, Geng Wang, Dawu Gu, Baocang Wang
Public-key cryptography

Recently, researchers have proposed many LWE estimators, such as lattice-estimator (Albrecht et al, Asiacrypt 2017) and leaky-LWE-Estimator (Dachman-Soled et al, Crypto 2020), while the latter has already been used in estimating the security level of Kyber and Dilithium using only BKZ. However, we prove in this paper that solving LWE by combining a lattice reduction step (by LLL or BKZ) and a target vector searching step (by enumeration or sieving), which we call a Two-step mode, is more...

2023/1423 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-18
Quantum Lattice Enumeration in Limited Depth
Nina Bindel, Xavier Bonnetain, Marcel Tiepelt, Fernando Virdia
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In 2018, Aono et al. (ASIACRYPT 2018) proposed to use quantum backtracking algorithms (Montanaro, TOC 2018; Ambainis and Kokainis, STOC 2017) to speedup lattice point enumeration. Quantum lattice sieving algorithms had already been proposed (Laarhoven et al., PQCRYPTO 2013), being shown to provide an asymptotic speedup over classical counterparts, but also to lose competitiveness at dimensions relevant to cryptography if practical considerations on quantum computer architecture were taken...

2023/1137 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-22
A New Sieving Approach for Solving the HNP with One Bit of Nonce by Using Built-in Modulo Arithmetic
Yao Sun, Shuai Chang
Public-key cryptography

The Hidden Number Problem (HNP) has been extensively used in the side-channel attacks against (EC)DSA and Diffie-Hellman. The lattice approach is a primary method of solving the HNP. In EUROCRYPT 2021, Albrecht and Heninger constructed a new lattice to solve the HNP, which converts the HNP to the SVP. After that, their approach became the state-of-the-art lattice method of solving the HNP. But Albrecht and Heninger's approach has a high failure rate for solving the HNP with one bit of nonce...

2023/582 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-23
New NTRU Records with Improved Lattice Bases
Elena Kirshanova, Alexander May, Julian Nowakowski
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The original NTRU cryptosystem from 1998 can be considered the starting point of the great success story of lattice-based cryptography. Modern NTRU versions like NTRU-HPS and NTRU-HRSS are round-3 finalists in NIST's selection process, and also Crystals-Kyber and especially Falcon are heavily influenced by NTRU. Coppersmith and Shamir proposed to attack NTRU via lattice basis reduction, and variations of the Coppersmith-Shamir lattice have been successfully applied to solve official NTRU...

2023/200 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-02
Classical and quantum 3 and 4-sieves to solve SVP with low memory
Johanna Loyer, André Chailloux
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is at the foundation of lattice-based cryptography. The fastest known method to solve SVP in dimension $d$ is by lattice sieving, which runs in time $2^{td+o(d)}$ with $2^{md+o(d)}$ memory for constants $t,m \in \Theta(1)$. Searching reduced vectors in the sieve is a problem reduced to the configuration problem, \ie searching $k$ vectors satisfying given constraints over their scalar products. In this work, we present a framework for $k$-sieve...

2022/1343 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-01
Improved Progressive BKZ with Lattice Sieving and a Two-Step Mode for Solving uSVP
Wenwen Xia, Leizhang Wang, GengWang, Dawu Gu, Baocang Wang
Public-key cryptography

The unique Shortest Vector Problem (uSVP) is one of the core hard problems in lattice-based cryptography. In NIST PQC standardization (Kyber, Dilithium), leaky-LWE-Estimator is used to estimate the hardness of LWE-based cryptosystems by reducing LWE to uSVP and considers the primal attack using Progressive BKZ (ProBKZ). ProBKZ trivially increases blocksize β and lifts the shortest vector in the final BKZ block to find the unique shortest vector in the full lattice. In this paper, we...

2022/1337 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-25
How to Enumerate LWE Keys as Narrow as in Kyber/Dilithium
Timo Glaser, Alexander May
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem we are given a matrix $A \in \mathbb{Z}_q^{N \times N}$ and a target vector $\vec{t} \in \mathbb{Z}_q^N$ such that there exists small-norm $\vec{s}, \vec{e}\in \mathbb{Z}_q^N$ satisfying $A\cdot\vec{s} = \vec{t} + \vec{e} \bmod q$. Modern cryptosystems often sample $\vec{s}, \vec{e}$ from narrow distributions that take integer values in a small range $[-\eta, \eta].$ Kyber and Dilithium both choose $\eta=2$ and $\eta=3$ using either a Centered...

