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Operation Iron Swords - Day 62 - 07 December 2023


NEW - Operations
NEW - By-Standers
NEW - Axis of Resistance
NEW - Allied for Democracy
UPDATED - Oasis of Martyrs
UPDATED - Hostages
“And yes, the people of Gaza have the right to self-defense, have the right to defend themselves, and yes, Israel, as an occupying power, does not have that right to self-defense." The founder and executive director of the Council on American–Islamic Relations said last month that he was “happy” to see Gazans “break the siege” on October 7 when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists burst through the enclave’s border with Israel and massacred 1,200 people.

“The people of Gaza only decided to break the siege — the walls of the concentration camp — on October 7,” Nihad Awad said in a speech during the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) convention in Chicago in November. “And yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land, and walk free into their land, which they were not allowed to walk in,” he adds.

“Gaza transformed many minds around the world, including people who are not Muslim. What kind of faith do these people have? They are thankful, they are not afraid. Israel did not scare them because they knew their heaven is in Gaza, and if they would like to die, they will go to another heaven. That is the faith of the people of Gaza. That is why Gaza and the people of Gaza were able to transform everyone who is watching. They have learned from these people. Those who felt bad for Gaza. They don’t understand the equation. Those who thought that Gazans are less than those who can help them, they are mistaken. They are mistaken. The Gazans were victorious.”

An elderly woman criticized Hamas on an Al Jazeera broadcast, saying ‘all the aid goes underground’ while another insulted Yahya Sinwar on local radio. In a rare public display of anger, residents of Gaza are daring to appear on local media and openly condemn Hamas. An elderly woman who had been evacuated to southern Gaza was asked by an Al-Jazeera correspondent to describe the humanitarian situation. Her response shocked the journalist, as she explained that the food and aid entering the Strip is not reaching the residents at all, but rather going straight into the hands of Hamas. “All the aid goes underground,” she exclaimed. "A lot of aid comes in, but it doesn't reach the people."

David Wolpe, a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Divinity School, Rabbinic Fellow at ADL, a Senior Adviser to the Maimonides Fund, and Max Webb Emeritus Rabbi at Sinai Temple, wrote: "Resigning, a Hanukkah Message: As of today I have resigned from the antisemitism advisory committee at Harvard. Without rehashing all of the obvious reasons that have been endlessly adumbrated online, and with great respect for the members of the committee, the short explanation is that both events on campus and the painfully inadequate testimony reinforced the idea that I cannot make the sort of difference I had hoped. Still, there are several points worth making. I believe Claudine Gay to be both a kind and thoughtful person. Most of the students here wish only to get an education and a job, not prosecute ideological agendas, and there are many, many honorable, thoughtful and good people at the institution. Harvard is still a repository of extraordinary minds and important research.

"However, the system at Harvard along with the ideology that grips far too many of the students and faculty, the ideology that works only along axes of oppression and places Jews as oppressors and therefore intrinsically evil, is itself evil. Ignoring Jewish suffering is evil. Belittling or denying the Jewish experience, including unspeakable atrocities, is a vast and continuing catastrophe. Denying Israel the self-determination as a Jewish nation accorded unthinkingly to others is endemic, and evil.

"Battling that combination of ideologies is the work of more than a committee or a single university. It is not going to be changed by hiring or firing a single person, or posting on X, or yelling at people who don’t post as you wish when you wish, as though posting is the summation of one’s moral character. This is the task of educating a generation, and also a vast unlearning. Part of the problem is a simple herd mentality – people screaming slogans whose meaning and implication they know nothing of, or not wishing to be disliked by taking an unpopular position. Some of it is the desire to achieve social status by being the sole or greatest victim. Some of it is simple, old fashioned Jew hatred, that ugly arrow in the quiver of dark hearts for millenia.

"In this generation, outside of Israel, we are called to be Maccabees of a different order. We do not fight the actual battle but we search for the cruse of oil left behind. Remember the oil was to last one night, but lasted eight - which means there were seven nights of miracle. But of course the first night was the greatest miracle — because the motivation to light the initial candle, to ensure the continuity and vitality of tradition in each generation, that is the supreme miracle. Dispute but also create. Build the institutions you value, don’t merely attack those you denigrate. We are at a moment when the toxicity of intellectual slovenliness has been laid bare for all to see. Time to kindle the first candle. Create that miracle for us and all Israel — Blessing to you and Hag Urim Sameach."

In a press conference held at a military base north of Tel Aviv, the Israeli army revealed some of the materials collected since the start of the new war against Hamas, and said that it is analyzing the information it provides for use in adjusting battle plans. Some of these materials were collected from Hamas dead, and others from inside the Gaza Strip, according to a report by the New York Times.

The army found materials detailing the locations of Hamas facilities and tunnels, including how the armed group operates underground, according to documents and other information that the Israeli army made available to the American newspaper. The army also recovered a laptop showing a Hamas plan through which it wanted to seize a number of areas in the October 7 attack, including a military base south of Tel Aviv.

Officials said that the information provided by some of these materials is now being analyzed by a new Israeli unit that works on a daily basis to reach results quickly and send them to the soldiers fighting in the Strip.

One of the documents reviewed by The New York Times included details of one of the combat battalions, including the ages of its fighters, “more than half of whom were older than 25 years, indicating that this particular platoon was full of experienced members.” The army also collected photos and videos of Hamas military leaders, information that could be used for direct targeting purposes.

Operational Update

On the 62nd day of the Israeli operationv Gaza , fierce battles took place in several areas of fighting in the Gaza Strip, during which the Palestinian resistance intensified its attacks on the occupation forces, while these forces besieged and killed civilians, in conjunction with the continuation of Israeli raids and the increasing humanitarian suffering of the residents of the Gaza Strip, amid warnings of The risk of famine and epidemics among the displaced.

The Al-Qassam Brigades confirmed that they were waging fierce battles on all fronts of the occupation forces’ incursion into the Gaza Strip, especially in Khan Yunis. They said that the brigades’ fighters destroyed 135 vehicles during the past 72 hours and bombed with missiles the headquarters of the field command room of the Israeli army in the south of Gaza City.