2022/922 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-15
Estimating the Hidden Overheads in the BDGL Lattice Sieving Algorithm
Léo Ducas
Public-key cryptography

The lattice sieving algorithm based on list-decoding of Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven (SODA 2016) is currently at the center of cryptanalysis cost estimates of candidate lattice schemes for post-quantum standardization. Yet, only an idealized version of this algorithm has been carefully modelled, i.e. given an efficient list-decoding oracle for a perfectly random spherical code. In this work, we propose an experimental analysis of the actual algorithm. The difficulty lies in estimating the...

2022/676 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-23
Finding many Collisions via Reusable Quantum Walks
Xavier Bonnetain, André Chailloux, André Schrottenloher, Yixin Shen
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Given a random function $f$ with domain $[2^n]$ and codomain $[2^m]$, with $m \geq n$, a collision of $f$ is a pair of distinct inputs with the same image. Collision finding is an ubiquitous problem in cryptanalysis, and it has been well studied using both classical and quantum algorithms. Indeed, the quantum query complexity of the problem is well known to be $\Theta(2^{m/3})$, and matching algorithms are known for any value of $m$. The situation becomes different when one is looking for...

2022/468 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-01
Improved Pump and Jump BKZ by Sharp Simulator
Leizhang Wang, Wenwen Xia, Geng Wang, Baocang Wang, Dawu Gu
Public-key cryptography

The General Sieve Kernel (G6K) implemented a variety of lattice reduction algorithms based on sieving algorithms. One of the representative of these lattice reduction algorithms is Pump and jump-BKZ (pnj-BKZ) algorithm which is currently considered as the fastest lattice reduction algorithm. The pnj-BKZ is a BKZ-type lattice reduction algorithm which includes the jump strategy, and uses Pump as the SVP Oracle. Here, Pump which was also proposed in G6K, is an SVP sloving algorithm that...

2022/239 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-25
Several Improvements on BKZ Algorithm
Ziyu Zhao, Jintai Ding

Lattice problem such as NTRU problem and LWE problem is widely used as the security base of post-quantum cryptosystems. And currently doing lattice reduction by BKZ algorithm is the most efficient way to solve it. In this paper, we give several further improvements on BKZ algorithm, which can be used for different SVP subroutines base on both enumeration and sieving. These improvements in combination provide a speed up of $2^{3\sim 4}$ in total. It is significant in concrete attacks. Using...

2021/1548 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-10
Just how hard are rotations of $\mathbb{Z}^n$? Algorithms and cryptography with the simplest lattice
Huck Bennett, Atul Ganju, Pura Peetathawatchai, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz

$\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\basis}{B}$We study the computational problem of finding a shortest non-zero vector in a rotation of $\Z^n$, which we call $\Z$SVP. It has been a long-standing open problem to determine if a polynomial-time algorithm for $\Z$SVP exists, and there is by now a beautiful line of work showing how to solve it efficiently in certain very special cases. However, despite all of this work, the fastest known algorithm that is proven to solve $\Z$SVP is still...

2021/1295 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-27
Improved Quantum Hypercone Locality Sensitive Filtering in Lattice Sieving
Max Heiser
Public-key cryptography

The asymptotically fastest known method for solving SVP is via lattice sieving, an algorithm whose computational bottleneck is solving the Nearest Neighbor Search problem. The best known algorithm for solving this problem is Hypercone Locality Sensitive Filtering (LSF). The classical time complexity of a sieve using Hypercone LSF is \(2^{0.2925d+o(d)}\). The quantum time complexity is \(2^{0.2653d+o(d)}\), which is acquired by using Grover's algorithm to speed up part of the enumeration. We...

2021/1203 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-10-18
The irreducible vectors of a lattice: Some theory and applications
Emmanouil Doulgerakis, Thijs Laarhoven, Benne de Weger

The main idea behind lattice sieving algorithms is to reduce a sufficiently large number of lattice vectors with each other so that a set of short enough vectors is obtained, including a basis of the lattice. It is therefore natural to study vectors which cannot be reduced. In this work we give a concrete definition of an irreducible vector and study the properties of the set of all such vectors. We show that the set of irreducible vectors is a subset of the set of relevant vectors and study...

2021/973 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-22
A Multiplatform Parallel Approach for Lattice Sieving Algorithms
Michał Andrzejczak, Kris Gaj

Lattice sieving is currently the leading class of algorithms for solving the shortest vector problem over lattices. The computational difficulty of this problem is the basis for constructing secure post-quantum public-key cryptosystems based on lattices. In this paper, we present a novel massively parallel approach for solving the shortest vector problem using lattice sieving and hardware acceleration. We combine previously reported algorithms with a proper caching strategy and develop...