In turn, the Al-Quds Brigades announced the targeting of tanks and troop carriers in the advance axes in Ben Lahia and Jabalia with tandem and RPG shells, and in the Al-Shajaya and Al-Tuffah neighborhoods, the Mujahideen of the Al-Quds Brigades targeted a number of Israeli vehicles with tandem and mortar shells, and in Juhr Al-Dik, the Al-Quds Brigades bombed crowds of military with mortar shells.

The IDF intensified their air strikes and artillery shelling in the north of the Gaza Strip in Jabalia, Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun, and extended to the Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City, reaching Khan Yunis in the south, as well as the Rafah area.

The Israeli forces carried out a massive campaign of incursions into the cities of the occupied West Bank , and launched an arrest campaign in Nablus, Tulkarm, and Bethlehem, amid clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters, while the Tulkarm Brigade announced that two Israeli soldiers had been wounded.

Hezbollah said that it bombed 10 Israeli sites, including the Zarit barracks and the Al-Raheb military site. This led to the killing of two Israeli soldiers, while the occupation army said that it targeted Hezbollah infrastructure and military sites in southern Lebanon. On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened Hezbollah to turn Beirut and southern Lebanon into Gaza and Khan Yunis if it chose to wage a comprehensive war against Israel, as he put it.

In operations in Khan Yunis: IDF troops eliminated Hamas terrorist, struck dozens of terror targets, battled a terrorist cell that exited from a tunnel shaft. As part of the 98th Division's activity in Khan Yunis, terrorists were eliminated and dozens of terrorist targets were attacked by the Air Force. As part assistance to the ground forces, Israeli naval forces struck Hamas military compounds and infrastructure using precise ammunition and firing shells.

Operations in Jabalya: troops conducted a targeted operational activity on a Hamas military compound. A number of terrorists were eliminated. The combat team of the 460th Brigade fought in the area of the Jablia camp, the fighters raided the "Habisan" post, a military post of the Jablia center battalion of the Hamas terrorist organization. In the raid, several terrorists were killed. The forces also located a network of underground tunnels leading outside the outpost, a training complex and a weapons warehouse in the area of the outpost.

In the last few days, the forces of the 36th Division have been fighting terrorists in face-to-face battles, locating and destroying many underground infrastructures and weapons, most of which were located near and inside civilian buildings. The forces continue to act in order to significantly damage Hamas' capabilities in the region.

Yesterday, at 15:59, Hamas terrorists launched 12 rockets toward Israeli civilians in the city of Beer-Sheva in southern Israel. The rockets were launched from near tents of evacuated Gazan civilians in Rafah in southern Gaza and from next to United Nations facilities. At 12:52 yesterday, Hamas launched a rocket from inside a humanitarian zone. The rocket misfired, putting many Gazan civilians at risk. At 14:12 yesterday, Hamas terrorists launched a rocket from a humanitarian zone toward Israel.

HAMAS rockets HAMAS rockets HAMAS rockets HAMAS rockets HAMAS rockets HAMAS rockets

The Commander of the Southern Command, Major General Yaron Finkelman, lit the first candle of Hanukkah with the reserve fighters of the 551st Brigade, who are currently fighting in Jabaliya. "This is a long, important and difficult war, and this is a symbolic moment of lighting the Hanukkah candles," said the PADM commander, "at this time that we are here in Jabaliya, our families sing and light candles, and trust us and are proud of you. You are the Maccabees of today, you are the commanders who lead the warriors, the Maccabees of today, and we will continue forward until victory."

Israel agreed to increase the amount of fuel that will be brought into the Gaza Strip , by adding "the minimum necessary to prevent humanitarian collapse and epidemic outbreaks." The Israeli Cabinet approved an American request to increase the volume of fuel entering the Gaza Strip from 60,000 liters to 120,000, even though the American request stipulated the entry of a quantity of no less than 180,000 liters, according to what was published by Israeli media. All cabinet ministers voted in favor of the decision, with the exception of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir , according to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.

The British newspaper The Times revealed that a British military team in the West Bank is working to prepare the Palestinian Authority to take over the administration of the Gaza Strip. For his part, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri said that the Palestine Liberation Organization is the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and should be given the ability to rule the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The Lebanese Hezbollah announced the targeting of 10 Israeli military sites off the southern border, and while the occupation army bombed several Lebanese areas, the Israeli Prime Minister vowed to repeat the Gaza scenario in Beirut and southern Lebanon. The party said in a statement that its fighters targeted the sites of Al-Marj, Jal Al-Alam, Bayad Blida, Harj Ramim, Maayan Baruch, and Al-Jardah, and they also targeted gatherings of Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the Matat, Khallet Wardeh, and Harsh Shtoula barracks. The party added that it also attacked the Zarit barracks. Hezbollah confirmed that it had achieved direct casualties among the ranks of the Israeli occupation forces. In separate statements, the party mourned 3 of its members who were killed during confrontations with the Israeli army across the border.

A number of launches from Lebanon toward Israeli territory were identified. In response, the IDF fired toward the sources of the launches. A short while ago, IAF fighter jets struck a series of Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanese territory. Among the targets struck were terrorist infrastructure, launch posts, military posts, and military sites belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization.

The Danish shipping group IB Moller-Maersk decided to impose additional risk fees on container shipments to Israel to cover increased insurance premiums due to the security situation starting from the beginning of next year. This comes after the Yemeni Houthi group recently targeted Israeli ships, in solidarity with the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected for two months to a devastating Israeli aggression that led to the death of more than 16,000, most of them children and women, in addition to the major destruction of various vital facilities and the displacement of the population.

Maersk - the world's largest container transport company - said in a statement today, Thursday, that by 2024, insurance premiums for ships heading to the ports of Haifa and Ashdod in Israel will continue to rise, which led to the need for Maersk to formally implement an additional emergency risk fee. The company added that the additional fees that will be applied as of January 8, 2024 will be used to absorb additional insurance costs and ensure continuous and sustainable service to the company’s customers in Israel.