2021/785 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-14
Lower bounds on lattice sieving and information set decoding
Elena Kirshanova, Thijs Laarhoven
Public-key cryptography

In two of the main areas of post-quantum cryptography, based on lattices and codes, nearest neighbor techniques have been used to speed up state-of-the-art cryptanalytic algorithms, and to obtain the lowest asymptotic cost estimates to date [May-Ozerov, Eurocrypt'15; Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven, SODA'16]. These upper bounds are useful for assessing the security of cryptosystems against known attacks, but to guarantee long-term security one would like to have closely matching lower bounds,...

2021/707 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-22
Lattice Enumeration for Tower NFS: a 521-bit Discrete Logarithm Computation
Gabrielle De Micheli, Pierrick Gaudry, Cécile Pierrot
Public-key cryptography

The Tower variant of the Number Field Sieve (TNFS) is known to be asymptotically the most efficient algorithm to solve the discrete logarithm problem in finite fields of medium characteristics, when the extension degree is composite. A major obstacle to an efficient implementation of TNFS is the collection of algebraic relations, as it happens in dimension greater than 2. This requires the construction of new sieving algorithms which remain efficient as the dimension grows. In this article,...

2021/570 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-22
Lattice sieving via quantum random walks
André Chailloux, Johanna Loyer
Public-key cryptography

Lattice-based cryptography is one of the leading proposals for post-quantum cryptography. The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is arguably the most important problem for the cryptanalysis of lattice-based cryptography, and many lattice-based schemes have security claims based on its hardness. The best quantum algorithm for the SVP is due to Laarhoven [Laa16 PhD] and runs in (heuristic) time $2^{0.2653d + o(d)}$. In this article, we present an improvement over Laarhoven's result and present an...

2021/557 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-28
Dual lattice attacks for closest vector problems (with preprocessing)
Thijs Laarhoven, Michael Walter
Public-key cryptography

The dual attack has long been considered a relevant attack on lattice-based cryptographic schemes relying on the hardness of learning with errors (LWE) and its structured variants. As solving LWE corresponds to finding a nearest point on a lattice, one may naturally wonder how efficient this dual approach is for solving more general closest vector problems, such as the classical closest vector problem (CVP), the variants bounded distance decoding (BDD) and approximate CVP, and preprocessing...

2021/141 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-02-10
Advanced Lattice Sieving on GPUs, with Tensor Cores
Léo Ducas, Marc Stevens, Wessel van Woerden
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we study GPU implementations of various state-of-the-art sieving algorithms for lattices (Becker-Gama-Joux 2015, Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven 2016, Herold-Kirshanova 2017) inside the General Sieve Kernel (G6K, Albrecht et al. 2019). In particular, we extensively exploit the recently introduced *Tensor Cores* -- originally designed for raytracing and machine learning -- and demonstrate their fitness for the cryptanalytic task at hand. We also propose a new *dual-hash* technique...

2020/1467 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-11-24
Making the BKW Algorithm Practical for LWE
Alessandro Budroni, Qian Guo, Thomas Johansson, Erik Mårtensson, Paul Stankovski Wagner
Public-key cryptography

The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem is one of the main mathematical foundations of post-quantum cryptography. One of the main groups of algorithms for solving LWE is the Blum-Kalai-Wasserman (BKW) algorithm. This paper presents new improvements for BKW-style algorithms for solving LWE instances. We target minimum concrete complexity and we introduce a new reduction step where we partially reduce the last position in an iteration and finish the reduction in the next iteration, allowing...

2020/487 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-04-28
Sieve, Enumerate, Slice, and Lift: Hybrid Lattice Algorithms for SVP via CVPP
Emmanouil Doulgerakis, Thijs Laarhoven, Benne de Weger

Motivated by recent results on solving large batches of closest vector problem (CVP) instances, we study how these techniques can be combined with lattice enumeration to obtain faster methods for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) on high-dimensional lattices. Theoretically, under common heuristic assumptions we show how to solve SVP in dimension $d$ with a cost proportional to running a sieve in dimension $d - \Theta(d / \log d)$, resulting in a $2^{\Theta(d / \log d)}$ speedup and...