The company explained that it had been closely monitoring the situation in Israel since last October, taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety of its employees, noting that two months ago, it subjected all ships arriving to Israeli ports to increased insurance premiums due to the ongoing risks in and around the region. This enabled it to keep operations running as stably as possible.


Stephane Dujarric , spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, warned the UN Security Council of the threat posed by the situation in the Gaza Strip to international peace and security, and said that the Secretary-General of the United Nations is determined to continue efforts to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

He revealed that the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres , will address the Security Council before the end of the week regarding the initiative he launched, noting that discussions are taking place now on the issue, “but we do not control their actions so that we expect a specific time to respond to the Secretary-General’s call.”

Regarding whether there is realism in the possibility of the Security Council responding to what Guterres proposed, he said, “The Secretary-General is determined to continue efforts to reach a ceasefire for humanitarian reasons,” and added, “Human suffering must stop and killing must stop.” If there is an attempt by any party to obstruct the Secretary-General’s move, the UN official noted that the authority possessed by the Security Council is clear, and the Secretary-General has no voice, indicating that the Security Council faces challenges in order to obtain a unanimous decision on calling for a ceasefire for reasons Humanity.

He also confirmed that the UAE has developed a draft resolution that will be discussed and voted on by the UN Security Council. Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed announced that the UAE has submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for humanitarian reasons. Bin Zayed said: “This request came in response to the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip and the worsening suffering of the Palestinian people, as stated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in his speech addressed to the UN Security Counci.

From Geneva, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, announced that the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are living in “absolute terror that is worsening” with the Israeli army carrying out new bloody bombing operations on the besieged city of Khan Yunis, where residents are trying to take refuge from the most violent clashes since the start of the war.

The academic and expert on Israeli affairs, Dr. Muhammad Halsa - during the daily analytical pause on Al Jazeera channel “Gaza...what next?” - downplayed the importance of the step taken by the Secretary-General, because Israel - according to him - does not implement international resolutions and its position. This was expressed by its Foreign Minister, who said that the spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations himself equated the killer with the murdered in his speech.

Both European Union Foreign Affairs Commissioner Josep Borrell and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez supported the call of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to activate Article 99 of the Charter of the international organization , in which he warns of a global threat posed by the Gaza Strip war.

Borrell said that the UN Security Council must act immediately to prevent the complete collapse of the living situation in Gaza, and called on the Europeans and their partners in the UN Security Council to support the activation of Article 99 of the United Nations Charter, which is resorted to when international peace is threatened.

Before that, the Spanish Prime Minister expressed his full support for the request of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, from the UN Security Council to establish a humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip.

Article 99 was used in the inter-Korean war in 1950, the conflict in the Congo with Belgian forces in 1960, the Cyprus crisis in 1974, the civil war in Lebanon in 1976, the first Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1978, the issue of the US embassy hostages in Tehran in 1979, and the Iran-Iraq war in 1979-1980. The last Secretary-General to formally invoke Article 99 was Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, in reference to the situation in Lebanon back in 1989.

Article 99 is a special power – and the only independent political tool given to the secretary-general in the UN Charter – that allows him to call a meeting of the Security Council on his own initiative to issue warnings about new threats to international peace and security, and matters that are not yet on the council’s agenda.

“The fact that this tool has not been used since 1989 does resonate diplomatically and symbolically here in New York,” Daniel Forti, a senior analyst on UN advocacy and research at the International Crisis Group, told Al Jazeera. But Forti added that it will not “fundamentally change the political calculation of the Security Council’s most powerful members”.

Guterres’s invocation of Article 99 was not welcomed by Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, who described the letter as “more proof” of Guterres’s “moral distortion and his bias against Israel”. Erdan, who repeated his call for Guterres to resign, also said “The secretary-general’s call for a ceasefire is actually a call to keep Hamas’s reign of terror in Gaza,”

The leaders of the Group of Seven countries, who met via video technology, had called for urgent action to confront the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, declaring their support for new truces and reiterating their support for the establishment of a Palestinian state. French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, who chaired a video follow-up meeting of the International Humanitarian Conference for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, along with representatives of about fifty countries and international organizations, called for respect for international law in Gaza, and for a new, immediate and permanent humanitarian truce.

The day after the war, Gaza reportedly would have a transitional council of the main Palestinian factions, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad. French President Emmanuel Macron is working towards a conference for the "Alliance against Hamas” in Paris, according to a report published by the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar Al-Khamis. According to the report, the coalition against Hamas is based on a French-Saudi vision and the conference next week will host allied Western nations, in a step that would be in line with Macron’s statements during a solidarity visit to Israel.

Informed sources revealed to Al-Akhbar Al-Khamis that Paris and Riyadh are working to "crystallize a common vision to end the war that is accepted by all interested and influential parties.” The Saudis presented the guiding principles as "meeting key demands for the Palestinians, such as a ceasefire, the release of detainees in Israeli prisons, the introduction of humanitarian aid to the needy groups according to priority, and the provision of space for the treatment of the wounded and the provision of medical services and the return of vital public services, and the initiation of reconstruction plans."

The joint French-Saudi vision saw no problem “considering the formation of a joint transitional council between the political wings of the Fatah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad that would manage a four-year transitional phase, during which preparations would be made for presidential and parliamentary elections.”

The guidelines takes into account "the demands of the Israeli side," described as "the military and security leaders of Hamas surrendering, the release of Israeli hostages, and the prevention of Gaza being militarized again, as well as imposing a local rule and an authority with which an understanding can be reached."

The vision is based on a third country taking in the Hamas terrorist leaders after their removal from the Gaza Strip, and providing guarantees for their amnesty. The joint vision reportedly includes several proposals for the day after, among them are “establishing Arab peacekeeping forces under the umbrella of the United Nations to manage the Gaza Strip in the post-war period.

The French newspaper "La Croix" said that humanitarian organizations and United Nations agencies no longer know what language to use to warn of the ongoing tragedy and hell in which the Gaza Strip lives , and emergency specialists also no longer find the words to describe what they saw or what was conveyed to them.

La Croix is a daily French Catholic newspaper. The name translates to "The Cross" in English. It is published in Paris and distributed throughout France. As of 2020, it had a circulation of 91,000. La Croix was originally known as Gazette de France and was founded in 1631. At the beginning La Croix was monarchist, nationalist and anti-Semitic. The paper's anti-Semitism was especially virulent in 1894, during the Dreyfus Affair. During the German occupation La Croix featured articles sympathetic to Vichy and the Nazis.

Now its official line is close to Vatican II, which promotes ecumenism and the opening of the church to the modern world. It is often described as a "left-wing Catholic newspaper". Religious and social issues are prioritised but La Croix is also known for its quality political reporting.

In an editorial written by Jean-Christophe Bloquin, the newspaper hesitated between describing what was happening as “absolute horror,” a “hellish scenario,” or “the darkest hour known to humanity.” He pointed out that this tragedy, although its shocking truth is beyond doubt, is taking place without the media being able to report it on the ground independently.

"Lacroix" explained this by saying that Israel's desire to eliminate the military organization of the Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas ) comes before the duty to protect the civilian population that it forced to displace and seeks to gather them in a narrow corner of the land without regard to the conditions of hygiene, health, and food. Norwegian diplomat Jan Egeland said - He is a highly respected figure in the humanitarian field - for the "Gaza annihilation".

However, the newspaper believes that Hamas is the first accused of causing what happened, but the primary responsibility lies with Israel, which is blinded by the logic of revenge. As for the weakness of the official reactions in Europe, the United States, and some Arab countries, it is due to the desire to weaken Hamas, which increases... From the persecution of Palestinians to a scandalous level.

Speakers at the European Summit on Palestine, called for an end to the Israeli massacres that have been ongoing in the Gaza Strip for more than 60 days, and to declare a permanent ceasefire, stressing the need to recognize an independent Palestinian state. These calls came in speeches during the summit, which began Thursday in Istanbul , with the participation of representatives from nearly 50 countries, and organized by the European Islamic Forum, the Judiciary in Palestine, and the Turkish “ New Welfare ” Party. The conference bears the slogan “3 religions, two states, one solution,” and the participants, who are from various continents of the world, especially Europe, range from opinion and thought leaders, academics, politicians, universities, and representatives of the religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.

the founder and president of the European Islamic Forum, Abdul Wahid Niyazov, said, "The Zionists were exploiting the story of the Holocaust, but they killed thousands of children in Gaza, and a call must be made to take concrete steps. All people went out to the squares and squares and denounced the massacres." He continued, "Defending the Israeli genocide is a crime. In this way, Europe and the West are sliding towards fascism, and all people of conscience must take serious and concrete stances."

The former leader of the Labor Party in Britain, Jeremy Corbyn, said during the conference, “It is necessary to contribute to a ceasefire. It is true that killing civilians in Israel is wrong, but the Israeli response was devastating and killed many people.” He added that this response affected two million people living in Gaza, as the entire population in the north was forced to go to the south, and they were gathered at the Rafah crossing and besieged there, and they cannot go to neighboring Egypt, which is not prepared for a new wave of displacement.

Corbyn continued, "This is a human tragedy. The people of Gaza do not have water, food, or medicine. This is a disaster of the first degree, and it is necessary to call for a ceasefire, and the Security Council must work on that." He added that "the world turned a blind eye to what the Palestinians were going through and continued to fund and defend Israel and provide it with all aid. I am not proud of the position of the British Parliament, as a small number of its members asked for a ceasefire and the majority refused."

Corbyn spoke about the demonstrations denouncing the Israeli war, even within the United States, Tel Aviv’s main ally, and stressed the importance of raising awareness to put pressure on governments, and then the export of weapons to Israel will be stopped, and Palestine can be supported by sending aid. He denounced how long the tragedy and displacement of Palestinians will continue?! Adding that Israel wants to occupy all of the Palestinian territories, and it is necessary to accelerate recognition of the Palestinian state and end the occupation of Gaza and the Palestinian territories. Corbyn concluded his speech by emphasizing that the current period is the most unjust in history, with silence regarding the attacks despite watching them on the media.

David Wise, the rabbi of the anti-Zionist organization Nateri Karta International, he said, “I thank Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish people for allowing us to come here and participate in the valuable summit, and I also thank the European Islamic Forum for the program for the conference.” He pointed out that Zionism began about 100 years ago, while the Jewish religion dates back thousands of years. "According to our beliefs, we do not have the right to dominate any particular land, and the Palestinian Nakba series has continued to this day since 1948.""

Wise continued, "We must raise our voice for justice and peace. The Jewish community constantly prays to God for the Palestinian people, the end of the occupation, and the establishment of peace."

Axis of Resistance

Gaza and the Israeli aggression constituted the most important topics of the visit made by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Russia, in which he also discusses with Russian leaders regional and international issues and bilateral relations between Tehran and Moscow. During his meeting with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, Raisi called for the need to stop the aggression against the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, describing the crimes committed by the Israeli entity in the Strip as genocide and a crime against humanity.

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi said : “What is happening in Gaza is genocide of human beings and a solution must be found quickly. It is unfortunate that the Israeli entity killed six thousand children in Gaza, and what is even more regrettable is that these crimes come with the support of the United States and Western countries.” “All of this is happening in light of the inaction of international organizations and human rights advocates.”

The Iranian President described what is happening in Gaza as genocide with the support of the United States, and added that what is harming humanity is the unilateralism and unjust regime that is evident in what is happening in Gaza these days.

He said: What is regrettable are the scenes of the martyrdom of more than 6,000 Palestinian children in Gaza with the support of the United States and Western countries. What is even more regrettable is the silence of international organizations that claim to defend human rights regarding what is happening in Gaza.

The Iranian President went on to say that what is happening in Palestine is genocide and a crime against humanity, and it is unfortunate that more than 5,000 children have been martyred at the hands of the Zionist entity. He stressed that: The crimes of the Zionist entity in Gaza are supported by America and Western countries, and the reason unfortunately is that international organizations and others that pay lip service to human rights have lost their effectiveness.