2019/1122 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-10-01
Exploring Trade-offs in Batch Bounded Distance Decoding
Martin R. Albrecht, Benjamin R. Curtis, Thomas Wunderer
Public-key cryptography

Algorithms for solving the Bounded Distance Decoding problem (BDD) are used for estimating the security of lattice-based cryptographic primitives, since these algorithms can be employed to solve variants of the Learning with Errors problem (LWE). In certain parameter regimes where the target vector is small and/or sparse, batches of BDD instances emerge from a combinatorial approach where several components of the target vector are guessed before decoding. In this work we explore trade-offs...

2019/1028 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-11
Faster Sieving Algorithm for Approximate SVP with Constant Approximation Factors
Divesh Aggarwal, Bogdan Ursu, Serge Vaudenay

Abstract. There is a large gap between theory and practice in the complexities of sieving algorithms for solving the shortest vector problem in an arbitrary Euclidean lattice. In this paper, we work towards reducing this gap, providing theoretical refinements of the time and space complexity bounds in the context of the approximate shortest vector problem. This is achieved by relaxing the requirements on the AKS algorithm, rather than on the ListSieve, resulting in exponentially smaller...

2019/1016 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-10
Quantum Algorithms for the Approximate $k$-List Problem and their Application to Lattice Sieving
Elena Kirshanova, Erik Mårtensson, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Subhayan Roy Moulik

The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is one of the mathematical foundations of lattice based cryptography. Lattice sieve algorithms are amongst the foremost methods of solving SVP. The asymptotically fastest known classical and quantum sieves solve SVP in a \(d\)-dimensional lattice in \(2^{cd + o(d)}\) time steps with \(2^{c'd + o(d)}\) memory for constants \(c, c'\). In this work, we give various quantum sieving algorithms that trade computational steps for memory. We first give a quantum...

2019/090 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-05-03
Round5: Compact and Fast Post-Quantum Public-Key Encryption
Hayo Baan, Sauvik Bhattacharya, Scott Fluhrer, Oscar Garcia-Morchon, Thijs Laarhoven, Ronald Rietman, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Ludo Tolhuizen, Zhenfei Zhang
Public-key cryptography

We present the ring-based configuration of the NIST submission Round5, a Ring Learning with Rounding (RLWR)- based IND-CPA secure public-key encryption scheme. It combines elements of the NIST candidates Round2 (use of RLWR as underlying problem, having $1+x+\ldots +x^n$ with $n+1$ prime as reduction polynomial, allowing for a large design space) and HILA5 (the constant-time error-correction code XEf). Round5 performs part of encryption, and decryption via multiplication in...

2019/089 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-01-28
The General Sieve Kernel and New Records in Lattice Reduction
Martin R. Albrecht, Léo Ducas, Gottfried Herold, Elena Kirshanova, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Marc Stevens
Public-key cryptography

We propose the General Sieve Kernel (G6K, pronounced /ʒ, an abstract stateful machine supporting a wide variety of lattice reduction strategies based on sieving algorithms. Using the basic instruction set of this abstract stateful machine, we first give concise formulations of previous sieving strategies from the literature and then propose new ones. We then also give a light variant of BKZ exploiting the features of our abstract stateful machine. This encapsulates several...

2018/079 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-02-13
Progressive lattice sieving
Thijs Laarhoven, Artur Mariano

Most algorithms for hard lattice problems are based on the principle of rank reduction: to solve a problem in a $d$-dimensional lattice, one first solves one or more problem instances in a sublattice of rank $d - 1$, and then uses this information to find a solution to the original problem. Existing lattice sieving methods, however, tackle lattice problems such as the shortest vector problem (SVP) directly, and work with the full-rank lattice from the start. Lattice sieving further seems to...

2017/1228 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-12-22
Speed-ups and time-memory trade-offs for tuple lattice sieving
Gottfried Herold, Elena Kirshanova, Thijs Laarhoven

In this work we study speed-ups and time-space trade-offs for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) on Euclidean lattices based on tuple lattice sieving. Our results extend and improve upon previous work of Bai-Laarhoven-Stehlë [ANTS'16] and Herold-Kirshanova [PKC'17], with better complexities for arbitrary tuple sizes and offering tunable time-memory trade-offs.The trade-offs we obtain stem from the generalization and combination of two algorithmic techniques: the configuration...