The Russian President , who expressed his happiness at hosting his Iranian counterpart in Moscow, pointed out the necessity of discussing the situation in Palestine and the Israeli aggression on Gaza. Russian President Vladimir Putin said: "Of course, it is very important for us to exchange views on the situation in the region, especially regarding the situation in Palestine."

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani denounced the heavy American and British military support for the Zionist entity in the war against the Palestinians, stressing the need to make the G7 countries bear responsibility for their participation in war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionist entity against the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Kanaani added, while responding to the statement of the G7 virtual conference , that, as we have repeatedly declared, nuclear weapons have no place at all in the defense doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He stressed that the nuclear activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran are completely transparent and peaceful and take place within the framework of Iran's rights and obligations in accordance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Therefore, Iran has fulfilled all its pledges, and this matter has repeatedly received the support and confirmation of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

He continued that the allegations raised by the Group of Seven countries are like a bitter historical mockery because some members of this group, in light of their black colonial record, as well as the planning and implementation of destructive and interventionist policies and military practices in West Asia and the rest of the regions of the world, are the main cause of destabilization and security, not only in our region, but also in All over the world.

He went on to say that it has been repeatedly reported that the resistance groups in the region decide and act according to their diagnosis, principles, priorities, and the interests of their countries and peoples to confront and respond to the war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionist entity that kills children, and they do not follow anyone’s orders.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman denounced the heavy American and British military support for the Zionist entity in the war against the Palestinians, stressing the need to make the G7 countries bear responsibility for their participation in war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionist entity against the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. He added that the Group of Seven cannot, by merely denouncing a number of Zionist settlers, shirk its responsibilities, contribution and enormous support for the brutal crimes of the Zionist entity.

The leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Lebanon, Osama Hamdan, said in a press conference from the Lebanese capital, Beirut: “The resistance is waging fierce battles with the occupation forces penetrating into Gaza on various fronts.” Hamdan confirmed in his televised statements that “ the resistance is fine and is managing the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood with all strength and ability.”

He pointed out that “the enemy’s confessions about his losses do not reflect the reality of the number we count every day in the field.” The Hamas leader revealed that “the resistance still has a lot up its sleeve.” He pointed out that “our resistance is ready to confront the aggression, regardless of its length and extent.” He added, “Netanyahu and his Nazi government did not succeed and will not succeed in achieving their military goals in Gaza.”

He added, “The Zionist entity creates imaginary goals to create an imaginary victory, as it did before and is doing now with the already demolished Sinwar house.” Regarding the continuing human suffering, Hamdan said: “What enters Gaza does not exceed 100 trucks per day, while the Strip needs 600 trucks.”

The Hamas leader called on the sisterly Arab and Islamic countries to translate the decisions of the Riyadh Summit into practical reality. He also called on UNRWA and the World Health Organization to bear their moral responsibility and deliver aid without submitting to the dictates of the occupation. Hamdan expressed his deep regret that “the Palestinian Red Crescent has recently fallen short in its role.” He pointed out that “the US House of Representatives’ consideration of anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism is a continuation of a disastrous American policy and a form of terrorism.”

Allied for Democracy

Prime Minister Netanyahu chaired a session to assess the situation held at the headquarters of the Northern Military District Command and said: "If Hezbollah chooses to wage an all-out war, it will turn Beirut and southern Lebanon into Gaza and Khan Yunis with its own hands."

With the intensification of ground operations in the Gaza Strip , the Israeli newspaper "Jerusalem Post" said that the army is suffering from the poor condition of tanks, a lack of ammunition and equipment, and malfunctions that are difficult to repair, making it vulnerable to fire, which prompted reserve officers to direct harsh criticism of the army's technology and logistics department.

An officer in the Armored Corps said that the Logistics Department opened a special hotline, but “it failed to provide satisfactory answers. They only make weak promises.” The officer added that the reserve battalion initially only had its vehicles to carry out administrative tasks, so that, according to the soldiers, they were forced to use their own money to bring food and water while driving without fuel receipts, in disregard of orders.

The soldiers also complained about the inappropriateness of their uniforms, despite knowing that there were new American clothes stored in warehouses, and no one knew who was responsible for distributing them, in addition to the shortage of gloves and winter sleeping bags.

Realizing the danger of implementing the operational plan to enter the Gaza Strip, Israeli soldiers began to draw attention to the constant shortage of ammunition that affects every tank. The list of deficiencies included the absence of vital equipment such as hammers, pins, covers, filters, brushes, switches, and cannon shielding, in addition to numerous delays in addressing faults.

A senior reserve officer, after collecting donations and supplying military equipment in the field, expressed his disappointment, saying, “We are doing everything we can to support the army. Many donations have been made because everyone understands the urgency of the situation.” He added, "It is unfortunate that the IDF remains unprepared after 60 days. Ultimately, what we will remember from this war is the lack of equipment and how difficult it was to achieve our goals because of that."

The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" reported that Israel has registered more than 250,000 new applications for a license to possess firearms since the attack of last October 7. The Israeli newspaper added that this number exceeds what was recorded in the past 20 years combined, pointing out that the data indicate that arming civilians “will not make Israel safer, but on the contrary.”

Haaretz reports that since the formation of the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in December 2022, Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir and his “Jewish Greatness” party have defended arming civilians in Israel and easing the conditions for the use of firearms by civilians.

Following the outbreak of the “ Al- Aqsa Flood ” battle on October 7, Netanyahu supported Ben Gvir’s approach, saying that arming civilians “will contribute to the fight against terrorism.” Two months ago, Ben Gvir launched a policy of distributing weapons to civilians in Israel and also settlers in the West Bank, under the pretext of preventing Palestinian attacks.

Israel Avisher, head of the Firearms Licensing Division of the Israeli Ministry of National Security, submitted his resignation from his position, which prompted Minister Itamar Ben Gvir to attack him. The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said that the head of the division justified his resignation by rejecting Minister Ben Gvir’s actions and distributing weapons without standards to citizens. The authority added that last week, Avisher admitted in a hearing in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) that people were appointed without certificates to issue weapons licenses to Israelis. Avisher is the third senior employee to resign from his position in the ministry in protest against Ben Gvir's policy.

Israeli media reported that "Eilat" (Umm Al-Rashrash) is facing an economic crisis following the relocation of approximately 35,000 Israelis, who were evacuated from their settlements to this area. Channel 12 highlighted a significant rise in unemployment and a decrease in business activity in "Eilat," which is located along the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea, amid a lack of governmental support.

Israeli media reported that tens of thousands of settlers, who were previously evacuated from settlements near the Gaza Strip and the Lebanese borders, feel no desire to return to their residences. In a piece published by Yedioth Ahronoth, the newspaper's correspondent for security affairs in the Gaza Envelope expressed deep frustration over the situation regarding the evacuation from settlements.

Titled "What reality will we return to?", Matan Tsuri wrote that after two months away from "home," everything has turned upside down, and a sense of sadness and pain is prevalent among the settlers. Read more: Israeli settlers: We might not return to North even if war ends.

In recent days, I have heard military personnel, from the Chief of Staff to junior officers, begin to address us, residents of the Gaza envelope, about the day after the war. I hear statements about ensuring our security and making us feel safe to return home. And who doesn't want to return home? Yet, I also hear their fears - about the day when the end of the war will be declared," he said.

Speaking to Channel 12, an Israeli settler discussed the reality of the evacuees, noting settlers from the south and tens of thousands from the north have moved to "permanent temporary homes," while they are declaring: "We will not return to the same reality." Meanwhile, the former head of Israeli Military Intelligence Aman, Aharon Ze'evi-Farkash, stated, "It's impossible to return to this reality, neither in the north nor certainly in the Gaza envelope. I think no one can give a timetable, and this will take time."

An analysis conducted by the American newspaper Politico reported that pro-Israel organizations spent 100 times more than what pro-Palestinian groups spent on Meta’s communication platforms ( Facebook and Instagram ) last month. The newspaper said that the joint spending on Facebook and Instagram exceeds two million dollars, and that this spending - despite the lack of coordination regarding it - shows how pro-Israel groups are trying to shape public opinion among Americans, especially the younger generations who are increasingly skeptical of Israel.

The newspaper's analysis showed that for Meta platforms - the largest social media sites in the world - the groups that buy ads in support of Israel include well-known names, such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism, a group founded by billionaire Robert Kraft. The newspaper found that their combined spending of $2.2 million exceeded almost any other entity during that period, unlike the conservative news outlet The Daily Wire and its Meta accounts, which spent about $3 million.

By comparison, the newspaper found that groups supporting Palestinians, Muslims and Arabs spent less than $20,000 in the same period on Meta ads. The newspaper hinted that despite all the advertisements, there is some influence that cannot be bought with money, especially with young people, and stated that last November, the “Tik Tok” platform responded to criticism from Republican Representative from Wisconsin Mike Gallagher, who claimed without evidence. The platform may have conducted a “malign influence operation” that manipulated American youth through “rampant pro- Hamas propaganda.”

The Beijing-based company, owned by ByteDance, responded in a blog post that pro-Palestinian hashtags were more popular than pro-Israel hashtags on social media. “Attitudes among young people were leaning toward Palestine long before TikTok existed,” TikTok said.

On Instagram, the hashtag “Stand with Israel” received about 264,000 posts, compared to more than 7 million posts for “Free Palestine.” Facebook and other applications affiliated with Meta are accused of restricting content supporting Palestine. Last November, activists around the world launched the “We Will Not Be Silenced” campaign to protest the ban on content supporting Palestine and the narrowing of its reach across social media platforms, especially on Facebook and Instagram.

The Pentagon announced that the United States has resumed flying drones over the Gaza Strip to help search for prisoners held by Hamas in the Strip. Pentagon spokeswoman Lisa Lawrence said in a statement: “In support of hostage recovery efforts, the United States has resumed unarmed drone flights over Gaza, and we continue to provide advice and assistance to support our partner Israel as it works in its efforts to recover the hostages.”

US President Joe Biden, in a call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, stressed the importance of the continuous and sustainable flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza, stressing the need to protect civilians in the Strip and separate them from the Hamas movement. Biden welcomed the recent Israeli decision to ensure that fuel levels would meet the required needs, but stressed that more assistance was urgently needed, according to a White House statement .

The US President also stressed the urgent need to protect the civilian population and separate it from Hamas, including through corridors that allow people to move safely. Biden expressed "deep concern" about the hostages still in Gaza. He reiterated that the International Committee must be allowed access to hostages held by Hamas. Biden reiterated his concern about extreme violence committed against Palestinians and the need for increased stability in the West Bank.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said in response to a question: “I have no comment on the possibility of Israel using seawater to flood Hamas’ tunnels. What we stress is that Israel must use means that do not lead to harm.” "With civilians." Kirby stressed, "We are working to avoid the expansion of the existing conflict in Gaza to the region through our diligent efforts and communications, and we are considered the country that works the most to address the humanitarian situation and release the hostages compared to any country in the world."

The White House reported that “Israel and Hamas are not close to reaching another agreement” on a new humanitarian truce in their ongoing war. In a related context, Jon Finer, National Security Assistant at the White House, said on Thursday that the United States did not give Israel a specific deadline to end combat operations with Hamas in Gaza, considering that “if the war stops now, Hamas will continue to pose a threat.” Finer said during a security forum that the United States believes that many of Israel's security targets remain in the southern Gaza Strip.

"Frankly, if the war were to stop today, (Hamas) it would continue to pose (a threat) which is why we are not in a place yet of asking Israel to stop or to force ceasefire," Finer said. The United States believes that there are many "legitimate military targets" that remain in southern Gaza including "much if not most" of the Hamas leadership, Finer said.

The USA believes that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is involved in planning, executing and authorizing missile and drone attacks on Israel and shipping in the Red Sea. "We believe that they are involved in the conduct of these attacks, the planning of them, the execution of them, the authorization of them and ultimately they support them," deputy national security adviser Jon Finer told the Aspen Security Forum.