2017/999 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-10-26
Shortest Vector from Lattice Sieving: a Few Dimensions for Free
Léo Ducas
Public-key cryptography

Asymptotically, the best known algorithms for solving the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) in a lattice of dimension $n$ are sieve algorithms, which have heuristic complexity estimates ranging from $(4/3)^{n+o(n)}$ down to $(3/2)^{n/2 +o(n)}$ when Locality Sensitive Hashing techniques are used. Sieve algorithms are however outperformed by pruned enumeration algorithms in practice by several orders of magnitude, despite the larger super-exponential asymptotical complexity $2^{\Theta(n \log n)}$...

2017/017 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-01-26
Improved Algorithms for the Approximate k-List Problem in Euclidean Norm
Gottfried Herold, Elena Kirshanova

We present an algorithm for the approximate $k$-List problem for the Euclidean distance that improves upon the Bai-Laarhoven-Stehle (BLS) algorithm from ANTS'16. The improvement stems from the observation that almost all the solutions to the approximate $k$-List problem form a particular configuration in $n$-dimensional space. Due to special properties of configurations, it is much easier to verify whether a $k$-tuple forms a configuration rather than checking whether it gives a solution to...

2016/1099 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-02-06
Improved Parameters for the Ring-TESLA Digital Signature Scheme
Arjun Chopra

Akleylek et al have proposed Ring-TESLA, a practical and efficient digital signature scheme based on the Ring Learning With Errors problem. However we have identified there are some problems with the parameters proposed for Ring-TESLA, as we believe they do not ensure the correct operation of the scheme and do not provide the targeted levels of security under either the provable Ring-TESLA reduction, or an assessment of practical modern attacks such as lattice sieving. We recommend new...

2016/888 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-02-16
Finding closest lattice vectors using approximate Voronoi cells
Emmanouil Doulgerakis, Thijs Laarhoven, Benne de Weger

The two traditional hard problems underlying the security of lattice-based cryptography are the shortest vector problem (SVP) and the closest vector problem (CVP). For a long time, lattice enumeration was considered the fastest method for solving these problems in high dimensions, but recent work on memory-intensive methods has resulted in lattice sieving overtaking enumeration both in theory and in practice. Some of the recent improvements [Ducas, Eurocrypt 2018; Laarhoven-Mariano, PQCrypto...

2016/713 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-09-12
Tuple lattice sieving
Shi Bai, Thijs Laarhoven, Damien Stehle

Lattice sieving is asymptotically the fastest approach for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) on Euclidean lattices. All known sieving algorithms for solving SVP require space which (heuristically) grows as $2^{0.2075 n + o(n)}$, where $n$ is the lattice dimension. In high dimensions, the memory requirement becomes a limiting factor for running these algorithms, making them uncompetitive with enumeration algorithms, despite their superior asymptotic time complexity. We generalize...

2015/1128 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-10-05
New directions in nearest neighbor searching with applications to lattice sieving
Anja Becker, Léo Ducas, Nicolas Gama, Thijs Laarhoven
Public-key cryptography

To solve the approximate nearest neighbor search problem (NNS) on the sphere, we propose a method using locality-sensitive filters (LSF), with the property that nearby vectors have a higher probability of surviving the same filter than vectors which are far apart. We instantiate the filters using spherical caps of height 1 - A, where a vector survives a filter if it is contained in the corresponding spherical cap, and where ideally each filter has an independent, uniformly random...

2015/823 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-02-23
Efficient (ideal) lattice sieving using cross-polytope LSH
Anja Becker, Thijs Laarhoven

Combining the efficient cross-polytope locality-sensitive hash family of Terasawa and Tanaka with the heuristic lattice sieve algorithm of Micciancio and Voulgaris, we show how to obtain heuristic and practical speedups for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) on both arbitrary and ideal lattices. In both cases, the asymptotic time complexity for solving SVP in dimension n is 2^(0.298n). For any lattice, hashes can be computed in polynomial time, which makes our CPSieve algorithm much...

2015/522 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-08-24
Speeding-up lattice sieving without increasing the memory, using sub-quadratic nearest neighbor search
Anja Becker, Nicolas Gama, Antoine Joux
Public-key cryptography

We give a simple heuristic sieving algorithm for the $m$-dimensional exact shortest vector problem (SVP) which runs in time $2^{0.3112m +o(m)}$. Unlike previous time-memory trade-offs, we do not increase the memory, which stays at its bare minimum $2^{0.2075m +o(m)}$. To achieve this complexity, we borrow a recent tool from coding theory, known as nearest neighbor search for binary code words. We simplify its analysis, and show that it can be adapted to solve this variant of the...