The United States advised "Israel" against responding to missile and drone attacks originating from Yemen, The Wall Street Journal reported. Instead, the US has urged "Israel" to permit the American military to handle the response, the report stressed. With this move, the US had taken upon itself the mission of responding to threats from the Yemeni front while being thousands of miles away from home.

Having deployed its warshi[s in the region, the US has already intercepted several missiles aimed at "Israel", while "Israel" has intercepted others, the report further detailed. The report, based on information from US and other government officials, indicated that the US is apprehensive that an Israeli counter-response could further escalate the existing war.


Butcher's Bill / Oasis of Martyrs

Palestinian armed group Hamas launched thousands of missiles at Israel and deployed its militants to infiltrate Jewish settlements near the country’s border with Gaza on 07 October 2023. The 1,200 Israelis killed on the first day would be the equivalent of 36,000 Americans killed in an attack, as a proportion to Israel’s population of 9.3 million people (compared to 332 million in the USA). Israeli President Isaac Herzog stated: “Not since the Holocaust have so many Jews been killed in one day". PM Netanyahu stated "On October 7th, Hamas murdered 1,400 Israelis. Maybe more. This is in a country of fewer than 10 million people. This would be equivalent to over 50,000 Americans murdered in a single day. That’s twenty 9/11s. That is why October 7th is another day that will live in infamy."

It is the second largest loss inflicted on the Israeli forces after the 1973 war, as the Palestinian resistance killed more than 1,200, wounded more than 5,132 others, and captured more than 250, most of them military personnel, some of whom were high-ranking officers in the army.

The HAMAS Ministry of Health in the besieged sector announced that the number of victims of the Israeli operation its beginning had risen to more than 17,000 martyrs. The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Observatory reported some days agothat it had "counted up to this moment about 17,500 dead Palestinians". The count included about 6,150 children killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza since October 7, the Gaza Press Office said. The ministry does not distinguish between civilians and combatants. The Hamas-run government said more than 4,000 women were among the dead.

The number of injured had risen to 46,000 with varying injuries, up from 36,000 four days earlier. The Palestinian Government Media Office in Gaza earlier said the number of missing people had risen to more than 7,500 [ double the 3,750 previously reported], including 1,800 children still under the rubble, including 4,700 children and women. The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that the number of wounded as 36,000 [previously announced as about 32,000 wounded], 75 percent of them children and women.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health explained that the death toll in the West Bank since the beginning of this year has risen to 465, including 257 martyrs since last October 7.

An Israeli official said that about a third of those killed in Gaza so far were what he described as enemy fighters, estimating their number between 5,000 and 10,000, without providing details of justifications for this estimate.

Israel revised down the death toll from the October Hamas attacks in southern Israel from 1,400 to 1,200. IDF had said previously it was holding 1,500 bodies of terrorists, a total that now would increas to about 1,700.

The Israeli occupation army announced the killing of another officer in battles in the northern Gaza Strip, bringing the number of those killed within 24 hours to 10, including 7 officers, according to what was permitted to be published. The Israeli army admitted the killing of the son of War Council member Gabi Eisenkot and three other officers. This brings the number of people killed to 92 since the beginning of the ground operation in Gaza in late October. This is a very high daly total. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant acknowledged , during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of the War Council, Benny Gantz , that he had paid “very high prices” since the start of the war.

The number of Israeli soldiers that the IDF admitted were killed in ground battles with the Palestinian resistance reached 92, while the death toll for the Israel forces had risen to 412 soldiers since the beginning of Operation al-Aqsa Flood. At least 7,771 Israelis were injured.

The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz revealed that the number of soldiers who were injured since the start of the war reached about a thousand soldiers, noting that 202 soldiers were seriously injured. The army rarely referred to casualties when talking about the deaths of soldiers during battles. According to the same newspaper, this policy differs from what was prevalent in previous wars and military campaigns, during which the army also published the number of its wounded, in addition to publishing other details. The IDF previously announced that more than 260 soldiers had been injured since the start of the ground operation in the Gaza Strip, including 100 in serious condition.

Lebanon’s Health Ministry released its first official casualty numbers in fighting, saying 77 people were killed and 251 wounded since the start of the war on Gaza.


Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy told reporters that Hamas still held 137 captives. The resistance released 10 Israeli detainees, 4 Thais and 2 Russian women, who were released outside the agreement. Over the course of 6 days, Israel has received 102 detainees, women and children, including 78 Israelis, in exchange for the release of 234 Palestinian prisoners, women and children.

Eylon Levy, the Israeli government spokesperson, told reporters 01 December 2023:

  • Hamas still holds 137 hostages from the October attacks, in addition to four others who went missing before the war
  • The hostages include two children aged four and 10 months, who, Hamas now claims, are dead
  • 117 male hostages are still kept in Gaza, including the two children, as well as 20 females
  • 126 hostages are Israelis, and 11 others are foreign nationals
  • Foreign nationals are eight Thais, one Nepalese, one Tanzanian and one French Mexican citizen
  • Ten of the remaining hostages are 75 and older. There are seven missing people since the October 7 attack
  • Hamas has released 110 hostages so far – 86 Israelis and 24 foreign nationals.

The Al-Qassam Brigades announced the death of an Israeli woman and her two children who were detained by them as a result of a previous Israeli bombing of Gaza. The Israeli army confirmed the deaths of five hostages held in Gaza, saying their families had been informed, and the body of one of them returned to Israel. “In recent days, the IDF and Israel police notified the families of the hostages Eliyahu Margalit, Maya Goren, Ronen Engel and Arye Zalmanovitz about their deaths,” army spokesman Daniel Hagari said. He also said troops had brought back the body of a fifth person that he identified as Ofir Tsarfati. Hagari said Gaza militants were still holding “136 hostages, among them 17 women and children.”

Before the release of the sixth batch of Israelis detained in Gaza, Israeli government spokesman Elon Levy said that 161 Israelis are still detained in the Strip [al-Jazeera reported "more than 100 prisoners" remain with the resistance]. Levy added that Israel has prepared a list of 50 Palestinian detainees to be released if Hamas continues to release detainees. At least 76, and possibly more than 80, hostages had been released by Hamas over six days of a cease-fire. During the pause, Hamas fighters released 60 Israeli women and children. In return, Israel released 180 security detainees from its prisons, all of them women and minors under the age of 19. Hamas also separately released 19 foreign hostages, most of them Thai farm workers, under separate agreements parallel to the truce agreement.

Thirty children held by Gazan terrorists have been released as part of a four-day ceasefire deal with Hamas that began Friday, but 10 still remain in the Strip. The terror group has said it planned to release 20 more hostages as part of a two-day extension to the deal. U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the Biden administration believes eight or nine more Americans are still being held but the U.S. does not have "solid information on each and every one of them." Perhaps 100 are Israeli civilians. Some of the rest are soldiers, seized when Hamas raided military bases in Israel. They may end up being held the longest. The Israeli military had not specified how many soldiers were captured, nor their ranks.

By one account

  • 236 confirmed abducted civilians and IDF soldiers.
  • 18 of the abductees are elderly people aged 75 and older.
  • 121 of the abductees have foreign citizenship (including dual citizenship).

Conflicting estimates were provided regarding the number of Thai nationals still in captivity. The Wall Street Journal reported 25 November 2023 that Hamas is interested in releasing 23 Thai citizens during the four days of the ceasefire, mediated by Iran. On the other hand, the Thai Foreign Ministry claimed 20 more citizens who are held captive by Hamas, and that four of the ten who were released were not included in the number initially estimated.

According to some estimates, Hamas was initially holding nearly 210 of the 240 hostages, while Palestinian Islamic Jihad was holding the remaining 30. About 40 Israelis remained missing. More than 40 hostages taken from Israel into Gaza on October 7th are not currently in the custody of Hamas, the group responsible for the attack, according to a CNN report based on a diplomatic source briefed on the negotiations, CNN's prior reports had indicated that an estimated 40 to 50 hostages were held by Palestinian Islamic Jihad or other unidentified groups or individuals.

Abu Ubaida, the spokesperson for the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, said on Hamas’ telegram account that 23 bodies of the 60 missing Israel hostages were trapped under the rubble. “It seems that we will never be able to reach them due to the continued brutal aggression of the occupation against Gaza,” he said.

The Palestinian Prisoners' Club announced that the number of arrests has risen to more than 3,670 detainees since last October 7. Israel said that, since the beginning of the war, about 2,100 wanted persons had been arrested throughout the IOS Division and the Bekaa and Emekim Brigade, about 1,100 of them are affiliated with Hamas. Israel is reported to hold 7,800 Palestinians in its prisons.


Footage of dozens of stripped men in the hands of the Israeli army in Gaza sparked conflict between Israeli sources who said the authorities would investigate whether some of them were Hamas militants, and human rights voices who said they were civilians arrested from centers sheltering displaced people. The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said , “The IDF arrested dozens of men in the Gaza Strip and referred them to the competent authorities for investigation,” noting that the goal of the investigation is to find out whether some of them belong to the Hamas movement.

On the other hand, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Observatory website , commenting on the same footage, said that Israel arrested “dozens of Palestinian civilians after severely harassing them and completely stripping them of their clothes as a result of their siege for days inside two shelter centers in the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.”

The Observatory said that it received "reports that Israeli forces launched random and arbitrary arrest campaigns against displaced people, including doctors, academics, journalists, and the elderly, from inside the (Khalifa Bin Zayed) and (New Aleppo) schools, both of which are affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)."

Video clips published by Israeli and Palestinian websites showed that the IDF arrested displaced persons residing in a shelter center in Gaza and stripped them of their clothes in front of the cameras. The clips showed IDF soldiers standing in front of young men, handcuffed and stripped naked except for short pants. Palestinian websites reported that all the young men were placed in the school yard and taken to an unknown location. Israeli accounts on the “X” platform reported that the occupation army arrested the young men to verify whether some of them belonged to Hamas or other Palestinian factions.

The head of the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdo, explained in an exclusive interview with Iran's Al-Alam Channel that what is happening in these schools has been monitored for several days, and these schools and those in them have sent distress calls over the past 6 days because they are affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees ( UNRWA ), adding that the occupation entity has besieged these schools.

He stated that this morning, the occupation bombed these schools and demolished their walls, and under a barrage of gunfire, they asked those inside the schools, including the males, to leave and surrender. These males are civilian figures and work in prominent positions, including journalists, academics, and doctors. The occupation has stipulated that they remove their clothes, which is something that It was completed. Pointing out that the occupation made a propaganda show in order to say that it had controlled fighters, while all of them were Palestinian civilians.

He pointed out that the Observatory documented the killing of some, but the documentation process is still ongoing for proper verification, stressing that all of them were taken into the areas controlled by the occupation and were stripped naked, abused, beaten, and assaulted.

Regarding the occupation’s goal of displaying this image through which it is trying to humiliate the Palestinian youth, he pointed out that the occupation and colonial systems are based on subjugation and oppression, and the occupation, since the beginning of its occupation of the Palestinian territories, has been trying to practice oppression and subjugation against the Palestinian people through several methods, and what was issued today is a continuation of the targeting process.

Israel's i24news reported: "Israeli intelligence gears up for extensive interrogations of the terrorists, in hope to receive more information about the whereabouts of hostages. More than 150 Hamas terrorists surrendered to the IDF in Khan Yunis on Thursday, marking a substantial shift in the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip. Social media platforms quickly circulated footage capturing the surrender of the militants, providing a glimpse into the scale of the event. Israeli intelligence gears up for extensive interrogations of the terrorists, in hope to receive more information about the whereabouts of hostages.

"Dr. David Shimoni, a former Intelligence Official, shed light to i24news on the Israeli intelligence procedures involved in processing and interrogating a large number of detainees. "They will all be questioned, even though a lot of them may not know much and are very low levels in the Hamas organization," explained Dr. Shimoni. "The ones who know more will be separated and further interrogated as to where the hostages are."


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