2015/211 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-02-23
Faster sieving for shortest lattice vectors using spherical locality-sensitive hashing
Thijs Laarhoven, Benne de Weger

Recently, it was shown that angular locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) can be used to significantly speed up lattice sieving, leading to a heuristic time complexity for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) of $2^{0.337n + o(n)}$ (and space complexity $2^{0.208n + o(n)}$. We study the possibility of applying other LSH methods to sieving, and show that with the spherical LSH method of Andoni et al.\ we can heuristically solve SVP in time $2^{0.298n + o(n)}$ and space $2^{0.208n + o(n)}$. We...

2015/044 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-09-07
Use of SIMD-Based Data Parallelism to Speed up Sieving in Integer-Factoring Algorithms
Binanda Sengupta, Abhijit Das

Many cryptographic protocols derive their security from the apparent computational intractability of the integer factorization problem. Currently, the best known integer-factoring algorithms run in subexponential time. Efficient parallel implementations of these algorithms constitute an important area of practical research. Most reported implementations use multi-core and/or distributed parallelization. In this paper, we use SIMD-based parallelization to speed up the sieving stage of...

2015/041 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-03-09
Parallel (probable) lock-free HashSieve: a practical sieving algorithm for the SVP
Artur Mariano, Thijs Laarhoven, Christian Bischof

In this paper, we assess the practicability of HashSieve, a recently proposed sieving algorithm for the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) on lattices, on multi-core shared memory systems. To this end, we devised a parallel implementation that scales well, and is based on a probable lock-free system to handle concurrency. The probable lock-free system, implemented with spin-locks and compare-and-swap operations, acts, likely, as a lock-free mechanism, since threads block only when strictly...

2014/907 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-04-17
Finding shortest lattice vectors faster using quantum search
Thijs Laarhoven, Michele Mosca, Joop van de Pol
Public-key cryptography

By applying a quantum search algorithm to various heuristic and provable sieve algorithms from the literature, we obtain improved asymptotic quantum results for solving the shortest vector problem on lattices. With quantum computers we can provably find a shortest vector in time $2^{1.799n + o(n)}$, improving upon the classical time complexities of $2^{2.465n + o(n)}$ of Pujol and Stehlé and the $2^{2n + o(n)}$ of Micciancio and Voulgaris, while heuristically we expect to find a shortest...

2014/880 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-03-01
Sieving for Shortest Vectors in Ideal Lattices: a Practical Perspective
Joppe W. Bos, Michael Naehrig, Joop van de Pol

The security of many lattice-based cryptographic schemes relies on the hardness of finding short vectors in integral lattices. We propose a new variant of the parallel Gauss sieve algorithm to compute such short vectors. It combines favorable properties of previous approaches resulting in reduced run time and memory requirement per node. Our publicly available implementation outperforms all previous Gauss sieve approaches for dimensions 80, 88, and 96. When computing short vectors in ideal...

2014/788 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-10-07
Tuning GaussSieve for Speed
Robert Fitzpatrick, Christian Bischof, Johannes Buchmann, Ozgur Dagdelen, Florian Gopfert, Artur Mariano, Bo-Yin Yang
Public-key cryptography

The area of lattice-based cryptography is growing ever-more prominent as a paradigm for quantum-resistant cryptography. One of the most important hard problem underpinning the security of lattice- based cryptosystems is the shortest vector problem (SVP). At present, two approaches dominate methods for solving instances of this problem in practice: enumeration and sieving. In 2010, Micciancio and Voulgaris presented a heuristic member of the sieving family, known as GaussSieve, demonstrating...

2013/685 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-06-13
Solving shortest and closest vector problems: The decomposition approach
Anja Becker, Nicolas Gama, Antoine Joux

In this paper, we present a heuristic algorithm for solving exact, as well as approximate, shortest vector and closest vector problems on lattices. The algorithm can be seen as a modified sieving algorithm for which the vectors of the intermediate sets lie in overlattices or translated cosets of overlattices. The key idea is hence to no longer work with a single lattice but to move the problems around in a tower of related lattices. We initiate the algorithm by sampling very short vectors in...

2011/458 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-02-08
Sieving for Shortest Vectors in Ideal Lattices
Michael Schneider

Lattice based cryptography is gaining more and more importance in the cryptographic community. It is a common approach to use a special class of lattices, so-called ideal lattices, as the basis of lattice based crypto systems. This speeds up computations and saves storage space for cryptographic keys. The most important underlying hard problem is the shortest vector problem. So far there is no algorithm known that solves the shortest vector problem in ideal lattices faster than in regular...

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